How long do y'all think it will take for pot to become actually legal? Elect me again and I'll get it done 
the one thing pmsnbc and faux news have in common?
disdain and contempt for us.
Not to cause more argument over this topic, but out of curiousity, what causes you to say it's a fact that he is a citizen?
I'm not completely on top of the recent facts brought up, and I really don't care enough about it to study it, but as far as I know he has not produced his actual birth certificate, correct?
It would be simple enough to end the debate if he were to do so. Why do you think it is that he has not?
Maybe they want this debate? Stir up a little controversy? I dunno, just wondering whatcha think.
Are you kidding me? the Governor of Hawaii says no birth certificate exists for him in Hawaii.
He provided it in 2008. Can't believe birthers are so ignorant.
haha laughingmoon, are you saying that I'm a birther? I'll admit I'm ignorant on this topic. It just seems like you meant that as an insult.
The gov said...
You can't have Barak Obama's official birth certificate, it lists private information like home address, delivering physician, etc.
But you can have this "certificate of live birth" which the State of Hawaii certifies as authentic proof of citizenship.
Then he probably cracked a Birther joke, something to the effect they wouldn't know a security clearance if it bit em in the ass.
Nope, I didn't point a finger at you, unless you happen to be a birther.
Like you said, the guy is in the white house, someone harping on the idea that he may or may not be a US citizen is pointless.
Not to cause more argument over this topic, but out of curiousity, what causes you to say it's a fact that he is a citizen?
I'm not completely on top of the recent facts brought up, and I really don't care enough about it to study it, but as far as I know he has not produced his actual birth certificate, correct?
It would be simple enough to end the debate if he were to do so. Why do you think it is that he has not?
Maybe they want this debate? Stir up a little controversy? I dunno, just wondering whatcha think.
Since that's as broad as it is long, what causes you to say he's not?
If you're not on top of things
and you really don't care enough to bother
You might be a Birther.
Obama doesn't have to provide dip. It's called security clearance. Bush's State Department vetted Obama's credentials. The FBI would have done a full background check if they hadn't already for Obama's days as a senator.