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Obama Auctioning Off All Marijuana Seized In Drug Raids Since 2008

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah this really doesn't surprise me one bit because lets face it,, shall we,, Obama is a war mongering bitch!!!!!! He is also one of the biggest asses around. Too bad he is still in power because he too will bring down the US unless he is STOPPED !! headband 707


Active member


Garret Roach, head of the DEA task force in California, said he’s excited about what Obama is doing. “We’ll be carefully watching and tracking everyone that’s buying marijuana from these auction houses. Obama already gave us the green light for raids in all 50 states at the beginning of his presidency. These auctions will give our organization so many new leads in the war on drugs. I can’t wait to make more seizures and put these potheads in prison where they belong.”
- See more at: http://nationalreport.net/obama-auc...ids-since-2008/#sthash.ceRnvpPT.ar3yUCnb.dpuf


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