if i remember right, the higher the brix level, the higher the ammount of all non liquid compounds is in the sample (sugars, chlorophyll, anthocyanins, ...), hence i guess the lowest measurement would provide the smoothest smoke, since we are trying to accomplish the opposite of what a refractometer is used (in vegetables and fruits, the higher the brix level -> more sugars, ... -> better flavor).
ps.: in tobbacco, they use glycerin to prolong the burning (keeps the tobbacco moist), the sugar, is added for better flavour and masking some of the harshness of the smoke
Cool - thanks for clearing that up, it makes sense to go with low brix readings , so in the morning is optimal or would it be best just to keep em in the dark and harvest after 14 houres keeping them in the dark ?
Then the plants would have minimal starch and non to very littel sugar.
Good day to ya all