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No vertical this run, LST in coco.


Well-known member
Super Citrus Haze Harvest
Day 67

Weight going into jars to cure is, 8.3 zips. Not dissapointed in weight, taste test to come.



Well-known member
Everything in jars for cure, both freebie seeds from previous orders.

WW by Pyramide Seeds 6.85 zips

Super Citrus Haze by Seedsman Seeds 8.3 zips

Group shot.

Cya next grow.



Well-known member
I see some good pain relief for my back coming up. :party:

I will take at least 1/2 to 3/4 of the grow and make CO, I have not taken a pain med, other than Advil,for my back since I began making oil a few yrs ago. I do a 1 to 16 x 4 times a day.

My sons mother has a condition that painfully moves thru her body and it just incapacitated her to the point of 24/7 care. She was on a massive amount of pain meds. I began making oil for her a few months ago, first batch was a 1 to 35, CO to Organic Avocado oil. She has moved up to a 1 to 25. She takes 10 drops at 9 am and 10 pm, no more pain, no more 24/7, NO MORE MEDS as of yesterday, :groupwave: She is feeling so well that she is driving herself to he sisters this weekend, cool huh.

So, yes I am happy with the yield. Just need to do better to make more CO to share with as many pain suffering people as I can.

If you are near my age, I am sure you have pains and conditions that CO could help with. Educate yourself and everyone around you, FULL PLANT CANNABIS OIL WORKS!!!!!!

Thanks again my friend,


Well-known member
Hi y'all,

Well it's time for the final final.

The White Widow's cured (holding humidity at 60%), 190 grams (6.8 zops)

The Super Citrus Haze is cured (holding humidity at 59%), 230 grams (8.2 zips).

Well that's it for this run, thank y'all for taking a gander at my shit.
Have not come up with a name for my next grow which is in the seedling stage, but I am looking forward to it.


Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Very nice. I love about 33mg 2 or 3 times a day for my pains. Works wonders for overall mood too. But I feel that ur going to be happier if ur not thinking about pain all the time.


Well-known member
Very nice. I love about 33mg 2 or 3 times a day for my pains. Works wonders for overall mood too. But I feel that ur going to be happier if ur not thinking about pain all the time.

Hey Bud,
Thanks, so what is your ratio of CO to carrier, and what is your carrier?
Made some oil for my son mother a while ago. First batch was 1 to 35 with Avocado oil, second and now her maintenance batch is a 1 to 25.
She is doing about 10 drops a day morning and night, or about 5 mg/day. She is doing just great, when not 3 months ago she could not ever get out of bed. You mentioned mood management, both of her sons say that she is a completely different person, attitude wise.

I have no idea how much I do, I have a little silicon stick about 4 inches long and about 3mm wide. I dip it in the oil to a given depth the suck it clean, I would estimate I do a maintenance dose of less than 0.1 - 0.15 mg/day. I am also using it as a cancer deterrent, I have history in family.


Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
I use mct oil, but any coconut oil is a great carrier. I like making capsules. The 0 size filled right at or below the line where the caps go together holds .55ml just about perfectly. So I take whatever amount of dose I want to make x .55. So with 1 gram of oil=1000mg, for my 33mg size I divide 33 into a 1000, which gives me 30 capsules at 33mg each. So I take 30 capsules x .55ml=16.5ml of coconut oil to make 30 caps at 33mg of oil. So my average oil tests around 75%the, so each cap is about 25mg of thc. But I usually just refer to the oil per cap, cause I know I'm completely accurate with that measurement. Hope that helps. Before I knew what I was doing my friends and I had experimented with up to 500mg at one time. It's not a pleasant experience at all. I found out where the term the fear comes from. For most people tolerance has to be built to take such high doses. I think I read where Rick Simpson suggests a gram or 2 a month for maintenance doses. If I take 2 to 3 caps a day, it equals 2 to 3 grams a month. I'm definitely happier, n more productive when I take my meds on a regular basis.


Active member
What's up gr866... I just read through your vertical thread at the other site... Fir whatever reason I'm not receiving the confirmation email that would allow me membership and full access to the site. I'm digging your grows and am also toying with the idea of stacking some cmh lights.
I think what you are doing with sharing your extra bud with those who need it is very noble and admirable. I've always wanted to give away weed to peeps who have medical issues and can't afford to buy meds, but I live in a no grow state with a piss poor medical cannabis program. I end up giving a lot away to friends and family, but wished I lived in a place where I coukd openly share with those who need it without worrying about prosecution. Anyway, I hope i can get my membership sorted so I can post i your vert thread soon. Keep up the good work... Ill be lurking :D


Active member
I see some good pain relief for my back coming up. :party:

I will take at least 1/2 to 3/4 of the grow and make CO, I have not taken a pain med, other than Advil,for my back since I began making oil a few yrs ago. I do a 1 to 16 x 4 times a day.

My sons mother has a condition that painfully moves thru her body and it just incapacitated her to the point of 24/7 care. She was on a massive amount of pain meds. I began making oil for her a few months ago, first batch was a 1 to 35, CO to Organic Avocado oil. She has moved up to a 1 to 25. She takes 10 drops at 9 am and 10 pm, no more pain, no more 24/7, NO MORE MEDS as of yesterday, :groupwave: She is feeling so well that she is driving herself to he sisters this weekend, cool huh.

So, yes I am happy with the yield. Just need to do better to make more CO to share with as many pain suffering people as I can.

If you are near my age, I am sure you have pains and conditions that CO could help with. Educate yourself and everyone around you, FULL PLANT CANNABIS OIL WORKS!!!!!!

Thanks again my friend,

that is awesome


Active member
Hi y'all,

Well it's time for the final final.

The White Widow's cured (holding humidity at 60%), 190 grams (6.8 zops)
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=71652&pictureid=1736338&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=71652&pictureid=1736336&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=71652&pictureid=1736340&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

The Super Citrus Haze is cured (holding humidity at 59%), 230 grams (8.2 zips).
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=71652&pictureid=1736288&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=71652&pictureid=1736289&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Well that's it for this run, thank y'all for taking a gander at my shit.
Have not come up with a name for my next grow which is in the seedling stage, but I am looking forward to it.


the closeup of the widow is sick!!!!


Active member
First off thanks for our service and what you continue to do for the vets. second thanks for sharing this grow! you are a natural!