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NJ Medical Marijuana



Wow hope it goes well for u guys in joisey keep us posted as to what happens fo sho


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Fingers, eyes, legs and testicles crossed for this one!!! Good luck "Garden" state!


Hmmm? wasnt this the final stamp before it goes to Gov.Corzine for his signature to go into effect?


Active member
i think it needs a full assembly vote.. or maybe it goes back to senate cause they made some changes and then has to come back again who knows...? lol



great sheeesh :fsu: Well im not really going to hold my breath on this one if it happens it happens considering how joisey works they will find some crazy bullshit to make it like virtually impossible to obtain a mj card imho


Active member
I ain't no expert, but from how I understand the process, since the Assembly committee made serious changes, it'll have to go back to the Senate for them to approve it with the new changes.

I think it'll first have to be passed by the full Assembly and then sent back to the Senate.

Once they both approve it without making new changes, it finally goes to the governor.

I just hope it all happens while Corzine is still in office.

It never got this far before, so at least there's progress in that regard...

I hate politics. :wallbash:


Active member
sounds like that makes sense.. wonder how long until the senate hears it...another many months?...



Does anyone know if these big changes were positive or negative?? Hopefully it gets resolved while corzine is in office still...


Active member
For starters, they took out the part about home grows. Also took out the part about caregivers, say if you're too sick to go out and get it, then call a delivery svc. They plan to rely exclusively on the compassion centers, at least in the beginning. Not sure of the other changes, since they didn't re-read the bill. I'll see if there's a link to the revised version. Either way, there's still a chance that the bill will get revised again before it's all said and done.

From what I heard today, the bill should be up before the entire assembly by the end of the month, not sure about the senate. With the momentum building for this, they really want to try and wrap things up before the legislature breaks. The whole process is spelled out Here.


Thanx baker for the info man...no home grows and no caretakers that's kind of wack...so who's going to supply the facilities? The gov? Always a catch with joisey


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Ya' know...for my purposes...this legislation will be useless. But for people that actually need weed to just get by because they're in pain, suffering....etc....this is a big K+.

Bottom line: I've been smoking it for decades and it's been illegal. Hasn't stopped me yet. Not intending to stop anytime before I'm pushing up dirt either....law or no law.

But I have to say that it's a step in the right direction, disregardless of how people F-ed it up.

I thank my lucky starts that I don't have to do the stuff because I'm a patient....I can enjoy it soley for the purpose of recreation....so put that in your pipes and smoke it NJ!



Active member
Hey thanks, Bake. I wish I could have been there today.

It'd be great if it went to the assembly by month's end. I just hope the senate makes it more usable.

I'm afraid they're gonna take their time playing ping-pong for a while, but then I always expect the worst so I'm not disappointed in the end.

Here's hoping for the best... :drum: