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Nomaad's Outdoor Adventure 2009 v1.2


Wonderful looking yields.
My garage is looking quite similar to yours, nomaad. I have six lines at 18' each. I plan to do some moonlight harvesting this evening, as well.
That's an ambitious side project for the 5 lbs by Christmas. You've got my wheels spinning. I placed a two tester clones out about a week ago. New genetics that I want to sample before committing to put them out next season. A Pure Kush clone (that I hope is legit) and a Trainwreck.
I'm fascinated to see how well your 24 late ladies perform.
A truly inspirational grow, N.


Active member
Thanks, Shangri-la... I am actually going to put out half of the clones you see, the others are going to veg BIG for my first real greenhouse run in February-March. I am hoping to get at least one large harvest in the Spring (50 lbs) before starting the 2010 Black Box and Outdoor.

I found myself with too many clones... i gave a ton away and I still have twice what I would have needed for my springtime run. I was trying to get somebody to come pick em up and I was going to help them build a room, but they didn't seem too motivated... so I kinda just said... fuck it. i'll flower them. It will give me a chance to run a nute experiment or something.

You think 5 lbs from 24 plants in 3 gallon pots is possible? They were transplanted from 3" pots about 10 days ago... Topped yesterday (somebody came over and made clones of all the tops and took them home- so nice to be able to give away what would have cost hundreds of dollars but would have wound up in the compost)... how long you think I should veg them before putting them outside? I am thinking another 3 weeks.


I would just be guessing, nomaad, as most of my experience is with full/extended season plants. That said...in order to average 3.3-3.5 oz/plant, I would like to see the plants vegged to at least 18" in height before being placed outside. Your current clones should double in size within the next 3-4 weeks, right? Based on their current size, they should be right in that 18" ballpark.
Also, if it were ME, I'd give 'em 5 gallon pots.


Active member
I would just be guessing, nomaad, as most of my experience is with full/extended season plants. That said...in order to average 3.3-3.5 oz/plant, I would like to see the plants vegged to at least 18" in height before being placed outside. Your current clones should double in size within the next 3-4 weeks, right? Based on their current size, they should be right in that 18" ballpark.
Also, if it were ME, I'd give 'em 5 gallon pots.

Yeah... 18-24" by 10/21... which is the date I want to put them out. Five gallon pots... I could easily transplant before putting them outside. My thought was that it would be a wasted effort this late in the season, but I'm not against the idea if its going to be effective with the season I am forcing on these ladies.


Everything looks great Nomaad. Congrats on your first full season harvest. I hope you are enjoying every second of it.
I would agree with Shang that you should go with at least 5 gallon pots for your Xmas project.

beer batter

Me 2 I just got ripped but had pulled everything after orders from mom & pops i know its a time 2 put smiles on but its a quick and hectic and 2 the digs this season. 80% to the bastards, I am in tears but still hanging what they broke and what they left on the vine. I hope 2 send out some seed I made 2 the surver fund but harvest came so early and I’m all smelly/sticky and paranoid. I had some 12 year old knob creek in the freezer to gulp on it been a good long day of harvesting what they had left. I’m thinking what now… what next season...


Active member
sorry for your troubles beer batter. that really sucks. can you describe your grow scenario? so far, most of the ripping I have heard of this season has occurred in guerilla situations on private or public land not belonging to the grower... your description makes it sound like you're on your own patch... burbs? country? city?


Me 2 I just got ripped but had pulled everything after orders from mom & pops i know its a time 2 put smiles on but its a quick and hectic and 2 the digs this season. 80% to the bastards, I am in tears but still hanging what they broke and what they left on the vine. I hope 2 send out some seed I made 2 the surver fund but harvest came so early and I’m all smelly/sticky and paranoid. I had some 12 year old knob creek in the freezer to gulp on it been a good long day of harvesting what they had left. I’m thinking what now… what next season...

Next season don't get ripped.

That sucks, dude. Join the unemployed.


Active member
I am trying to be a good neighbor. My neighbors do not want to see fences topped with razor wire out in the country where we have all chosen to live. They are all aware that we are growing here... we even found out who narced us to the Sheriff in May (they admitted it at a community water meeting for a group that we do not belong to- we're on our own well.)

It was reported to me that they said "They had like 48 plants" and "But the Sheriff couldn't do anything because they had their paperwork or something." Then one of my other neighbors who grows (about 75% of them back there do) but who I have only met once for a second in passing said "If they have their papers, they are legal!" Nice to see the support.

Anyhow... about the razor wire. I have motion detectors, night vision cameras with another motion detection system and full time security in the garden. I am not expecting rippers, but if somebody did infiltrate, they'd set something off before they snapped a single branch. Unless they paraglide in...

The Sherpa lives in the garden and I sleep in a sniper position (non lethal rounds) overlooking it . I feel pretty safe, but these reports always freak me out.


Active member
I am trying to be a good neighbor. My neighbors do not want to see fences topped with razor wire out in the country where we have all chosen to live. They are all aware that we are growing here... we even found out who narced us to the Sheriff in May (they admitted it at a community water meeting for a group that we do not belong to- we're on our own well.)

It was reported to me that they said "They had like 48 plants" and "But the Sheriff couldn't do anything because they had their paperwork or something." Then one of my other neighbors who grows (about 75% of them back there do) but who I have only met once for a second in passing said "If they have their papers, they are legal!" Nice to see the support.

Anyhow... about the razor wire. I have motion detectors, night vision cameras with another motion detection system and full time security in the garden. I am not expecting rippers, but if somebody did infiltrate, they'd set something off before they snapped a single branch. Unless they paraglide in...

The Sherpa lives in the garden and I sleep in a sniper position (non lethal rounds) overlooking it . I feel pretty safe, but these reports always freak me out.

I understand neighbors not wanting to see it but at the same time, I would think they would like to see criminals running around ripping people less. It is good to see neighbors supporting you too, that surprises me. The fact remains though that not all people have people living in their gardens and there has to be a way to protect yourself. Not saying that cameras aren't a great tool once it has happened and could serve you well in a civil case or catching them initially but they only have scare factor. I am a big fan of physical impediments to criminals. A strong fence with a hedge of thorns on the other side is good. Its better to have barbed wire on top of that but razor wire is always better where legally allowed. But then again, your security is only as strong as your weakest link so any weakness anywhere in the perimeter is a liability. I dunno, I am not in the situation yet myself but I think I would err on the side of security.


Active member
Please, let's not make this another thread about how to stop rippers. There are already a couple of live ones for the purpose.


Active member
Please, let's not make this another thread about how to stop rippers. There are already a couple of live ones for the purpose.

Fair enough, my apologies :respect: All is good. Any pics of that garden of yours to share? Do you still have any plants out there?


Active member


Active member
Hey nomad, what do you think about serpentine planting? Theoretically that wouldn't violate plant count because it is the same continuous plant but could be a way to keep the plants shorter and more widely spread out. Just been thinking about it lately... oh and do you have any close ups of all those beautiful buds you had hanging? Looks like something I would like to see in my garage. Do you plan on purchasing drying racks or those hanging mesh bags or do you already have a system for drying them?


Active member
I'll go take some close-ups. I have some time to kill before we take down another two plants. I think I want to wait a few days ont he Berry White.

Thanks slider. That's my favorite compliment. Its fairly obvious that I am a geek, but perhaps not so much that I am a Star Wars geek.


Active member
zenoonez: they dry as you see them hanging. they go from the line into 35 gallon bins where they await the deft hands of the trimmers.

I am recording the weight of some test branches each day along with temp and RH in the garage. Gives me some hard data to work with when I am trying to make quick calculations as to how long drying might take in a given set of circumstances.