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Not high but still DUI


Well-known member
Driving high is irresponsible no mater how much you smoke. If it didn't affect your state of mind, you wouldn't smoke it.

I don't want some high school sophomore getting in the car after ripping a few bong hits, even if he swears hes fine. The same thing drunk people swear when someone tries to stop them from driving.

And Maricopa county = Joe Arpaio = people who watch fox news = anti-science = fill in the blank.

:laughing: smoking one or two hits is NOT the marijuana equivalent of drinking to the point of legal inebriation. merely saying that shows some seriously faulty thinking processes or utter ignorance of how cannabis affects most (if not all) people. even the police officers that I know say this...
It all comes down to REVENUE COLLECTION. It is as simple as that. Everything else is just a smoke screen.

They have lost a huge amount of revenue with the legalization of cannabis in some parts of the country and now they have found a loop hole to fill the gap where there is lost revenue from the failed war on cannabis.



Active member
Well, the AZ Supreme court just ruled that LEO can no longer use the presence of metabolites of THC in a person's blood as proof of DUI.

Should stop the cops from ever drug testing folks. Especially MMJ patients. Fav thing of their's if they find out they stopped an MMJ cardholder. Test him in defiance of the mmj law knowing he would be positive.

link to story

Good. The appeals court may well have pushed it up to the AZ SCOTUS to get a definitive ruling to end the practice, dunno. Had they not, the next guy could go through the same stupid ordeal & so on.

It cuts some of the bullshit, never a bad thing.

paper thorn

Active member
Rereading some posts here, makes me think of the way the 'reefer madness' type propoganda has effected the anti-marijuana part of our culture and our whole marijuana using subculture.

I've really been getting sick and tired of the old words to describe the effects of smoking pot.

They're all just reused words taken from drunks and alchoholics. High. Stoned. Wasted, the list goes on. When I smoke pot I don't get 'wasted.'

Gonna stop, I don't want to rant right now, just sayin.

Only wrecks I ever got in were while not smoking weed. just sayin.


Active member
Driving high is irresponsible no mater how much you smoke. If it didn't affect your state of mind, you wouldn't smoke it.

I don't want some high school sophomore getting in the car after ripping a few bong hits, even if he swears hes fine. The same thing drunk people swear when someone tries to stop them from driving.

And Maricopa county = Joe Arpaio = people who watch fox news = anti-science = fill in the blank.

correction. driving IMPAIRED is irresponsible. i drive high EVERYWHERE...and i do mean EVERYWHERE. never had a single incident. being high is not the same thing as being impaired. for me anyway. i dunno how it effects you all but i'm fine even after smoking all day. only makes me that much more sharper and focused.


Active member
One of the more interesting developments w/ CO legalization is formerly non-tokers using pot to moderate their drinking in a night on the town. Smoke some, drink less, achieve a highly enjoyable effect w/ less impairment & feel better in the morning.

Is a person still legal if both their bac & serum thc levels are just below the limits?

Having quit drinking many years ago, I'll let other people find out about that.