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Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
Keep us updated on this one.
Pretty cool, i couldnt resist rubbing a nug of a elite selection from a hybrid i made here and it has a mildly sweet bubble gum smell to the buds, and that with the creamy mandarin orange of the males stem rub should be super interesting alot of seeds are forming on it. I am excited about that one as well as the angolas, they seem very friendly compared to what you would think of an african sativa, soft and elegant profiles and leaves.

Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
looks like 2/4 phenotypes of the femles have the red pistol trait, so i am concluding angola red is not a landrace. just that they have red hair angolas in the population and at one point someone selected for the red phenotype which has slightly broader but still skinny leaves than the green phenotype that is my favorite and now smells like orange starburst. your not going to find a field of red hair plants, it doesnt fit how most fields are, nature does a good job of keeping diversity in big ops.