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NYS Drug Court



As much as I love my weed I can and have gone without it for extended periods of time. A year is easy for me when I set my mind to it and think of the day that they no longer have me on paper. I can't go without pain medicine. I don't get high on it and use it sparingly. My pain is so intense sometimes I believe I will eat my shotgun if I can't get help with meds. I need hydromorphone now because I took hydrocodone for over 20 years and it no longer helps me. Weed also helps with pain but I can't vaporize enough of it. With the best I can grow I still use 1-2 z per week. I don't know any of my friends that do that. Usually when I quit I have about a 1000 cravings a day. For some reason this time I have had NO cravings. I know if I live through this I will be with my best friend again some day. I call this "coming up for air" time. I tried acupunture a couple weeks ago and some new non narcotic pain/depression pills that help a little. Cymbalta has a side affect on some people of killing pain. I went 3 months using this last summer without the narcotics until I had another gallbladder attack. I have doubled the dose of it and added Lyrica that also is supposed to help. Something is working and I have not used narcotics for almost a week. My cravings have been replaced my thoughts of ending the pain for good. About a 1000 times a day now I think about the shotgun. If these as*holes want me to do a long federal bid at my age I may bypass it and eat the shotgun. I never thought I would see the day where weed was legal in any state. I think NY will be one of the last. I am glad to have lived long enough to see it legal in some states. My love of weed made me into an outlaw for life. Once a convicted felon what are the chances of having a normal life. I started smoking weed when I was 14 and got to my first inpatient rehab when I was 24 when I was facing 21 years in Florida. My first felony arrest for 1 z of weed when I was 16. I quit drinking alcohol in 1992 and do not want to drink again. I had a lot of fun with it but more bad came from it than good. I wish some law makers would read this because in my state they don't let the voters decide if it should be legal. I think our founding fathers would roll over if they saw what happened to America/USSA. United Soviet States of AmeriKa.
Stay strong brother. NJ & NY will have legal weed in 2010 for med patients.


Well-known member
Stay strong brother. NJ & NY will have legal weed in 2010 for med patients.

been watching the NJ MMJ, looks pretty sucky from what i see
real restrictive on conditions, dispensary only
and the current news is NY is leaning towards the 'NJ Model', i really hope not


^ you are right about nymmj, unfortunately they are leaning towards not letting patients grow their own, but i have some good news for you fdish, last night the outgoing governor of new jersey, John "Papa Smurf" Corzine signed the new jersey medical marijuana bill. its official, its done. nj is the 14th state to allow the use of marijuana for medical use, and you have Eric Holder, a born new yorker, and Obama, his apointer, to thank. if they didn't set the federal guidelines to stop DEA raids in states that legalized medical pot nj wouldnt have passed it.

the law takes affect in 6 months. the law mandates that 6 non-profit pot shops be set up within 6 months, and after that for-profit companies can apply for licenses too.

if what you are saying is true i couldn't think of someone more qualified to get a recommendation in nj. "severe chronic pain" is one of the qualifying conditions.

unfortunately you have to be a nj resident to apply. if you are use to the pristine ny back country may i suggest hunterdon county nj. its expensive, but its beautiful. i grew up there and my parents also recently bought a farm an hour west of Albany, the topography and way of life is very similar.




I finally pissed clean for weed last week. They have averaged one test per month. I stopped vaporizing around the third week in October. I could not believe the piss was dirty for almost three and a half months without a single toke. The opiates are still positive and I rescinded all releases after a rehab worker mailed my doctor and told him not to prescribe any narcotics because I am in his opinion "dependent" on opiates. I got a certified letter from my primary care doctor telling me to find a new doctor as of that day. Rehab wanted to know about signing releases for my new doctor in order to stay in the program. I asked if I refuse will they discharge me and he changed the subject. I told them I don't want a new doctor because I no longer trust them. I found a new doctor but refused to tell them who. Luckily I can get legal hydromorphone again. I told them I am in treatment for cannabis not pain medicine. I told them I believe in addiction but not the disease bs. I can and did stop weed until I am free again. My depression has been a little better as I try to think positively and think the feds should be looking at tractor trailers and trains coming in not some old broken down addicted patient. I should be hearing soon what the first fed prosecutor decides. Wish me luck... I hope some day they will legalize freedom in all states. In NH the license plates say "live free or die" what a concept, too bad today's lawmakers don't think that way.:wave:


Well-known member
fdish, thanks for updating us on your current deal
at least you have pain meds for the time being, even if it's not the best
hoping the DA chain of events goes your way, i'd be cautiously optimistic
they don't seem to see you as public enemy #1


still waiting and sweating

still waiting and sweating

Last I've heard the Feds still have my case for review. I was supposed to know by now if the Feds will prosecute the case or kick it back to the county court and go through the state system. If the county gets it I may be able to go to drug court, piss clean for a year and get a sealed record. If the feds take it they steal my money that they took and send me to prison. My piss is finally clean from weed. It took from about the third week of October until the middle of Jan. to get it out of my urine. Still taking my hydromorphone for my back pain and Klonopin for anxiety. Most rehabs won't allow this but the one I am in is a harm reduction plan that tries to get you in a better place. They work with dual diagnosis's with mental issues plus chemical dependencies. I have depression and anxiety plus my love of weed. I refuse to give the rehab the name of my new primary care doctor because last time a rehab mailed a letter to my primary care doctor demanding that he no longer writes scripts for me for any narcotics. My doctor sent me certified letter telling me to find a new doctor. Most refused me because of my history and the fact that I am on medicare. Less doctors will take all of us as soon as govt. rationed health care takes over. I have paid taxes since age 14 and worked again for years after having my back broken by a drunk driver. I'll update as soon as I hear something new.


still waiting

still waiting

Last I heard the state will prosecute the criminal side and the feds will handle the civil side. It was supposed to go to grand jury 2 weeks ago but still nothing. The good part is the state may send me to drug court. The bad side is trying to get money back from the DEA is an uphill battle. I have filed two demand letters so far and have all bank documentation that the money they took (stole) I borrowed on a home equity loan. 5 months into rehab and it took about 3.5 months before I pissed clean for green. 2 weeks without hydromorphone. Not sleeping well at all. I read a great book called "EAT TO LIVE" and have learned a lot about nutrition. I lost 22 lbs. in 6 weeks and was never hungry.


Well-known member
federal gets civil case? so they'll just try to suck you dry of money?
sounds like the tag team match from hell, NY and federal taking turns
NY MMJ looks imminent, a small bright point on all of our NY horizons, don't know if it will help, bill looks like crap from what i can see




It's all about the money. They know I have to pay attorney fees in two different systems and the receipts from the bank were with the money in my safe at home and tied to the money they stole from my bank. They even admitted that the bank receipts were taken with the money. They used my tools to break open my safe destroying it.


Active member
Several of my good friends have gone through the "shock" program, they all say it is well worth it if your phyciallys capable, your obv not, but folks who are should consider it....mind if i ask the general circumstances that ked to your bust? rat?

how is it Feds have your money if your in state court?

have you ever considered subutex for the pain?

Good luck brother, don't let the bastards get ya down!

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