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O Tellado das Sativas (43N outdoor grow)


Active member
The lighter striations in the leaves are reminiscent of a cal mag deficiency I once experienced. Unusual for it to come on that quickly, however.


Active member
Sry guys, 10 days have passed since the last update. I have to say that the plants are doing better now. The new growth is clearly healthier, not perfect tho.

This week I had to take care of my 2yo nephew (First time in my life I change diapers, It's not as bad as ppl make you think xD). Well, tomorrow I will update with some pics.

And btw Boocoodinkydow, thanks for your help. It was usefull.

See you tomorrow.
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Active member
Well, here we go with some pics.

As you can see, the new growth is in much better condition than the last time I posted pics in most of the plants. They still have damaged leafs, but at least they are alive :O


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And the other 2 in 5lt pots.


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Active member
And these are the ones in 3lt pots.

The pic named "worst_condition_QM" is the one that, in my opinion, tells the history of my plants the best; The new growth is pretty ok, in the middle we have the damaged leafs caused by bad nutrition, and in the bottom are the older leaves that suffer the most from lack of water.

The plants are still small, but the pics were taken 3-4 days ago aprox, so now they are a little bigger.

Overall I'm not too sad, because even tho they are small, at least they are getting better in terms of health. And I found a location to place the 4 smaller ones, so the size is not a big concern for me this year.

Probably I will transplant them this week if everything goes right.

And that's all for today. See you guys soon.


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Active member
Hey guys, how ya'll doing?

I ended up transplanting the babys later than planned (what a fucking surprise, right?).The idea was to transplant them the first day of this month, but the 4 bigger ones (3QM+1KC) were transplanted the seventh to 17L pots; the other 4 were transplanted the tenth, 2 to 7L pots and 2 to 12L pots.

I will upload pics of the 4 smaller ones in some hours, because the bandwitch is not enough right now (I have ppl in the house using internet). The pics for the KC and the other 3 QM's will have to wait until midweek or so (if we don't have rainy days).

See you later.

PD: Post nº 100, uhuh!!


Active member
Here they are:

As you can see in the fourth picture, they lost a good amount of leafs in the lower half, which will affect the production down the line.

These were transplanted saturday, 11/08/18.


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Active member
The other three:

(plants 1&2 are in 7lt pots, 3&4 in 12lt)


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Active member
Weeeeeeeeell, fuck. I don't even want to show it, but for anyone interested; This is what happens when a plant is on top of a roof and the temps reach almost 50ºc there.

destroyed QM.jpg

Yeah... I know. I really fucked up. The plants in the 17L were doing pretty good, until yesterday... You can see them in the next link:

https://imgur.com/a/iegiWnW (I upload to imgur just because is faster and easier for me. Otherwise It take ages to make these posts).

The KC didn't suffer nearly as much as the QMs, specially the one I attached at the start of this post. She was nearly dead last night, it was brutal. And today we have another really really hot day; so, even tho I did water them in the night, I will go today at night again to check on them, I hope they will be able to resist such temperatures again.

They also are pretty small compared to last year.

I'm not happy at all. I thought I could handle them, but It looks like I could not. :sadface:

On the bright side tho, the ones that are in the small pots are doing better than expected I'd say (considering the flaws they had in the early stages). You can see them here:


Some yellowing and such, but at least they didn't drop a fuckton of leafs since the last time I updated (not like the "big pot" ones, that are crushed). I have access to these ones every day (almost), so at least they don't get thirsty to death.

They are around 60cm tall, and the sun gives them it's light for around 7 hours a day (The "big pot" ones receive sunlight all day long, since the sun goes out until it goes down).

Aaaaand well, that's all. I will remove myself from here in shame, till the next post. See ya.

PD: I should change the name of the thread to "How NOT to take care of your plants".


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi vcasqui,

I'm very sorry to see your plants suffering so much due to the extreme heat in your terrace.

If you are growing in a terrace with so much light intensity, so many hours of direct light and so much heat, it's very important that once the plants are bigger than the pots (then they are already rootbounded again) transplant them again to another bigger pot, unless you want to water them several times per day.

Outdoor cannabis loves strong and extended sun intensity for growing stage, but in those conditions you must take special care of their root system, especially if you are growing in small pots, by using even bigger pots, separating the pots from the ground surface and paying special attention to provide them with enough water whenever they need it, otherwise the plants will be simply fried. Touch the ground of your terrace during middays as reference, if your naked feet or naked hands cannot take it, then the roots of the plants also cannot take it.

I have many friends who grow in very sunny terraces like yours and their plants suffer a lot in small pots, their plants only start to work better in September when the temps start to lower down.

Cannabis plants growing with these high temps but planted directly in soil and with enough water don't suffer in the same way, on the opposite they grow extremely strong, but again, that's because their root system is protected and they receive enough water even during the hottest summer days.


Active member
Hey guys, I'm still alive. But even better, my plants are also still alive.

Thanks for the tips dubi, but sadly I can't place them in bigger pots. 17l is pretty much my max. And indeed they started to get better once the temps dropped a little.

So, I have 2 different QM phenos. I will try to post pics and explain a little more later this week. I will probably harvest by the end of this month, so a little more than 1week to go.

See you guys later this week.