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Nosy neighbor kid being a Peeping Tom

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I know I should step aside, but I think this needs to be said.
All this doing things that could physically hurt the child might be said in jest and be fun and games to some. But we don't actually know who we are communicating with on these boards. I sure as hell wouldn't want it on my conscious if someone took my "fun and game advice" to heart and followed through with it. Nut cases are everywhere remember that.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
the kind that gets clowned by a 7 year old retarded kid.

"You must spread some reputation around before you can give it to ddrew again."

"You may not vote on any more posts today."

Luckily I had just swallowed the sip of my beverage before reading this line, or I would've spit it all over my monitor and keyboard. LMFAO. Fa Realz, Yo.

There have been a lot of yummy-ish threads lately.
"help, a seven year old retarded kid is picking on me"
Don't forget the one about the guy with the noisy neighbor or the guy whose inlaws are moving in and stopping his creativity.


Active member
ICmag Members top ten dumbest ideas

ICmag Members top ten dumbest ideas

Ok so here is a collection of the dumbest ideas yet, here we go.

buy the poor kid a dog and a large bag of dog food
UMM. This idea would cost me time and money. then what happens if the parents say no, and give the pup back. Now I'm stuck with a puppy. No thanks. Plus he has 2 dogs.
Tell his parents that you're into really kinky sex and do it at all times of the day, and explain how that's the reason you want the kid to stay away.
LOL, I would probably have even more peeping toms in my life, who knows maybe him AND his dad next time.
buy a motion activated sprinkler.
So every kid on the block can use the lawn for entertainment. when word gets out that all you have to do is move and the water comes on, it will be like a pool party happened on the lawn. Not to mention we front the street, so every time someone walks by the front lawn, they get soaked, will cause even more problems, not to mention L.A. tickets you for watering the sidewalk or pedestrians.
The window is 3 ft from the walk, well maybe even only 2 ft.
Taser... it's the only way.
Ball , chain & padlock come to mind .
I don't even wanna know where this was going.
If you catch him a
gain,grab him by his little fucking retarded ear and drag him home....
I want Peace, not war. What would you do if some pissed off bro drug your kid home by the ear?? Not good.
Call the fuckin cops!!!
Omerta, nuff said.
Next time he peeps, drop your pants and throw your dick up on the glass, if he's still there, turn around, pull the cheeks, and give him the browneye.
This is a CRIME. Exposing your self to a child makes you a sex offender. Your suggestions keep getting sicker and sicker.:noway:
use some pepperspray on the kid.......
Child abuse is wrong. How would you feel if someone pepper sprayed your kid? This will only lead to more violence and trouble.

Tell the parents the kid caught you using drugs.
LOL, WTF are you thinking. One way ticket to jail,

The top 10 best idea list is coming soon :wave:


Active member
set up land mines throughout your yard and next time the little bastard wanders into your property ****bam***** it will hit him before he knows it.

but seriously keep your distance from this bastard kid. he isn't slow he just has dumb fucking parents that obviously don't watch over him or seem to give a damn when you addressed the issue with them. there kid seems like a spoiled rat that cries and gets what he wants. if i had kids they certainly wouldn't be wondering around knocking on peoples doors. and you don't want this kid telling someone your like Michael Jackson or something. especially since he has already caught you choking the ol wanker a couple times. accident or not, him being a peeping tom or not, things could get misinterpreted real quick.


Active member
The kind of person who like to make a couple jokes, that's what I am.
I understand jokes, but you never made it clear these were jokes. Now that you have. go back and read the progression of opinion. you will find that your comments are not defined as joking as first, you went on and on. How is one to know your joking. Get a clue.
Your inability to tell when someone is kidding shows what kind of person you are, the kind that gets clowned by a 7 year old retarded kid.
But your personal attacks on me do not go unnoticed. Im not gonna waste time responding to you anymore. I have enough grief in my life offline to deal with it online from you. Your opinion is no longer wanted in this thread. go piss off.

Panama Red

Active member
You have a dog which means you have an unlimited supply of dogshit.

Pile it up around the window he's peeping and smear it all over the outside windowsill.

Get a $20 airhorn to scare the shit out of him when you catch him peeping.

He'll take a gift back to mom and dad every time he high tails it away from your place.

They'll retrain Corky right quick.......


Active member
But your personal attacks on me do not go unnoticed. Im not gonna waste time responding to you anymore. I have enough grief in my life offline to deal with it online from you. Your opinion is no longer wanted in this thread. go piss off.
Or what?
You'll start a thread about how I'm picking on you too now?
You have enough to worry about just trying to handle a little retarded kid.

All the kids that ride the short bus are probably laughing at you when this kid tells them about what's going on.

But you know, you're doing a good thing, life is tough for these kids, they get picked on by everyone, it's about time they had someone to kick around and laugh at, bravo.


I hold El Roacho's
I would send a registered letter to the parents Informing them if this persist you will have no choice but to file a complaint for Invasion of your right to privacy and be sure to send them a fruit basket with a large banana for the wife!


Active member
Lol. I got this situation under control. Let me start by saying this. I have let my roomate deal with this as he is the name on the lease.. He is the one that truly is having issues cause he is the one who owns the dog. I have been his roomate for many years and is a loyal much loved friend, almost family at this point. I have known the dog since birth. This dog considers me his owner also. I love kids. I love dogs.. Only recently has this become an issue with me.. I am firm with this child, in fact he does not really like me. He loves my roomate, who is not a father and has never had a child. It is because of his inability to correctly discipline or deal with the situation, that it has spilled over to me. The end result that I am working toward is beneficial for all those involved. I am going to keep on doing what im doing. Im not gonna move or even think about moving. Bottom line is this kid is gonna stop these shannagins with out getting beat or abused. This situation will be resolved using diplomacy with authority. I have spoken with his Father and he is is in full agreement that what his son is doing is out of line. He has punished the kid, i hear him doing it, and the kid crying. Its a simple childs desire that rules here, he is not an adult. he is a special needs child. I give him extra room to "walk all over me" as some put it. Im not gonna do anything but be an example to this child and to his parents and I guarentee you we will all be the better for it.
To all those that wanna personally attack me. I would love to see what you would do to someone if they followed your ideas with YOUR child, jokes or not.

Bye the way, While I was typing this I saw a little head in the window.I first heard him talking to the other neighbor, so i knew what was next. I followed someones advice to scare him and did. He ran like hell. So my roomate goes to talk with his dad, and the kid stops him and pleads " don't tell my dad" and he proceeds to try and make a deal with the kid.. I'm not having it. ..
I told my roomate its either me or him going to go talk to the dad. so we both went immediatly over to the parents house.... I think they got it this time. ... I used diplomacy with authority. MY WAY.
I expect that all this will stop, with no feathers getting ruffled. The kid didnt get beat. The parents are not angry. I dont see any retrobution coming. All in all a win win for everyone involved.
But I admit it was funny to see what people will say when they r anonymous on the internet,lol good laughs.

Panama Red

Active member
That's great.

It's good to see that all same-sex marriages don't end in drama and despair.

You're a role model for your kind.......

rick shaw

Hire a ten year old girl to beat him up,for payment you can give her some of your Bieber cds


Active member
I think you should just adopt the fucking kid he seems to like you so much. You had to of known you would get some crazy responses. Oh and when you adopt him you need to get him a new puppy good luck.:moon::laughing:
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