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70's rock

Pure Power Plant, about 9 weeks of bloom. I think she'll goo down in a week. One week of 16/8, then it took 3-4 weeks untill she started budding. 3L coco, the coarse kind. I burned her a bit, there's some crisp leafes here and there. Does not smell much at all, but it reminds me a lot of the SSH's i've grown. I have grown PPP quite a few times and never had one smell like this before.

The bud is from a Black Jack i cut down a week ago after 8 weeks or so of bloom. Short plant, not that smelly. Indica stone, low ceiling. Not my favourite. I had three of these, and the other two had really light hair, almost yellow.



Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
:tiphat:Hey Bro:tiphat:.Ive grown them out also,thats why i liked the Nirvana so much because of how good it was and that it could stand right up with the Mans version.Some people knock Nirvana,but ive had good results.Ive bought probably 12 or 13 different Strains from Nirvana,but only grew out the NLHaze and White Rhino,and they both had keepers.But the NLHaze had multiple phenos that were worthy of keeping in rotation.For someone on a budget that stil wants worthy genetics,thats the way to go.Peace and Stay Safe,DancesWithWeed:wave:

A good pheno of the above-mentioned NL x Haze (they changed the name shortly after this seed was bought), after a year of curing:

Good old-school weed. And nice variation to select from.

so did you guys (or anyone else) findthe sterling haze to fit the description at all?


We have crossed Nirvana's Haze with Northern Light to produce a heavier set marijuana plant. This classic F1 hybrid will still reach great heights, yet dense Northern Light-style buds form on its tall stems. The bud leaves are a bright lime green. As with any Haze hybrid, this strain of marijuana does require some attention and patience. Sterling Haze smoke has that familiar sweet-and-sour haze-y taste and produces a stony yet uppy high"


Well-known member
I'd say their description is exact in every word.
Nirvana's descriptions are somewhat short yet enough to show what's specific to that strain.
great heights - yes, more than the similar Jock Horror
dense - yes
bright lime green - yes
sweet-and-sour - yes, very hazy but sweeter
stony yet uppy high - this is the best way to say it, and that's the feel-good pheno - you feel very clear and energized in the head, like a pure Haze, yet there's a comfortable body relaxation like NL. Other phenos are more trippy and not so uppy.
Yep. Just harvested some Royal Flush (a.k.a. Nirvana Special). Early indications are that it is some SERIOUSLY potent weed. Unexpected!


I have to be honest and say I'm not sure. I didn't take good notes and I only ran 10 seeds of which I think a couple didn't germinate. I was learning hempy buckets and the original plants were treated horribly so some never made it all the way through flower. I took cuts and this was one of them that I grew out to make more seed. I would say that you would be able to find one or two of these plants out of a 10 pack. That's not to say that the other phenotypes weren't as good, if not better, just that this is about the ratio I saw in my pack. It was on clearance at the boutique for around $17. I'm growing out a few of the other cuts now and I'll post those results when I'm done.


Royal Flush in general is pretty frosty, mostly due to its mother - the Jock.

Your posts were the best ones to come up when I was trying to search for RF grows. :) I have some El Dorado seeds as well. I'm waiting till I have a little time and money so I can cross a pack of those with themselves along with a pack of Swazi.


Another great train without many reviews is full moon. Very potent. Very frosty. The thai genetics really shine thru. Has that well known spicy flavor thai weeds are known to have. Its one of my favorite strains of all time. I want to try urban poison as well. That looks and sounds promising. But noy. Many reviews...