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NIDA "news" release, LOLO!


Well-known member
on MSN this morning, these clowns warn that marijuana "should not be considered a "harmless" drug..." I call that damning by faint praise considering the source - the National Institute on Drug ABUSE. it is in their job description to find BAD effects & ignore ANY benefits whatsoever. the day that they point out benefits of marijuana will be the day their doors are closed & their paychecks stopped. :) I can't fucking WAIT for THAT...:biggrin:


Well-known member
If they were really concerned about whether or not things harmed you they would ban skydiving, mountain climbing, horse riding, driving, drinking, all prescription drugs, fried food, chocolate...... The list is endless.
In reality, they would like the law to read: no one is permitted to enjoy themselves, we just want you to work, pay taxes , buy useless shit and stay healthy as long as you are of working age.... Then die.

" run, rabbit run. Dig that hole- forget the sun. And when at last the work is done, don't sit down it's time to dig another one "
-pink floyd, time.


Active member
It's a war of personal identity. Most people don't identify with their prescription drugs, unless your in deep. Lot's of people don't want to identify with an movement that's contrary to existing laws. I for one identify very much with entheogens as a movement and medicine. Gotta heal the mind body and soul.

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