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Active member
I’m from Kenya and I collect landrace strains found within or near east Africa.

In the month of March, I flew to Kinshasa for some strain hunting. The guys over there hooked me up with a potent sativa that originates from northern Angola.

The sativa has a relaxing body high and an upbeat cerebral high. It’s perfect for either day or nighttime consumption.

You can watch my strain hunt trip plus the strain review on YouTube



Well-known member
I’m from Kenya and I collect landrace strains found within or near east Africa.

In the month of March, I flew to Kinshasa for some strain hunting. The guys over there hooked me up with a potent sativa that originates from northern Angola.

The sativa has a relaxing body high and an upbeat cerebral high. It’s perfect for either day or nighttime consumption.

You can watch my strain hunt trip plus the strain review on YouTube

F___ing killer video Kidete. Very interesting, I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for sharing your work with us. Keep me posted on your videos because I love those kinds of videos.

Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
Just to let anyone know who is interested Kidete is going to Congo on the 30th of this month looking for Black African Magic, he already has a list of donors including myself who will recieve BAM/ or whatever strain he encounters there and a pick between shashamane or kilimanjaro sativa. He is less active on this forum and i want to let other members have this rare oppurtunity as well as support my friend.
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Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
Just to let anyone know who is interested Kidete is going to Congo on the 30th of this month looking for Black African Magic, he already has a list of donors including myself who will recieve BAM/ or whatever strain he encounters there and a pick between shashamane or kilimanjaro sativa. He is less active on this forum and i want to let other members have this rare oppurtunity as well as support my friend.
Update-, Mike is in Goma, he's found a interesting sativa grown in Masasi, I has herbal and spicy flavor and a energetic body and mental high. He said it is a great strain for smoking in the morning before going out and about your day. I have 6 northern angolas ATM all close to a foot tall. They have a orange blossom and creamy stem rub most of them.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
damn , where is the line?

we grew out some Angola red about 8 years ago , very nice uplifting experience

I would love to add some new gear to my African collection!

please help a poor seed hoarder , I am also up for trades if needed 😍

Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
damn , where is the line?

we grew out some Angola red about 8 years ago , very nice uplifting experience

I would love to add some new gear to my African collection!

please help a poor seed hoarder , I am also up for trades if
Hey The northern Angola seeds are from Mike's kinshasha trip, from east AFRICA GENES, IF HE STIll has stock he'd be best, if he's out of seeds I have 2 males and 3 female and 1 in sexed in 1 gallons was going to transplant to 5s they just showed sex after around 5 weeks here in tropical environment, unfortunately I was just away and our house keeper didn't protect them from the chickens like I had asked, honestly never want to go away again, they are strong genetics and still have enough leaves to recover but will be stunted, I am praying they don't flip either from the stress so far they are true. Going to find those chickens a new home.
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New member

Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
Angola red reminds me of Oaxaca because of the height and it smells like Colombian punto rojo
Thats interesting I have some Oaxacan Brick seeds, the smell i got from the nugs had a more incense/mild citrus aroma, I can see how they might be similiar based on leaf morphology, the angola seems a on the hyrbid spectrum like mexican as far as leaf diameter is concerned, its narrow but has a little bit of width to the lead compared to pure NLD. I am guessing it was oaxacan they dont give names for batches, just mexican, but im pretty sure, the line was pure green phenotypes, had had an effect that made you forget everything , yet all your senses are enhnaces smell, hearing, touch.

Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
SO far on Angolas 2/6 Are female, 2/6 are male and 2/6 are unsexed but looks like itll be 3 male and 3 female. I have another female in flower just starting of a F1 called Carambola from Central AMerican Brick x Blue Satellite (Spice of Life), so ill get the angolas reproductions and F1 polyhybrid of (N.Angola x Carambola F1) , Its almost worth starting some oaxacans but i don't want to push my luck, better keep my count lower until things change here.

Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
The red pistils
I Ordered 25 more northern angolas, and upgraded the 15 ruthsuru congo seeds to 25, also i have some kwale from kenya to grow. then i would like to get the other 4 kenyan strains he has eventaully. I will let you know if i find any red pistols while growing them, the 6 northern angolas i have atm from the intial 10 seeds he sent me have low levels of anthrocyanins looking at them and i see no color in the pistols just starting. so i think they may be different than angola red for sure, but i will tell when i run more seeds and improve genepool of the 6 im running atm 4 female and 2 males. just to confirm red hairs as in higher in anthrocyanins yet with a reddish less pink or purple hues? ive seen purple and pink pistols in some of the crosses i made a while back with GDP. Itd be great if you had a picture to share so i know what to look for :)
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Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
One thing i would like to point out about the northern angolas that has impressed me is the stem rub aromas, it started off as a orange blossom creamy smell, and has transformed to a full blown mandarin orange smell like you just peeled one to eat. I am guessing it has Valencene because it is a distinct mandarin smell, i can't wait for the flowers to develope. its very refreshing growing a stain with this profile for the first time. on of them got the top broken from a chicekn an messed with 4-5 days ago and is still growing with just a piece of skin attached. very strong genetics. The plants would be looking amazingly better if i hadn't gone away in the past and the chickens got them. ill repost a pic of them in some weeks after they recover.
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Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
I have seen pink pistils. The red would be like old Panama Red or the rooi bart. They are bright red while alive, before they turn brown.

a few pollinated still early in flower this one got hit hard by the chickens but it looks like the pistols have that red color to them if you look at this picture.
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