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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
a lot goes into creating the 2026 edition and you pay now! or all your friends play with out you
so just wondering like how much can you mod the box , like not just free games but could it be like that up down up down code for contra back in the day?
i hear people even mod their controller now

space invaders was one of the best gifts i ever got as a kid and it saved me a lot of quarters
that and defender
I modded one of my Xbox controllers too. I put a reset button on the bottom so I could restart it without getting up. It's around here somewhere.

I think Defender was our 4th game. Good game.


Well-known member
Yeah I've played Japanese games but only emulated on a computer.there are some crazy Japanese games out there.hard to believe they aren't on some crazy drugs over there.

Usually the pizza hut here is good but this was the worst I've had in a long time.probably too many toppings.learned my lesson. Ill post a pick of one of them.the parmesean chicken was good though.

Ashcatchers are nice.i don't even know what happened to it.probably broke it.

Imagine having an autographed copy of punchout.thats like the holy grail of games

Pretty much any console can be hacked.my brothers ps4 is modded i think.its only a matter of time.saw something about a hacked ps5. Don't think many consoles are hard modded these days. I don't know.i never hard modded anything before

I agree about $50 games padawan.its rare I pay that kinda money.i paid $150 for the Deluxe edition of Final fantasy 7 Rebirth.fucking scalpers man. All the preorders were gone. I'm gonna try to get the Deluxe version of the upcoming MGS Snake Eater remake but so far it's only sold in the UK.gonna have to order on Amazon if it's not sold out. The collectors edition is already sold out i think.fuck scalpers.

Can't believe you guys didn't mention Pitfall!

I'm with you on the sauces pops.you can never have too much!


Well-known member
Yeah I've played Japanese games but only emulated on a computer.there are some crazy Japanese games out there.hard to believe they aren't on some crazy drugs over there.

Usually the pizza hut here is good but this was the worst I've had in a long time.probably too many toppings.learned my lesson. Ill post a pick of one of them.the parmesean chicken was good though.

Ashcatchers are nice.i don't even know what happened to it.probably broke it.

Imagine having an autographed copy of punchout.thats like the holy grail of games

Pretty much any console can be hacked.my brothers ps4 is modded i think.its only a matter of time.saw something about a hacked ps5. Don't think many consoles are hard modded these days. I don't know.i never hard modded anything before

I agree about $50 games padawan.its rare I pay that kinda money.i paid $150 for the Deluxe edition of Final fantasy 7 Rebirth.fucking scalpers man. All the preorders were gone. I'm gonna try to get the Deluxe version of the upcoming MGS Snake Eater remake but so far it's only sold in the UK.gonna have to order on Amazon if it's not sold out. The collectors edition is already sold out i think.fuck scalpers.

Can't believe you guys didn't mention Pitfall!

I'm with you on the sauces pops.you can never have too much!
I almost mentioned Pitfall. That's a classic too. The graphics on that were a step up from Pong and Combat for sure. Kids these days have no idea how good they have it.


Well-known member
I almost mentioned Pitfall. That's a classic too. The graphics on that were a step up from Pong and Combat for sure. Kids these days have no idea how good they have it.
i agree but id probably give it all up to go back to the old days of no smart phones and all this other bullshit thats fucking this world up. man we were having fun with playing fucking pong or Golden Eye 64 with friends. i get bored super quick with games these days. maybe im just getting old and spoiled.dont get me wrong theres some awesome games coming out these days.i dont know what we thought games were gonna be like back then. My aunt was a Vice President at Electronic Arts like 15 years ago but she got laid off. all this woke shit in video games is really pissing me off. thats not what gaming should be about. now we got gay sex scenes and non binary bullshit. my aunt is exactly the kind of person to put lesbian shit in games too. kinda glad she got fired


Well-known member
Not worth posting really but here's one of the pizza hut.it was 2 types of pepperoni,bacon,sausauge,mushrooms and olives.worst pizza hut I think I've ever had.ordered extra sauce and pan pizza too.think it's hand tossed and not extra sauce.no more getting all these toppings. need to either get an oven or a pizza oven and do it up like buzz.


Horse-toothed Jackass
I remember the original Atari, or the Atari 2600, which i think came later. Thinking how far games have come since then, it's amazing. From a one joystick with 1 button controller to a 2 joystick and 10 button controllers.
And like Pops said, with the old cartridge games, you'd blow the dust free inside the connection part to get the game working again.

I think that domino's deal ended yesterday so not sure you can still get it this week. But wait a couple wks it might come back again.

How were the crabs, btw? I like crab but the act of cracking and peeling shells for a little bit of meat gets tiresome. It's like a self-imposed food limiter so u dont overeat, which i guess isnt a bad thing.

Browns have pick #2 overall and could use a QB of the future, deshaun has been a disaster and may have suffered a setback in his achilles injury so will be out all next season. As much drama as Shadeur brings, as long as he's not being a sex pest or playing poorly he'll be an upgrade.

Hard modding an xbox wasnt that difficult if you know how to work with tools, worst part was voiding the warranty when you cut open the stickers to access the screws holding it together.

Pitfall, donkey kong, pac man, all those games tested ur coordination and reflexes well. Super mario was the next step in that, then sonic, etc.
Goldeneye 64 multiplayer was always fun, Hawk, but if you like FPS's im surprised u dont like the COD or Battlefield series. Or what about Fortnite?

That pizza looks like it could have used a few more minutes in the oven, that's the downside of so many toppings is it needs a little longer to cook. A good worker would have seen that but i guess whoever was cooking that day didnt know or care.


Well-known member
they say your not supposed to blow in the cartridges but it worked. we had all types of tricks we werent supposed to do.i play all kinds of games baba. im not huge on FPS unless its got a good story mode. I just started High on Life and its hilarious. its got the guy we does voices for Rick and Morty as your gun so its kinda like a Rick and Morty episode or something. games with good stories are my bread and butter. mostly JRPGs like Final Fantasy. those games get your mind going.COD is ok but im not super into it and definitely not Fortnight

that awesome body builder chick says shes gonna send me another package. something called space dust and a tincture. you guys know what this space dust is? maybe its like kief? shes cool as hell. i feel bad i dont really have anything to send her.i might be able to get some weed cookies but i gotta go through my dad and less than reliable. hes a dick when hes not drinking and when hes drinking hes pretty much still a dick.

gotta go to my PT today. missed my last appointment. shes probably pissed. it doesnt hurt as much but i still cant get the damn thing straight. hope im not fucked


Well-known member
seeing that old xbox screen brought back some good memories for me man
me and my friends used to ball out on madden and some of the games got pretty competitive
we had the original atari too! at first the only game we had was pong like you said and i remember this tank game that was fun
space invaders was a great add and we also had this base ball game that was a lot of fun to play against friends

yeah im kind of a sauce whore and had to try all the sauces they have, plus grab an extra or two for later
i had been hearing good things about this place and decided i needed to try it out
its not something i would eat all the time but now i know what its about
they also have different fillings, one of them was kimchi and pork! that sounds interesting too
im sure i can find a box or two of games here no problem
i will take a pic if i do

wow baba, you sound super techy man
i just blew into the cartridges and hoped that would fix any problems
right now dominoes has 50% off all pizzas all day, i was thinking of getting one but that will have to wait till tomorrow or later next week
im having crabs with mom later
she would not make the crab rangoons but i do
i usually buy that meat in the can for those, if im cracking crab its going straight into my mouth
thats not a bad idea tho and i should pick up some won ton wrappers and cream cheese plus a can of crab and some green onions
so the mock drafts are all over and im seeing all kinds of taeks
looks like c.ward is a consensus #1 pick with abdul carter from pen st being almost a lock @#2
the interesting thing is some of the articles ive read have sanders going to nyg @#3, or dropping to the 2nd round
it should be interesting to see how things shake out in the next few week, esp with qron and chef still up for grabs
yeah i wonder how our friend xman @superx is doing
he posted some cool pics from st paddies day and i wonder if he took any more

spring is in the air
Hey Pops 👋 greetings good people, hope life is treating you all kindly.

Photos 📸, nope Sir, that was my lot, I was trying to escape that place like a hairy bear, small town forgotten in time, we drove there to drop a lad off and got caught up in the shenanigans.
By the time we drove back me missed the parade we had originally planned for (ti's the whiskey)
Her goodself had to listen to 3 drunks (myself included) for 2days, she's proud of herself for not joining in...
'My motto is if you can't beat them, join them)

The pub on the mountain stayed open for 3 days straight, the place was hopping with locals and several Americans. There's a old woman(80s) originally from Pennsylvania she's living up there donkey years, she had to be carried out and positioned on a bench, she was hammering whiskey into herself the whole day like they were going out of fashion..

Have you eaten scallops before?

Scallops cooked over a turf fire 🔥 then remove the top shell, add a teaspoon of pea purree on top of the scallop, then you would add a slice of black pudding on top of that.. Out of this fkn world man, I've eaten them when the pea purree was substituted with green pesto as wel as using the same cooking method..(turf fire) Anyway, by the time we got back to the bar all the greedy basturds had eating the scallops.
Pea purree and a few wedges of black pudding was all that remained, my good woman says I dodged a bullet as I might of thrown my ring up..( I was hammerd, so remember little)

Did you say something about a change of lifestyle of something? (Trying to eat more healthy and up your intake in exercise) I think it was your goodself... How is this going for you, feeling good?

I damaged my rotator cuff doing shoulder raises with dumbbells, it's been niggling at me the past fortnight especially at night, this shit comes with age, I done the other rotator cuff during covid...
I've been doing my own physio to deal with it, I just hope it is the rotator cuff.. The good woman says the rotator cuff didn't seem to bother me when I was drinking enough whiskey and Guinness to sink a battle ship, she has point..

So, it's a matter of falling back into line, and getting with the program as work and training has suffered a small bit. Do you like routine in your life?
I was never a big fan of it personally, I'm starting to warm to it the older I get.. I know lots of folk who love routine.


Well-known member
Not worth posting really but here's one of the pizza hut.it was 2 types of pepperoni,bacon,sausauge,mushrooms and olives.worst pizza hut I think I've ever had.ordered extra sauce and pan pizza too.think it's hand tossed and not extra sauce.no more getting all these toppings. need to either get an oven or a pizza oven and do it up like buzz.
View attachment 19173781
That's a pan pizza. But it looks like it was pulled out early. It does look a little flatter than it should. It could be day old dough. Sometimes they keep the unsold pan dough for the next day. They're not supposed to but I've seen it happen. Managers get bonuses based on how much the store makes, so they more they waste the less bonus they get.

I love Pepperoni Lovers Pan pizza. The Meat Lovers was my favorite until they changed their meats. I worked at a Pizza Hut for a few years. Me and a helper would get there before anyone and make the dough and get everything ready. It was a fun job. We'd kick ass and get everything done with at least an hour and a half just to chill out, drink coffee, and smoke cigarettes.

All their pan dough is frozen now though.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
what up xman! sounds like it was a good time for the holiday and its always fun to get caught up in the shenanigans
so you guys had another parade in mind? there is always next year brother!
good on the mrs for not giving in to temptation! im sure she was having fun just being herself
yeah man! im still working on my diet
its going pretty good, and i noticed a difference the other day
/a friend once told me first you notice the gains, the the people close to you will see them, then everyone else
but its a way of life i guess and i just went off the rails eating all the crap over the cold months
that sucks about your rotator cuff, thats a range of motion injury where you can still move but it hurts if you move it too far
as long as its not seriously damaged just keep pushing it and working through the pain
we used to dive for scallops off the coast when i was younger! abalone and lobsters too
we would also spear fish, SOOOOOOooooNK, but i dont really eat fish that much
i like to put a little butter or oil on my half shell and throw some bread crumbs on top, broil that shit for a couple minutes (depending on how fat your scallop is) and knock it back

speaking of shell fish the crabs were awesome!
we had the with cauliflower couscous and of course the crabs!
my moms friend had never had couscous and ate it up! i was happy and we all had fun cracking shells and just hanging out
so it feels like c.ward is the #1 pick
there are too many teams thirsty for a reset at qb but after that it gets kind of murkey
what about if qron goes to cle?!
and lets not forget about min? are they still in the market for a qb? them and pitt are the two best landing spots if you are a qb who wants to win
i think sanders is overrated but we will see what the nfl thinks
so no love for centipede? those are all great games man and those were the days

wtf man?!? why are you missing your apts? is it too much sexy
it dosent cost you anything to go right? so just go and hang out with some hottie
you want to be able to straighten out your leg man and you might have to push through the pain for a while
but i know you are tough and arent afraid of a little hurt
that is sweet this chick is hooking you up with another drop man!
if you dont mind posting your haul that would be cool
so i asked my mom about the box of video games i had laft and she said her friends grandkid likes to play games so she game them away
im going to collet my baseball collection here soon
i dont mind her giving them old games away but she could have asked me first


Well-known member
Was just catching up there with the early released game consoles your chatting about, Anybody own a commodore vic-20 back in the day? We had one in school between 200 pupils.. My folks couldn't afford one, we did have one of those (bintone? Spelling) that little white dot that kept getting hit from side to side on the screen, Christ, we spent some amount of hrs staring at that dot, I don't believe it got any faster either..(the dot 😆) 60/70 squids for a new game now is scandalous but I can see the attraction, I always preferred computer games..


Well-known member
Was just catching up there with the early released game consoles your chatting about, Anybody own a commodore vic-20 back in the day? We had one in school between 200 pupils.. My folks couldn't afford one, we did have one of those (bintone? Spelling) that little white dot that kept getting hit from side to side on the screen, Christ, we spent some amount of hrs staring at that dot, I don't believe it got any faster either..(the dot 😆) 60/70 squids for a new game now is scandalous but I can see the attraction, I always preferred computer games..
I had a C64. Had a couple hundred games for that too. Racing Destruction Set was awesome back then. You could build your own tracks, race people, and use weapons.

I had a 300 baud modem so I was calling up BBS's and getting games. My parents got tired of me always using the phone line so they got me a seperate line. Then I set up my own BBS and while I was at school people would be sending me games. I had like a 2:1 ratio or something. So for every game people upload to me, they could download 2.

One night a friend and I spent probably 8 hours typing code from a book to make a game called Moonlander or something. After all that, we had to test it. It loaded it up and it Worked! We were excited. Played it a couple times. Then shut off the computer without saving it. The moment I pushed the off button I realized what I did. We were like WTF, lol.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, blowing into a cartridge, you'll dislodge some dust but also put a fair amount of moisture in there too, which just attracts more dust. Still, those old NES systems were almost indestructible, especially the controllers. You could get mad at a game and whip that thing against the floor and it would still work.

Havent heard of the High on Life game but im a big R&M fan, justin roiland has been booted off the show for creeping on underage girls tho. But the game looks interesting at least.

Sounds like space dust is a strain? Altho it'd be a good name for kief, like u said.

Donkey years means a long time, eh? Kind of a twisting of the term donkey's ears? Love those British phrases. Are the British and Irish phrases largely the same or no? I would think Irish people don't consider themselves British, per se, but maybe the answer is complicated.
Scallops cooked over peat with some pease and black pudding on top sounds decadent. I guess you can eat gourmet over a campfire. Or was this cooked indoors? I dont think burning peat is common in the States but where it's plentiful it's probably just as useful as wood, if a bit smokier.

Yeah PW, back in the day the Hut made their dough in store, nowadays almost every franchise gets their dough shipped in, frozen and factory produced, nary a bit of yeast to be found i bet. Did u ever try those pinwheels yet from that one place? I guess it's basically pizza in a different form.

You make me wish i ate more crabs, Pops. We have been making some fish tacos lately, using frozen breaded fish cooked in the oven. Still tasted pretty decent, ill take pics next time we make some.

Im thinking Q-Aaron will avoid cleveland like the plague, unless they offer him 40M for 1 yr or something.
Minnesota is going with JJ McCarthy, he's basically a rookie in terms of game experience but in terms of practice/familiarity with the playbook he's a 2nd yr player.

I hope there werent any valuable games in that collection she gave away, but since they were probably all very well used i dont think u missed out on much.

Sounds like PW was an old school coder/internet geek before there was really internet. If only he'd gotten into the internet porn boom, he could have been the owner of p-hub by now and making millions in advertising every year.

So how did YOU celebrate National Cheesesteak Day, TK? And if you say "with a chopped cheese" I will revoke your Philadelphian pass with no chance for appeal.
There weren't any specials at restaurants around here, not surprising in IL. Did any local places have discounts available? Can you freeze or refrigerate any leftover cheesesteaks? They seem like they'd still be good reheated.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
hahaha me and my mom just like to crack crab and its fun time together
oven baked fish tacos are grinding especially if you have a good sauce and soft tortillas
i had fun with the ex the other day and thought i should try and lure her into hanging out again with more food
i found this place
i dont know about our man t'k @Travis Kelcee but i will gladly take any left over cheese steaks off his hands
i can give you a grib square and you can just send it" to me!

Travis Kelcee

Well-known member
hahaha me and my mom just like to crack crab and its fun time together
oven baked fish tacos are grinding especially if you have a good sauce and soft tortillas
i had fun with the ex the other day and thought i should try and lure her into hanging out again with more food
i found this place
i dont know about our man t'k @Travis Kelcee but i will gladly take any left over cheese steaks off his hands
i can give you a grib square and you can just send it" to me!

If you can get a good hoagie/sub roll where you are, all you need is some American cheese and thin sliced rib eye. Might have to go to the butcher shop to get the thin sliced. When I lived in South Jersey you could get the thin sliced at the grocery store but now I have to get it from the butcher.

They are very easy to make.

If you find yourself on the east coast I'll take you to great place for cheesesteaks and roasted pork sandwiches. Plus I give a great historic Philly tour if you stick around long enough.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
If you can get a good hoagie/sub roll where you are, all you need is some American cheese and thin sliced rib eye. Might have to go to the butcher shop to get the thin sliced. When I lived in South Jersey you could get the thin sliced at the grocery store but now I have to get it from the butcher.

They are very easy to make.

If you find yourself on the east coast I'll take you to great place for cheesesteaks and roasted pork sandwiches. Plus I give a great historic Philly tour if you stick around long enough.
hahaha! dont tempt me with a good time brother and i love a good road trip

Travis Kelcee

Well-known member
hahaha! dont tempt me with a good time brother and i dont mind a good road trip

A couple growers I knew from cannabisworld came to visit me in Philly back in 2000 - 2001

We had a blast and it was educational.

Liberty Bell, Independence hall, Ben Franklin's house, Carpenters Hall

Cheesesteaks, Soft Pretzels, C99 and Apollo 11.

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