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Nicotiana rustica



this stuff has quite a kick

anyone else here weird enough to have tried growing it?

started indoors in early April - planted out in late may/early june

two weeks or so "air cured" one plant, others still going

forgot to trim off side shoots - thicky

just hit a leaf in a bong - suprisingly smooth smoke, with a bit of a harsh throat on the exhale, but pleasantly aromatic cigar-like smell

big racing nicotine rush, scalp-tingling buzz and visual disortion, strong stimulant effect and slight hallucinogenic edge

conclusion: more fun than going to the newsagents



hmmm crazy enough to smoke rustica eh

i use it as a pesticide and have smoked it 'ceremonially' at the onset of a trip to induce vomiting [purge].
(traditionally its lit as incense, we improvised with a glass piece lol)

very strong shit id be careful how much u intake its the most potent tobacco plant im aware of :confused:


yeh - just a small cm2 bowl is enough to have quite an effect


you practise a form of shamanism ethereal?

I have read that this was also the favoured tobacco in areas such as Virginia prior to the advent of the tobacco trade

those fellas must have been getting wired


edit: no pics I am afraid robobond (there must be a real premium on panda porn)
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I'm another weirdo :wave:

I've been drying my huge round leaves for a few weeks now under the sun, first they were very blond then turned to a golden color. They turn crispy at the end of each day but the next day they are nice and soft with dew, and the drops on the leaves are brown and if you lick the fingers you held the leaf with you get a small rush but its very bitter. They were grown organically with a lot of pee. The trichomes(are they?-not sure) on these plants are great! The buds are even stickier than cannabis and smell beautiful. This stuff is meant to be smoken in a water pipe, "Nargile" in Turkish.

Here's a very old photo of an Ottoman smoking Nicotiana rustica in a nargile. The tobacco is called "Tombeki" and only the strongest at heart smoke it today, in the old times there weren't any of those pitiful popular flavored "tobaccos". They contain some kind of colored sugary paste that is comes in diferent aromas like peach or apple, it sure tastes nice and goes to your head and makes your head spin but nowhere like the real Tombeki.

Don't waste yor lungs with nicotine, put at least something worth smoking inside...


Green Mujaheed
Indeed, tobacco is THE MOST inmportant and widely used shamanic plant used America. A true teacher plant !
I remembr onece I was in Dominica staying with some rastas. they of course grow the Herb, but also some tobacco. One night we shared some of it, smoke in "da chalice". Bway ! very strong stuff ! what a rush ! was sitting ona chair, but had wuick to sitont he floor, fearing I would fall form my chair.
Nest Year I grow my own, definitely, I love tobacco but fed up with the chemical laden shit we are sold. Hmmm, I dream of some shop were you could find bio-grown tobacco from al over the world. were one could buy it raw or order cigarettes made of this or that one, choose your mix. My, that wouldbe great ! And most probably lead to much less health problems !

Irie !


yeh my plants were resinous fiends too

leaves also dried to a blonde colour, but I hung mine indoors in shade

doing mixed bongs really seems to enhance the different smells of the weed

don't enjoy commercial tobacco, but enjoying smoking this herb (but wouldn't recommend it to people with high blood pressure)


hey mrico


I got my Nicotiana rustica seeds from another supplier - will find url in a mo

edit: yes the hight temp flu curing process favoured by commercial tobacco companies is largely responsible for the high nitrosamine content and therefore the carcinogneic properties of that tobacco

low temp cures do not produce nitrosamines to the best of my knowledge

I assume problems like heart disease are still a potential risk with high nicotine content etc.
I don't know about other carcinogens in homegrown tobacco
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dont forget, this shit is addictive.
another foliage plant to consider (for indoors tho) is 'Kratom'
but also HIGHLY addictive, but has an opiate-like high. soon to be outlawed :badday:

www.bouncingbearbotanicals.com sells all kinds of novelties :smile:
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living in Thailand I never heard anyone claim kratom is highly addictive

it is primarily used as a festive innebriant by oldsters and rural folk around Central Thailand IME
likewise to the best of knowledge Thais view habitual kratom use (pronounced gra-TOM) a less problematic than weed smoking, because they beleive kratom makes it easier to do physical work for long stretches - whereas most Thais think weed encourages laziness

have you attempted to grow it indoors yourself? I would think it would be tough...


Green Mujaheed
Thanks for the link Namkha.
ethereal, I don't understand why you mention Kratom here, really no link at all with tobacco. but it's true that it can be addictive (wouldn't say HIGHLY) if consumed out of his socially controlled original context. Mean, for fun by young western druggies.

there are no addictive substances, only weak minds prone to addiction.

Irie !


MRIKO- believe what you wish my friend :) Kratom used multiple times per day (as often as one with an opiate/oid addiction would use), is indeed highly addictive. and i have only talked to folks who use it as a replacement for opiods (semi-organic morphine dirivatives).

it can be grown inside, i know because i have a friend who does it. (but buys bulk commercial dried leaf to eat, doesnt have the room inside to produce enough for his needs (addiction)
if native to your country, id imagine you could grow it outside also.
me? im a redneck american, i know nothing of these things....


in all seriousness sorry for the 'off topic' mentioning of Kratom, if you read my post you will see it was mentioned as another possible foliage plant that can be grown at home. after all, this thread is about tobacco, of whos processed form (commercial cigs) is the scourge of the western world...

Kratom, Salvia d., N. rustica, et all are all noteworthy plants suited for this conversation....a thread on use and cultiation on things other than pot...sorry for mentioning it :confused:

bouncing bear sells N.rustica and seeds also. have a good day and cheer up :)


there are no addictive substances, only weak minds prone to addiction.
i guess you have never tried poppy or her dirivatives ;) lol.
fyi (fact): ie:coke is a mental addiction. nicotine, mental. Alchohol, mental. heroin, physical addiction. the body/mind chemistry is totally destroyed by habitual use of this shit. www.wikipedia.org/wiki/opiod


apparently if you grow N. rustica in the UK (outdoors) and make your own seeds, after a few generations the plants will be better aclimatised to their environment (assuming they weren't already)

does anyone know if there is also a corresponding loss in potency?

any suggestions for tobacco curing techniques?

I was thinking of sweating the leaves a bit, which I find makes some sensi pretty tasty



Future Psychopharmacologist
Never tried tabacco but find it interesting that theres almost as many different strains as cannabis.
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Green Mujaheed
i have only talked to folks who use it as a replacement for opiods

Mymy, replacing opiates by Kratom, yuck ! this is pretty stupid, Kratom is actually absolutely GREAT for kicking the dope - physically (it is one of the trad. uses in Thailand). In a context wher it is used to replaced a substnace to which the user is already addicted, then yes it can become highly addictive. But it's not the kratom who makes the problem inthis case, problem is already here.
Long term, regular consumtion of Kratom can indeed provoke withdrawal symptoms when leaving, but nothing compared to the opiates.

Kratom doesn't need to be used mutltiple times per day. Effect and after effect (meaning no-craving) can last 12 hours easily with correct dosage. It actually mimics opiates effect on high doses, but is much stimulating on low doses.

nay, don't be sorry for the off-topicness, I'm just an arse sometimes heheh

i guess you have never tried poppy or her dirivatives ;) lol.

heheh, I did MUCH MUCH MORE than simply trying poppies (poppy pods is like candy, one really has to abuse them alot to get truly addicted)

I have a friend of mine who is heavily addicted to mobile phone text messaging ! :yoinks:

Irie !
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hey ethereal, I don't think mrico was meaning to be argumentative - but likewise it doesn't bother me if we discuss other stuff

I have chillies and California poppies going - sadly my other poppies got munched by slugs - who seem to like somniferum and Argemone mexicana (edit: seedlings of course)

I expect most of us know that acquring an addiction of any kind takes a lot of effort, heroin and crack included

opium itslef requires regular use for a good year, and kratom too, to the best of my knowledge (kratom has actually been used for getting people off opium)

addiction has been mythologised in our society - the real issue is the minds of those who become addicted

someone who actually wants to get off heroin can do so in a matter of days - thereafter it is simply a matter of actually wanting to stay off

the same applies to tobacco IMHO, the ultimate issue being the mind of the individual in question

personally I would advise anyone who thinks they are prone to addiction to learn a respected meditation technique, such as vipassana
skill in concentration and observation, I have found, gives one the ability, should one choose to exercise it, to "control" such impulses as cravings

edit: yes, I think the fact that kratom lasts a long time was one of the reasons why it is not especially addictive, likewise dope - long adjustment period, unlike say crack cocaine or nicotine

edit edit: ethereal, all forms of addiction exist on the mind/body continuum
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