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Obama Stumped by Question on Marijuana Legalization


weed fiend
What we need the Prez to do, and really all he COULD do , is simply re-schedule cannabis down a few notches into a lesser "has medical uses" category...

According to the CSA, the president isn't mentioned as having authority to reschedule. There is a provision for the AG to temporarily reschedule. There's also the matter of international treaties so the temporary provision isn't necessarily an avenue for decriminalization.

Rulemaking proceedings

The United States Code, under Section 811 of Title 21,<sup id="cite_ref-CSA_16-0" class="reference">[17]</sup> sets out a process by which cannabis could be administratively transferred to a less-restrictive category or removed from Controlled Substances Act regulation altogether. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) evaluates petitions to reschedule cannabis. However, the Controlled Substances Act gives the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as successor agency of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, great power over rescheduling decisions.
Part of that "great power" includes the secretary's ability to recommend rescheduling without further HHS departmental review. That's not to say the secretary will recommend rescheduling w/o further study (but they may under the provisions of the CSA.)

After the DEA accepts the filing of a petition, the agency must request from the HHS Secretary "a scientific and medical evaluation, and his recommendations, as to whether such drug or other substance should be so controlled or removed as a controlled substance." The Secretary's findings on scientific and medical issues are binding on the DEA. The HHS Secretary can even unilaterally legalize cannabis: "f the Secretary recommends that a drug or other substance not be controlled, the Attorney General shall not control the drug or other substance." 21 U.S.C. § 811b.

I'd like to see em try... they'd be run out on a limb by every lobbying effort that's been in operation since the Carter administration.


May your race always be in your favor
Unfortunately The President doesn't matter which side either, can't just make marijuana legal. HE DOESN'T HAVE THE RIGHT UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. Only congress shall make laws. So don't bitch about The Pres not making pot legal. The republicants wont even approve any judge appointment or anything the country needs to function as a modern society.
So give your senators and congressmen grief they be the ones that are able to make it happen. Also we are signers of a few international treaties that may be a bit of a pisser to get out of, cause we made all the rest of the world sign the damn things, so why would they now say "fine you can go, after making the rest of us toe the line!!! I DON"T THIHK SO.
So there is more to it, as for dodging the questions yeah, it was the easy way out, but if he had backed medical marijuana it would have given mc chinless , can'tor and boner weeper of the house (cry at the drop of a hat) some thing to scream about besides the jobs they never came up with.


Active member
well, it sounds like obama is saying.

"if enough states legalize it, the federal government cant help but follow."


Elections are coming up

How many of your parents or grandparents would vote for a black guy that advocates legalization of pot?

I don't like it, just have to live with it.


Active member
The Federal and State governments make far too much money from marijuana, to ever give up that cash cow. I do not believe we will see a Federal softening on this issue, anytime soon. States may go medical, but if the feds don't commit, state laws, don't mean shit!!!!! Just look at the raids happening in Cali, the state that has led the charge on medical marijuana??? The Fed government is a very hungry animal, and marijuana fines, arrests, imprisonments, and forfeitures mean money, money, money, for the Gov kitty. Don't get it twisted, the feds won't go medical, it is all about the green, and I ain't talking weed........there is so much money to be made off the backs of the poor dudes that are operating under the impression that they are in a medical state. Gov knows it,and they have lists with the names of med growers, caregivers, and patients, in those medical states(to get a card, you gotta give 'em all your info),and are clapping their fat greedy hands, at all that revenue. It is all about the almighty dollar, and right now, the federal government makes more, by keeping it illegal!!!! But, either way, I am still gonna grow, and medicate with marijuana, instead of morphine....and I will continue helping peeps. Even if I go to jail, I will just teach all the in ladies there, how to grow, that way when they get out, they can support themselves, and their children, if they have any!!!!!!! OVERGROW the government!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like Barry O less and less every time this shit gets crazy with raids, but I don't want to puke like when I see these smarmy right wing televangelists that are running in the GOP. Barry might be a scam, but those other bastards are snake-oil salesmen with a bible in one hand and a tazer in the other. I don't deal well with religious authority since I was mid-teens, and they ALL make my skin crawl. Except Ron Paul, but he's libertarian, and he'd do away with all the rules that have kept the other rat bastards in check, what little checking there has been so far. There's nothing that would be worse than those slimes with no rules holding them back.


meh, i am convinced that the voting power of baby boomers is the only key, stoners can't hope to be a majority...we need to convince fat old ladys and crazy old religious guys that we aren't all morons and that it's not a bad thing...we need to convince them to let us smoke. that's the key! baby boomers make up 25% of the population, and they are all going to be retiring soon, they are the ones out there voting in mass, not the 18-35 year olds that support legalization with a clear majority. the government couldn't legalize pot if the majority of the people don't want it, regardless to the corruption and politics involved... until there is a clear majority supporting it politicians wont even consider it, and even if something did happen there would be a public outcry...

legalization at a federal level lies in the public, not politicians, we need to change public opinion, we need to each do our part to always show marijuana and marijuana use in a positive light. walking around smoking in public, for one is probably the worst thing anybody could do...nothing ruins a squares family picnic at the beach like having to explain to their kids or grand kids what the deadlocked kids are doing at the table next to them that smells so weird...if they have no negative exposure to it then they are much more likely to change their opinion on it...it would be much more likely that they would "let us smoke".

on a state level it's different, we can put these things up to vote by the public fairly easily and if the public opinion in that state is above 50% they can actually stand a chance to pull it off and defeat the ensuing lawsuits. if they legalized it there is a chance that the benefits will be so obvious, that it will sway public opinion across the country very quickly and make federal legalization possible, in that way the public can use their votes to affect the federal governments position on prohibition. In the end however, it all comes down to us needing a majority support in the public! Since actual marijuana smokers are in a clear minority we need to focus on the one important task!


it's not age related, just like it's not empirical data related, it's corruption related and mj laws are yet another symptom of a much larger problem. big pharma and all the other lobbying groups that stand to loose mega bucks along with all the govt agencys that make money directly through trafficking, to fed grants for law enforcement.

if barry even could make it legal, he would probably go the way of Kennedy.


Obama wasn't stumped. He's probably answered this question practicing in front of a mirror long ago. Dodging questions and answers is a major part of his job. ;)


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Hes not stumped, hes just amazed you keep asking the same questions when he has clearly answered he doesn't give a fuck about potheads.

Actions speak louder than words.

As for blaming baby boomers, just dumb. Boomers were the hippies, far more pro pot and politically active than we pretend to be. They didn't "get old" they got tired of being arrested, needed real jobs and had to get piss tested so they quit smoking and sticking their neck out.

Legalization will never be put to a popular vote, it might win. Instead the issue is decided by politicians in this representative democracy.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
And I'm just shocked you guys will follow obama directly into your dirty little jailcell. Stop saying the prez has no say in mj policy.

The prez appoints the head of the dea, the secretary of hhs, federal judges, oversees the budget (yes congress must approve, so dont bring your copouts).
" The attorney general is nominated by the President of the United States and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate. He or she serves at the pleasure of the president and can be removed by the president at any time; ."

And if the next excuse is "he is just keeping it illegal to get votes", what kind of spineless hypocrit are you backing?


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Even wiki has to acknowledge the bully pulpit of prez.

" Much of the legislation dealt with by Congress is drafted at the initiative ofthe executive branch. In annual and special messages to Congress, the president may propose legislation he believes is necessary. The most important of these is the annual State of the Union address. Before a joint session of Congress,the president outlines the status of the country and his legislative proposals for the upcoming year. If Congress should adjourn without acting on those proposals, the president has the power to call it into special session. But beyond this official role, the president, as head of a political party and as principal executive officer of the United States government, is primarily in a position to influence public opinion and thereby to influence the course of legislation in Congress."

Executive ordercreated the dea.

Presidents can issue blanket amnesty which forgives entire groups of people for a crime. PresidentJimmyCarteroffered amnesty to Vietnam War draftees who fled to Canada.

Barn Owl

Active member
He won't touch that question because he would sell his wife and daughters to Iran before he would risk his chances of winning by taking a position on cannabis! The man wants to win. That's what drives him. Power crunching muthafucka. Locking up a couple million poor folks in Wall Street funded prisons is a worthy sacrifice so an ego-maniac can win a second term!


With my re-election and pocket lining opinion. My pharmaceutical company friends are providing you with all the medicine you could possibly need.
If we legalized, the DEA would lose cases, private prisons would lose contracts and many healthy American jobs would be compromised! *sarcasm* Really though.. I think it's great how all these world leaders are surrounding him blowing their legalization horn and he is just the lone guy plugging his ears.


Active member
I can't start threads yet but just had to share this demonstration of the mentality of the people who make drug policy.


In a recent response to a White House petition, President Barack Obama’s drug czar warned of danger in the domestic production of industrial hemp, drawing a stunned reaction from the petition’s author, who told Raw Story on Wednesday that it was “like getting hit in the head with a hammer.”

The claim by former Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske, his second response to a marijuana-related White House petition, is not surprising as it reflects current U.S. policy toward marijuana. It is, however, simply not true that THC in hemp poses any sort of potential for abuse, as it is impossible to become “high” from ingesting the plant.

“America’s farmers deserve our Nation’s help and support to ensure rural America’s prosperity and vitality,” he wrote. “Federal law prohibits human consumption, distribution, and possession of Schedule I controlled substances. Hemp and marijuana are part of the same species of cannabis plant. While most of the THC in cannabis plants is concentrated in the marijuana, all parts of the plant, including hemp, can contain THC, a Schedule I controlled substance. The Administration will continue looking for innovative ways to support farmers across the country while balancing the need to protect public health and safety.”

Tom Murphy, author of the White House petition and national outreach coordinator for advocacy group Vote Hemp, told Raw Story that he was stunned by Kerlikowske’s response, which he said came only after he’d repeatedly followed-up with them for months.

That's just a piece of the article but it sure is a window on the white house.

Mt Toaker

Why did he just start going on about prescription drugs when no one said a damn thing about them? Oh yeah, thats right, product placement.

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