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NL99 (Northern Lights x Cinderella99)


Zoltan said:
Nice Nugs!

I invested in some of joey's seeds, mostly the F2s, but I have some blueberryxc99 in preflower, just waiting for some height.

I'm def going to try out those NLxc99 tho.
That is exactly the high I like. Nonstop thinking and euphoria, but not like ur on crack. And it knocks ya out in the end for some BOMB dreams.... excellent :)

Good job, and did you take any clones for mom's? Get to know a clone and I'm sure you can easily double/tripple your yield in the space. Maybe 1 trained, or several colas

Another grower of JW gear, awesome! Got a journal or any pics of those BBxc99? You wont be dissapointed with nl99. I didnt get a chance to take any cloned, but im thinking i will next time out if I find that special mom candidate.

Agent 09 said:
Really? I always thought NL was some pretty skinky stuff, all of the pure NL I've got stunk up my car for weeks. I've got some
bigbud x NL going right now and I have to say its pretty stinky. I'm surprised that this has a reutation on not being very skinky, hmm, I guess it could be the C99.

As far as I know, NL is one of the lowest odor strains out there. But regardless, the nl/c99 cross specifically is odorless :joint:

J-Roc said:
hey lemon!
thats an awesome joint u rolled there
with that green ass weed it looks like a nice lite saber

lates :wave:

Thanks :smile: