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Now That's Good Bass!


Rabbi Reefer

As a religious man, I have to bite my tongue on a daily basis, but I have to say that this is the dumbest mother-fucker I've ever heard of!


ya, with all the talking this guy did, anyone connected to him prolly wants to be done with him,or fit him in some concrete work boots, im sure he will squeal loud when he finds out how much time he is up against., how did the cop find the weed in his truck to begin with? he sounds like a young kid, in a rental, did he tell the cop he had it in the back?


Ha Ha Ha , God Bless America !!! I guess this is what they mean by Dumming Down !!
I thought this post was about Fishin or Sommat !!


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
And is precisely why we will never allow dealer talk on the forums at ICM.

You Can't Fix Stupid

Be Well


Active member
I refuse to believe that anyone is that oblivious. I would not be surprised if the trooper made that shit up in order to ensure warrent on his residence. Also possible he was trying to bribe the cop, but id think they would have charged him with that as well.


weed fiend
I imagine it all going something like this...

Cop - Your bail is 25 large.

Bass - I've got it (in my room.)

Cop - Sure you do.

Bass - Seriously dude, I sold a quarter million before you busted me!

Cop- Well ain't that special!?!

EDIT - Upon reflection, it's probably closer to this...

Cop - Your bail is 25 large.

Bass - I've got it (in my room.)

Cop - Sure you do.

Bass - Seriously dude, I've got 25 grand in my room, CASH!

Cop - We'll, without 25 Gs HERE you're not going anywhere. But if you convince us a man with no visible means of support in addition to getting scraped for 70 grand still has bail, we might work out a transfer with our middle man.

Bass - Sure dude, totally. Before I got popped I sold a quarter million worth of smokes. When I fell below a hundred grand I flipped another run to Cali. So even though I lost 70 grand to you guys, I've still got better than 26 thousand in the room.

Cop - All right, we'll check it out. If it turns out you've really got 26 grand, we'll take the necessary steps to make sure you're properly processed. Oh, felony possession too? Tuff shit pal, you're in deeper than your best guess.
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Tropical Outcast
Daushchaund ???


(Did I win?)




they shouldnt lock this guy up. They need to enroll him into mentally handicapped school with the other dumbass who just called 911 on his grow. Those two could prolly learn a thing or two from some retards..

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