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Noob, Doin the damn thang

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Yo Y, good look on the answer. My setup for this run is, 18oz cups for veg and 1/2 gallon containers for flower. So wateve itll be good. As for how they are doing they are doing good as hell. One plant is dominating the other but, whatever well see soon what sex they are. They have been drinking up some good spring water with FoxFarms BigBloom and GrowBig mixed in. The are thriving... Peace for now broo. :joint:

Hey there B/R, wats going on..? Thanks for coming by again and I am excited to see how this PPP turns out. Ive got alot of work ahead of me and your always keeping my motivated, Ive looked at that one picture of yours tons of times. Take it easy for now. :joint:

Wats up JIC, thanks for comin on by, and givin me the compliments.. :joint:

Supp, MJcuresall, thanks for droping by your knowledge. Im going to do stick with what I just said to Y. Ill be seein you around..Peace :joint:

Supp Dubb

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Plants are looking superb. As it stands, I have one thats really alot bigger an bushier and one more stout and in pounce mode. Either way both look great, I should be transplanting tommorrow an in a few days going to turn the lights. BTW, tommorrow is their 3rd week aniv. Umm, what to add... I dunno

Peace my peeps :joint:


fasheezy...are they in bloom to sex?or do you still have them in veg?
just womderin why ur usin grow big and big bloom at this stage.
anyways as long as theyre doin good,then good.:)
peace bro-Y-

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Yo son. The plants are not in bloom yet, they will be soon though. I did transplant them today into 1/2 gallon from 18oz cups. I used 5parts peat moss 3parts perlite an 2parts EWC, just a simple recipe I saw, o ya also added 2 teapoons of dolomite lime to it. I been following the Foxfarm sites feeding schedual, Imma go check it again tho. They are in veg still yes.

peace outt :joint:


i see .well as long as they are doin the dam thing no worries yo.
i just slidin thru to holla at ya right quick pimpin.peace -Y-

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
My smaller plant definetly has a defentcy. Im not sure what it is an I cant find much help around here. I know I can goto Barnes n Nobles n read Jorges horticuture as hes got a section on defecenties with pictures. Basicly the leaves are VERY slightly yellow an the veins are slightly purple, going from the center veins an a little bit outward towards ends of leaves. I might go to the store and look at the book if I dont goto Wildwood tonight. peace :joint:


Hey, prof, crack some more SW seeds if u got em, (prob too late for outdoor though).
I've been smoking some early samples and this shit is crazy I tells ya...still got a few weeks left but its so fucking dense, and it reeks!

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Aw man your making me maddd, hehe. Na, I do not have more SW seeds just PPP but I WILL be buying some more in the future. Im happy your enjoying that bud. Take it eazy Imma come slide by your thread. peace :joint:

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Plants are looking good. Theyve been under 12/12 for a few days but, I cant get them to grow any actual pistals yet. But the preflowers do seem to look female. Shit is poppin tho Ill tell you that much. They look sweeeet!. Peace yall :joint:

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Na my computer is broke I cant upload shit or post pictures only post words. They are 4 weeks old today. Very short and stout plants very branchy with small tight 7 fingered leaves. Lots of interior growth going on as well. They are going to start their flowering nutes next water. Today was their plain water day. They definetly are starting to smell piney/skunkish. All green growth not 1 leave has ever shown signs of overnuting or anything. They are loving life right now I belive. I have big plans for 09 this is just round one. Peace bro :joint:

Heres random pics tho.

Snow White


Male Snow White

Hash from Mokum



1st Iso



Same hash from letter

Juicy Berry

Sour Jack



Grey Area's Kief

My Ride

Sticky Fingers
Last edited:

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Thanks cannabean for stoping by and showin love. Imma go peep your current grow Ill see you over there. Peacee :joint:

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Everything is going great. Its been over a week of 12/12 now and I havent been able to see any pistals yet. They are now drinking their flowering nutes and under more lights. They look sweet. Pc
Pictures in about 2 weeks.


a week of 12 and no pistils? hmmm.....
what kind of nute schedule you on lil bro?

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Plants are now comfirmed females. They blew out pistals over night a few nights ago. They are looking better then ever and are now ready to start to grow bizuds. :)

Hey cdub the nute schedual I am on is foxfarms, currently I am watering like this. It is 2 tablespoons of both Tigerbloom n Bigbloom, I added like 15mls of ph up to get it to be about 6.2. I water every other day giving 9 oz of water to each plant, I go 2 waterings of nutes then one water of spring water ph is about 6.4-6.6. I might start watering daily though once they get fatter.

Ill post pictures next weekend probly. By then maybe Ill have some resin production. Peaceeeee :joint:


sounds about right Prof. You're lettin em dry out a bit in between waterings/feedings, right?