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NorthernKronic's 400 watt closet grow!!!


Grower of fine herbs...
Veg Update 7-24-07

Veg Update 7-24-07

Hey everyone :wave: been away for awhile and it feels great to be back. I was out of town on business for the past 6 days so a lot has changed.

Thanks for stopping in INVB, Dude i love that poster, and since backflips are my favorite trick on a snowboard i guess its no coincidence. 32 boots are the illness my friend all my buddies rock em, think im gonna have to cop up on a pair for this winter... Yea dude i decided to let em veg up into the screen until they are ready. I was thinking that i was gonna veg until all screens are atleast 25% full, do you know if that is around the right % for a nice fill in?

MAJ- Thanks for stoppin by it means a lot coming from you my friend.

Sir- Good to see you stoppin by brah, just hit u back yesterday hope to hear from you soon!!!

While i was away my girl finished up making the screens for the last two bins, and i have to say she did a much better job than i did with the first one. Today i finished lining the closet with another emergency blanket. I aslo changed the light back to my MH just to see if they will respond better to it. Now for a few pics.

These are all pics of the closet from today, I just switched the lights from 24/0 to 18/6 to save some electricity, also got full reflectivity in the closet now after installing the emergency blanket on the other two walls.... its blinding in there..

Here are the ladies, Burmese are the front left bin, M's are in the other two.

These are the Burmese Delgihts, they are about 17" tall right now, and filling the screen just great, i would say that in 2 days they will have 40% filled.

Heres the Back M she has 1 dominant plant and one submissive, the dom is about 13" and the submissive is only 9"

Now this is the other bin, again one dom one sub same size as the other M's

Now this is what the closet looks like with the new space blanket installed.

The ladies missed me while i was gone but they are already better now that daddys back home. I hit em with a foliar spray of epsom salts since i saw a bit of mag def, they perked up in a day. On an up note, i came home to find that 2 Burmese Delight clones i had written off as dead a week ago are growing nicly now. :rasta:

That seems to be all for now, sorry for being away for so long, but im back until the end of this grow so stay tuned my friends.

oh yea, I will have smoke reports up as soon as I find a time when im sober enough to give each strain its own proper test. Thanks for taking interest everyone you guys make it worth while. Peace my friends hope your all doing swell. :joint:

one last question for everyone,What % full should my screens be when i flip to flower?

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
NorthernKronic, hey man ... nice to see that screen :) puts a smile on my face. As far as how much growth before you switch, it depends on the strain, but I would say 50% is a good start. I know if I scrog a 39 again I'll go with a bit more than 50% next time. If this is a strain you'll be doing again this will be a great experiment grow to really dial it in. You'll end up with some good growth after you switch too though. I would bring that light down closer too, you'll notice a big difference, just monitor the heat. You may need to put a fan across it but you'll get a lot more growth and bud :)

Take care bro.



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
:yeahthats drop that light some keep it with in a foot. as long as you get no light bleach keep it close. a good rule is if the back of your hand is comfortable with the heat, then so are your plants. you will get way less stretch tight ass node growth and in flower dense buds. those 400w bulbs lose a lot of lumens with every inch of distance. you really want to maximize the lumens you produce by getting them close. as far as your scrog goes, fill it in full but evenly spaced with budsites. i guess that makes it 50/50 filled considering the spacing. after you flip to flower you will get even canopy of stretching through the screen. colas only.IMO keep them pruned above the screen so light beams all around unobstructed by big fan leaves. beneath the screen cut off all popcorn sites(all) to let the plants put all the energy into making colas maximizing your scrog technique. beneath you sreen is where i would leave fanleaves to do their thing. just my opinion but i hope it makes sence! peace bro i got your pm holla
sir :headbange


New member
yo dude, lookin so good. wish i could be there. iam also glad to see the screens up this time around. i just got yur message i will be giving u a call soon. keep up the work, glad to see yur workin hard on another grow. ill be around for the next one. :headbange keep in touch. cheers mate! :rasta:


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey everyone, thanks for stoppin by guys!!!! :rasta:

BR- Hows it goin dude. Ya i dropped that light two nights ago right after i posted those pics, its about 15" above the canopy at the moment. Its super hot in my area right now, about 90 deg and i dont have ac, so temps have been a problem. Today the temps finally fell so i will drop the light to 10" when it comes back on tonight. Should be flipping to 12/12 in about a week. All the screens will be filled to atleast 50% by then so it should work out well. Thanks for stopping by my friend.

Sir- Yo playa, Dude im having a lot of fun with this grow its been sweet to watch the plants grow throughout the screen. The Light got moved down to about 15" above the canopy at this moment, had temp issues blah blah.. anyways ill be droppin to 10" tonight because the weather is finally cooperating. Im gonna keep it nice and prunned above the screen so that the buds get all the light they can, im gonna keep fanleaves underneath the screen until the light doesnt penetrate under there anymore then im gonna chop em off. I should have more pics up tonight so make sure you check em out. Talk to you soon. Peace.

RooR2- You motherfucker i havent heard from your ass in a while now son. The screens should help my yeild a lot since the light is gonna be closer to all of the buds so in theory the buds should be a lot bigger aswell. Ive been smokin on my harvest like a mad man, but dont worry i got a special jar put away for you when you get back. Your bing is iccccyyyyy fuckin clean bro wish you were here to chong it with me. Cant wait to get that call from you bro we all miss you a lot and cant wait to hear from ya. Talk to you then playa.

Soooooooooooooooooooooo tonight im gonna be lowing the light to about 10" above the canopy, temps have dropped around here so i think it will be fine. It sure is a lot of rope to have it hanging that low though hehehe. Ive started bubbleing my nutrient solutions for 48 hours now before using them and its made a signifigant difference. THe plants seem to accept the nutrients faster and use them more effeicently so ill keep you updated on how thats workin for me. I feel like once i switch back to 12/12 my temp problems will end because i will be running the light from 9 pm to 9 am so it will be cool outside the whole time or atleast thats what im counting on.

Ive decided that im going to do smoke reports tonight on atleast two of the plants that i harvested a few weeks ago. They got a real nice cure on them now, so ill have a nice update goin on later tonight, but for now im gonna hop on my bike and go for a cruzzzeeee. Hope everyone is happy and healthy. Thanks for stopping by my friends. Peace



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hia NK....those maids are looking ready to kick it in a higher gear....and the more you fill out those scrogs under the net the more buds she will produce...going upwards...:D

got a nice visual scroglink somewhere...i'll add it for fun :smile:
super scrog :yes:

and good call on the bubling...they love more air in the water...and will take nutrients faster because of it....but 48 Hours is overkill...it can't hurt ..but 15 minutes or so would do the same as 48 h IMHO....

staying tuned for that SReport :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Great job on increasing reflectivity in there :yes: always nice to see growers improving their conditions.

I agree with the timing switch too. You're not going to see a big difference in growth between a 24/0 schedule or 18/6...as a matter of fact, a plant needs time to rest and use up it's stored energies. Plus...you're saving money, energy and giving the plant temp variance (which I find to be very important) :woohoo:
DP even has the theory that less light hours will encourage female growth and can even go as low as 15/9 :yoinks: I do 16/8 for my seedlings.

Glad you got the Mag def under control...I've learned a long while ago that epsom salts in every 2nd or so feeding are a must.
Plants look good though and looks like you're almost set to flower :woohoo: I'm sure you'll be looking at a much better yield this time around by the looks of it :yes:

Looking forward to the smoke reports too :lurk:


Grower of fine herbs...
H2 Smoke report!!!!

H2 Smoke report!!!!

Hey everyone thanks for stopping by again :wave:

So the time has finally come to do a smoke report for the H2. For a little refresher she was the first to get chopped on 6-28-07 at 58 days and has been curing since. So that is exactly 1 month. Ive proceeded to smoke most of it and now am down to my last 5 grams so i thought its time to do a smoke report hehehe.

Sorry i havent done this sooner, to tell you the truth i just wanted to do it when i was completly straight so i decided that i had to do it when i woke up. but now i found the time and the herb has a quality cure on it so here we go.

Greens hit is delicious, tastes of piney spicy dankness and it lasts and lasts, my girlfriend says that the flavor also hints to a vanilla flavor. The smoke is smooth and mildly expansive, wish i could have flushed her longer, i was just impatient and wanted smoke for my trip... oh well, no biggie you live and you learn.

Its a creeper for sure the real high doesnt hit you until atleast 10 minutes after your finished with the bowl. The high is delightful very up and active perfect for a wake and bake or for driving. Its a nice sativa dom high in my view nice for smoking on all day long. I like to smoke it when i wake up so i can get all my stuff done early so theres more time to get high later :bashhead: hahaha. I would rate this stuff a solid 7.8 out of 10 its great but just not strong enough to get out of the 7's.

Here are some pics of what it looked like, it was partially seeded in some buds and absolutly no seeds in others, that could be why potency is not up to par...

Hey there Core- Yea dude the rubbermaids are def shifting it into another gear. The screens are filling up fast and hopfully will be full of buds before we know it. Thanks for the vid link im gonna have to watch that soon, I bubble for 48 hours because it increases/unlocks the bioactivity of my earthjuce feedings... speaking of which i need to pick up some microblast when i get some funds. Hope the smoke reports ok peace my friend.

TML- Hey man, yea its nice and bright in there now, especially after i moved the light down last night, its about 10" above the screen and the plants are loving it. Yea man mag def is a bitch for sure, it sucked that it all came on when i was away and my girl was watching them beucase if i would have seen any sign of it i would have been able to take care of it but she just didnt know what to do, but thats what happens when you go out of town though huh. Should be ready to flower any time now, I got pics that will be up in a few minutes that should show the growth since last time. Tthey are all starting to spread across the screens and it looks nice. Hope you liked the first smoke report, there are many more to come, Hope your well my friend.

Thats all for now, im gonna take pics in a sec should have em loaded and posted in a few. Hope everyone is healthy and happy. Peace.



Grower of fine herbs...
Veg Update

Veg Update

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to post up some pics of what the closet is looking like right now, the plants are significantly bigger than the last time i took photos so this should be cool.

First up are some shots taken while i was sitting in a chair level with the light..

These 2 are the Burmese Delights, they are really filling up the screen nicely i would estimate that these two have filled the screen to a little more than 50% right now.

Here are the first bin of M's they are starting to grow nicly

These are the last two M's that are in the back bin, they are thriving under the lower light

I took these pics from standing up so you can see that the light is really close to the canopy...

Im gonna wait until my smallest bin fills almost 50% of the screen and then im gonna flip to 12/12, im estimating that i will flip tuesday maybe???? maybe sooner, who knows i can wait a little longer, just dont want the burmese to get to big now. Well thats all for now, hope you guys like how it looks, give me some ideas on what else i can change to help my setup. THanks for checkin in everyone its great to grow with all you guys around. Peace.

-N.Kron :rasta:
hey dude welcome back!! If you want your harvest to be more oveall yeild at the end your gonna have to let the plants get bigger! lol Bigger plants bigger buds!


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey INVB, Hey BR,

Sorry i havent been around latly guys..... got myself hurt pretty seriously about 2 weeks ago and had to head out of town to seek medical attention. I just got back to my home and setup on sunday night. My girl has been looking after them since i have been gone for a week. They have grown a considerable amount since the last time i updated 2 weeks ago, The Burmese Delight bin is about 60-65% full now the others are both just barly reaching 45-48% full, i would like to be able to wait until all the screens are completly filled but i dont think i have the patience to be completly honest with all of you.

While i was away 1 of my plants experienced a hard hit of mag def which im just starting to get back under my control, she looks a lot better now but may lose some foliage but oh well. All the rest look great so that is good.

Just dropped about 25 new seeds in a glass of water a few hours ago, waiting for em to sink now so i can get a new generation started wish me luck....

I have to go and get my buddys camera later tonight and i will snap/post some pics up so you guys can see whats been going down. Again i am sorry for not updating this thread at all for about 2 weeks, thanks for stopping in guys and getting me back and motivated again. :joint: Ill be back with more soon. Peace.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hope your ok NK...must of been a pretty big hurting you had :chin:...Nway good 2 have ya back amungst us growers :D...
mmmh lucky your girl can grow then...coz a week without attention is kinda long ey...atleast that part is doing great
well ten i only can wish you luck on those new seeds you're popun...i yself pop't some 2 ...good luck man!!


Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Hey NK, nice setup u got there & healthy looking weed too... i'll be :lurk: ing if u don't mind hehehe,

goodluck man! :rasta:


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey Everyone :wave:

Sorry dont have pics up yet, got my friends camera, but he forgot to give me the charger cord for it so its still dead. Hes gonna come over and smoke bongs with me later so pics will be up around lights on at 7 pm est.

INVB- Yea to elaborate dude, i took the hardest spill of my life sofar downhill mountain biking 2 weeks ago while i was on a vacation. To make a long story short i was hitting a 10 ft drop, landed in a manual and took the whole landing on my back. Ended up with a few broken vertibre and a new backbrace to wear for the next 2 and a half months. Snowboard season should be fine though, i dont get a good base to ride until december so ill be all rehabed by then and ready to rip it. Thanks for checkin in on me bro, i should be around on IC a lot since im pretty much stuck in my house for a few weeks... At least now i got unlimited time to devote to my favorite hobby haha. :rasta:

Whatup CORE- Thanks for stoppin by dude :headbange Yea i got broke off pretty ****in bad over these last few weeks, so things have def been better im just happy to be able to walk and to be back growing hard on IC with all of you guys :joint: A week away from my babys feels like an eternity to me, and it would be an understatment to say that i am lucky to have a gifted girlfriend. Shes the light of my life man and she has a thumb greener than mine. She has been learning and watching me grow and do my thing for over a year now and she has learned a lot. knows when the plants need to be fed and watered so when i have to leave town for extended periods im not super worried. Its not the same as if i were there, but its the best that i could ask for. Hope these new seeds im popping turn out well, they are from my plant H2 from the last run, That herb turned out stupendus so hopfully i will get somthing good from her seeds. Hope your new generation is successful as well. Thanks for coming by Core :wave:

Hey StonedGrunt- Yea man pop on in whenever you want, I see you post on a lot of the same threads that i frequent so your more than welcome to join the fun around here. Lots of good peeps around and thats what makes this place great! thanks for stoppin by ill check out your thread soon!

Again, im sorry for not having pics yet as soon as the lights come on they will be snapped. should be a big difference from before. Hope everyone is happy and healthy in their neck of the woods. Peace.

Sorry to hear that bro! I hate taking spills period, but it comes with the territory I guess. I fractured some vetibre a few years ago its no fun at all. Im feeling your pain bro. I dont know if you've talked to Sir lately but I think hes got something coming in the mail soon that will hopefully make you feel a bit better down the road!!!!! Get better homie, the snows coming soon Ha Ha!!


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey Everybody :wave:

Finally got some pics for everyone to look at. These are just some shots of what my closet looks like right now while im vegging up my scrog bins so that i can get a nice fat yeild. There going but there not filling up as fast as i want, but they look alright heres a few pics.

Here is the first bin of M's

These are some shots of the Bin containing the Burmese Delights

This is the back bin with M's in it, while i was out of town it got hit hard by a mag def but its back undercontrol now, just gonna cost me some time but i can deal

These are 2 overviews of what it looks like as i close it up

They seem to be growing very slowly to me, ive been vegging them for a little over a month now and they just dont seem to be growing fast enough for me. I guess ive been leaving on and off so i cant expect perfection. Just put 24 seeds that sank in a glass into peat pellets and put em into a humidity dome, so hopfully i will have 20 happy seedlings soon enough. Thanks for stopping by everyone and keeping me going. You guys are the best!!! Peace all.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
the light of your life...i hear ya man...nice going bro...:wink:
now get cracking again :biglaugh:

ohw yea mine showed tail.... all 20 :D
Good luck on yours :wave:

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