Just a couple pics before I go do afternoon watering.
China Yunnan.
The Michoacán Cream.
Just some random pics of the girls. Everything is healthy and happy. I may do some pics of specific plants later tonight. Enjoy your weekend. Peace
Abja Roots, I had been indoors like everyone else. Then it dawned on me. If indoor growing was the best environment up north. Why are all the nurseries in greenhouse's? Why pay for lighting year round? It really helps me stay under the radar without very high utility bills also. It just made sense to go this route. Flowering may present several issues with the long flowering sativa's. I have some that will definitely not finish. I will know what I can and can't do going forward in this facility for sure. I hope to be able to do 14 week strains without issue. Peace
Grizz, Sorry I missed your question. Yes we do have Medical here now. It is in it's infancy of implementation. The State has determined that the price of a license is $100,000 annually. (grow facility) That was their attempt to squash our program. They also removed home growing from our measure passed by 68% of voters. This is my filibuster, middle finger to narrow minded, panty waste legislators. Who don't listen to the people's wishes. Peace
Hello all, It's the end of a very hot month here. The girls came through all adversities very well. I had some very long days at work un able to tend to these ladies as they deserved at times. Many thanks to the vendors at the Ace seeds website. They truly have the best genetics available. Quality first Ok enough blowing smoke. Orient Express x NepJam. Destroyer from CBG. Zamaldelica x Kali China. Guawi Kali China x Malawi. Peace
These two are a Angola x Kali China. NepJam x Kali China Sun/fan leaf from the NepJam x Kali China. This is a center aisle picture. The plant in front is a Golden Tiger from Ace seeds. (Hmong & KoChang Thai x Old/New Malawi Killers). I hope you all have a great and safe weekend. Peace
Hello to anybody out there.
Here is some of the Original Delicatessen genetics. Well one is an offering from O.D. the other two are crosses with CBG and Ace genetics. None the less they are all fantastic sativa plants.
These are the Malawi(pink hair) x MaPettit. I have three plants in a 40 gallon plastic grow tub. It's cramped for the roots I know. But I wanted a few more plants. Peace
These are the Queen Mother offered from Original Delicatessen. A Spanish sativa that will finish in 9 to 10 weeks. I have been very impressed so far with all of O.D. genetics. I will be getting more for sure. Have a great grow and a safe weekend. Peace
tomorrow I think I will do updates on the genetics from Bohdi Seeds. I have (Oaxacan and Acapulco Gold). They are part of a preservation seed offering from Bohdi. These genetics are outstanding. Imo Both plants have great vigor and strength. I'm not sure if the Acapulco Gold will be able to finish her flowering, but she will get every opportunity to do so. I shouldn't say she yet. I have two plants of the A.G and both could go male yet I don't know. I have been wrong at pre sexing plants before. I let them show their sex in their own time now. I'm with them multiple times a day and can cull a male out quickly. Peace
Here is the updates on the Bohdi genetics. (Acapulco Gold, Zipolite Oaxacan).
This is the Acapulco Gold. In her Root Pouch bag she is standing at 8' tall right now. Total plant height is about 6 1/2' from top of soil. I will end up topping this plant before flowering starts. I will take the top 2' of the main meristem and count on the lateral branches to continue to fill out and up. Peace
This Oaxaca offering from Bohdi is truly exceptional. There isn't a single charectoristic of this plant I would change or ask to be different. This is a strong well branched beauty.
This last picture is looking in the door of the greenhouse. The first plant in the center is Ace's Golden Tiger. This is the second year I've run the GT. With the environmental changes from inside to a greenhouse. There isn't even a recognizable trait between the two grows. This is the updated GT offering from Ace. They used the Hmong and Kochang Thai's as well as the New and Old Malawi Killers. The original version of GT had just the Hmong Thai and Old Malawi Killer in the genetics. The flowering time for the GT is 10-14 weeks indoors mid to late November outdoors. I'm hoping mid November and I'm harvesting everything. I doubt the Acapulco Gold will fully be ready. She may come down two weeks early. Peace
Here is the open door peek into the greenhouse.
Flowering is still 2 1/2 to 3 weeks away. The chemical triggering will start about that time anyway. Last season first pistils showed up on my outdoor plants on the 23rd of August. I expect that schedule to remain the same within a day or two. Have a great week of growing and be safe. Peace
Natural flowering is a couple short weeks away. I had several plants with height issues I needed to resolve. With multiple options to choose from. I chose topping.
It was a hard decision to make with healthy plants. I didn't want to delay my choice as the plants will need all the time to regenerate new growth before flowering starts. Some plants may respond very well and others may not. The plants that had shorter structures I left alone. It's my preference to allow them to grow as naturally as possible. Here is a couple pictures of topped plants. NepJam x Kali China Acapulco Gold
Picture of greenhouse after topping 11 plants. I did rub Clonex on top of the cut meristems after topping. I didn't think it would hurt regeneration and may reduce some plant stress. Peace
Hello, My Oaxacan and the Peyote Purple have started offsetting the nodes of growth. The Oaxaca plants haven't had any other changes that I noticed. The Peyote Purple plants have had several changes in plant structure. Both plants have gained at least two leaves per leaf bract or set. The meristem below the offset nodes is dry to the touch. On both plants at or above the offset nodes is sticky and smells like chemicals or glue. Both plants had a wavy look in the sun leaves. In both plants this hasn't reoccurred in new growth. Both plants are healthy and I look forward to seeing them in flower soon. Last season my plants grew under four 600 watt HPS, three 105 watt CFL's and three 23 watt LED lights. I shortened the photo period from 13/11 to 12/12 then to 10.5/ 13.5 for last three weeks of flowering. The natural light cycle now will steadily decrease a few minutes a day until harvest. Peace
Hello again, several of the girls have started carrying pistils now. More should enter flowering this week. I'm glad it started a few weeks earlier than expected. This will help finish flowering for a couple strains. Peace
Hello again, About 50% of the ladies are flowering now. The rest of the room is very close to pushing pistils. NepJam China Yunnan Malawi(pink hair) x Kali China Guawi A peek in the door. Peace