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The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
its nothing personal to me.

i gave you all the info you wanted. everytime.

you are talking about me "treating you" bad.

i treat everyone the same. if the rain never stops for people, thats their life. people can compliment them and they will get offended and cry.

i deal with a lot of people everyday, that is wjat you dont understand. they are all treated the same.

i remember when me and teemu shalanie workd at mc donalds. at least once a day a customer would rant and rave about how upset they were about something. i always wondered, is the food that was really that bad to yell, scream cry and be offended? did the burger or fries bite them and hurt them? or were they just having a bad day? or are they always having a bad day?

the service i provide is the highest quality, lowest prices. thats my guarantee. i also gaurantee 1 keeper mom per pack if my gern method is followed. i dont gauarantee germ rates or shipping. or any seed to be devoid of nanners or sacs, especially if they get stressed out before keepers are found.

i am not here to be liked. i am here to change the game.

award winning system? free
award winning nutes? 75% off
award winning genetics? 70% off less or more
chi gong lessons? free
award winning methods? free

one thing you seem to not see is my shoes and my perspective. i can deal with over 50 people a day. more or less, it depends.

i cut to the chase, as to help as many people as efficiently as possible, not lovingly. you have 1 seed maker to focus on. i have my whole market to tend to.

i know what its like to not even get breeders who return pms or emails. i know what its like to have beans stolen by the man. i know what its like to be offended by nothing. seems like these things are things you dont know about me.

so what makes you or rvd more special then everyone else on here? why do you desrve rub and tugs when everyone else is happy in their gardens?

one complaint out of 100 is not bad for my first year really selling seeds, better then mcdonalds 7 days a week

i did provide info bottom line. you should post all our pms to back me



why didnt you list hemp depot as a reseller?you told me to go to seedbay and seed boutique...i did,they were sold out,then i went to vancouiver seedbank and they were too,so i tell you this and you told me im making excuses?which i didnt even get.

anyways...good luck


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
last week wcsd was listed on seedbo. unless there was a clerical error, which is out of my control.

i am not here to promote any other vendors sites, even me, i have told you that. and everyone that multiple times.

i can only show you doors. i dont grab handles or open them for people.

we arent here to openly break the rules that says dont talk about breeders and or seed banks outside of the ones that support this site



New member
Medman is a joke pay for beans on grow your home His home page,They sent me two emails saying thanks for your order Then wait for two weeks my order from brad showed up Then I ask about my order at [email protected] No answer Had to blasted him on three other places to get a word from him.Then he said no shipping addy But on the two emails from his home page had my addy He said he was shipping them out that was the 4th reddog sent me stuff on the 12th the same month it showed up no problems (so that two order's that showed up) but still nothing from Fuck boy All he has to say is (IF customs find them you wont get them) or (emailing me ever day won't make them come any faster) NO SHIT THANKS FOR TELL ME A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT or May they react me safely Don't know how two order's make it throw customs but your's don't This was a week before medboy got arrested!! KARMA IS A BITCH!! FUCK BOY THE KID YOUR RIPPED OFF FROM PA


karma is karma...i mean you can talk the talk,but eventually it all catches up.not saying anything against medman,im just sayin karma is real.

so you are saying that you cant pm your answer...thats just an excuse dude....saying that you cant talk about other seedbanks...thats what pm`s are for bro.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Medman is a joke pay for beans on grow your home His home page,They sent me two emails saying thanks for your order Then wait for two weeks my order from brad showed up Then I ask about my order at [email protected] No answer Had to blasted him on three other places to get a word from him.Then he said no shipping addy But on the two emails from his home page had my addy He said he was shipping them out that was the 4th reddog sent me stuff on the 12th the same month it showed up no problems (so that two order's that showed up) but still nothing from Fuck boy All he has to say is (IF customs find them you wont get them) or (emailing me ever day won't make them come any faster) NO SHIT THANKS FOR TELL ME A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT or May they react me safely Don't know how two order's make it throw customs but your's don't This was a week before medboy got arrested!! KARMA IS A BITCH!! FUCK BOY THE KID YOUR RIPPED OFF FROM PA

if you didnt order them from here, then why complain? if you order beans illegally, then expect to be accountable for doing so.

Last edited:


New member
So what are you saying Your home is a joke!The only reason I didnt get them here they were cheaper at grow your own an brad at that time didnt have ppk wish he did cause the order I placed the SAME day as I order from YOUR HOME PAGE came in the mail,then the next one's from reddog came so maybe yours smelted a little funny (you better quit use scratch an sniff pot leave's stamps) I will tell you in a few days if my chem wonder f1's show up that's what happen's when people who really put something in the mail! Ps So are you saying your home page is a joke! Like I asked the first email I sent you When you sent me No shipping address email


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey, my website never officially luanche unti june 21/2013

i had little to no access to my webhoster email until around june 5th . i only got reminder emails sent to my hotmail account for orders. no adresses or ordr info.

i will bet i replied to you from my hotmail account and not my website account.

anyway, seed are still illegal to import into the u.s. thats not my risk.

quote me one time where i would say my home page is a joke....would love to see that.

i will bet you got them and are just coersing me for some freebees. seen a lot of people doing this to seed makers over the years.

i dont gaurantee shipping to the u.s. i gaurantee i will ship them. thats life, i have lost a ton of packs ordering from europe. dont do the crime if you cannot accept the time



New member
Once again you saying bullshit bullshit Look at the date an that's not the first email all I want was what I order an Im not the kind of person to lie,I didnt get shit from you!Im 65 year's young an sick an have to brake the law it better than getting hook on painkillers they allmost shut my kidneys down in 2006 an my grand kid show me the great plant!From what I was told an read I thot you were stand up guy? rom: Rick Wad <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 6:21 PM
Subject: Order throw grow yor own


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i dont think you understand 123,

i dont guarantee shipping to the u.s.

you think after giving away $250,000 in free seeds last 2 years and dedicating my life to peoples wholistic heaslth that i am stealing 40.00 bucks from you? lol

i dont make the laws in your country. call customs if you have any more complaints



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i have them packed and ready for shipping. they will be super charging until i figure out a scheme with big c.

should be shipping very very soon


ps just sorted some rock-star bagseed x wcsd c1 (clone only). wawaweeewa :)


New member
Well today I got my pack of chemical wonder from sickmeds for a person that got robbed an most of his seed stock taken from the police he still got my seeds to me That Red is one stand up guy!!So that three things to make it to me But no seeds from medman?Does something look an smell fun to other people here