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NFL 2019-2020

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Good morning @buzzmobile just coming back from the dentist, got a front top crown. Says I have a molar cavity which could require a root canal. I said pull it. So that's next time.
I would get in trouble for all kinds of shit in the Coast Guard...they didn't have physical fitness standards and everyone was fat. Really fat. I had no respect for any officers or senior enlisted and made that clear. I think I got 30 days in the Jacksonville naval brig because I was AWOL for a day. Didn't scrub floors or take out garbage that day so they threw the ucmj at me. What losers. I should have joined the Marines. Coast Guard was a total joke
It's really sad. I still have pictures from boot camp before I got to my unit and realized everyone was an out of shape blob.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Yeah i normally try to plan ahead and defrost meat in the fridge for a couple three days. How'd those steaks turn out, DB?
So you've actually used pickle juice as a brine before, Pops? How'd it turn out? I know u like chik fil a, does it give it that chik fil a taste?
Egg wash and then the dry coat, and doing it twice is a good method, but it does give u those frankenfingers, hard to avoid caking up batter on ur fingers.

Where do u find these freaky social media videos, DB? That's some nsfw stuff. Guy just became a spinning red stain.

That's a decent sounding recipe, Pops. Does the basil at the end, adding it to a hot dish, does it get cooked a bit?
Im not sure DB has eggs, dont u need eggs for carbonara?
The steaks turned out all right they were pretty good. I ended up making spaghetti with tomato sauce and then I made another meal of egg I made a cheese omelette and bacon. Just coming back from the well just got back from the dentist ready to go on my morning walk. Oh man Twitter has some horrible stuff man I see all kinds of horrible stuff on there everyday yeah that guy just became like scraps of meat or something he got like whipped around and s*** man it was horrible


Well-known member
huh. ive got medicare but i think cause its not serious they wont cover it. they would say its cosmetic. but all the puking when i was drinking fuked my enamel. so i guess i gotta make payments. thanks man and have a nice walk. supposed to get rain by me today

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA


Well-known member
Those look sharp doob! nice! I used to have really nice teeth and i still kinda do but all the puking. I dont miss drinking one bit. I bought a 15 pack yesterday but thats only the second time this month. I dont ever wanna go back to the way it was. anyway nice chompers doob!


In my empire of dirt
hahaha, wtf @D. B. Doober
its like some nat geo shit where they show a shark lunging at food
seriously thoe, the crowns look good man, did they do both your two front teeth
a cheese omelette sounds awesome and i think i have all the ingredients for a denver omelette in the house
i know i have a red bell pepper and onions plus im sure i at least have sliced ham for sandwiches
grinding man, omelettes rock
but its tuesday and i might have to go out for mexican food today or hit up that kfc deal later
if not i have some gruond turkey meat that i want to make tacos out of
im feeling....
very lazy......
right now

@buzzmobile no worries my man
its nice and seasonal here in gods country, (mid 60-70) but i think i saw its going to warm up here on the coast in the next week or two

yeah ive done the chicken in brine before, it softens up the meat and does add flavor
i used to get these bubbies dill pickles, and would ave the juice
half the time im just throwing random shit in there like baby cucumbers or onions and a few hard boiled eggs! but i would pour some out for the chicken
it wasnt exactly the chic fil et taste but it was close, plus they are good on the grill too
you have the wet hand and the dry hand when messing with double dipping, but yeah the fingers can get kind of gooey
thats why i would add it at the end, you want it fresh and not too wilted
i also like to used shredded parm instead of the powder stuff for a dish like this because it bring a totally different chew from the cheese

i might have to take a show at this carbonara sauce!

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Thanks hawk my bottom teeth are all discolored and crooked but I'll work on it maybe teeth whitener. What did you get a 15 pack of?

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Oh hey homie @pop_rocks how's your week going? I've got about 25 peppers to repot. Repeatedly repotting. Properly. Yup about 20 jalapeno early variety. There's a pic in my grow diary. Going to be a great October. Hot peppers, weed, warm apple cider, sunflowers and more peppers
And weed! I've got 4 fem autos. Does light pollution generally not effect them? What's on the menu for tonight? I would love extra crispy General Gao's chicken w/pork fried rice from Number One Taste Chinese but I can't spend the $15. @Bababooey can I spend yours? Catch anything for dinner? Have you been to Chicago lately? @buzzmobile do you eat anything crawling or swimming around out there? @shithawk420 hang in there man. You have the alcohol price tag and I have the kief price tag ....$20 a day habit for me. Sucks. Can't even really get high off weed.


Well-known member
awe thats just from the tobacco doob. actually look pretty decent. i almost never get anything else in a 15 pack besides Natural ice. its kinda nasty but cheap and effective. i wont buy 30 packs anymore cause i know ill start drinking again.

Man i got my new watch today. Its not the latest greatest but a couple years ago it was about $400. i git a practically new open box refurbished Watch 4 classic 42mm for $70 with ebay tax and everything. Thinking i should of got black but its legit. I gotta install some software for it cause the FDA didnt approve of the Blood Pressure sensor but theres a way around that.dont know how it works but even measures body fat! ill take a pic when its done charging but its a sweet deal. Id recommend the 46mm though for you doob. your a bigger fella.but seriously GET ONE! ill even link the seller. With the money you have been saving you should get one! looks sharp too but im gonna get a different band

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
awe thats just from the tobacco doob. actually look pretty decent. i almost never get anything else in a 15 pack besides Natural ice. its kinda nasty but cheap and effective. i wont buy 30 packs anymore cause i know ill start drinking again.

Man i got my new watch today. Its not the latest greatest but a couple years ago it was about $400. i git a practically new open box refurbished Watch 4 classic 42mm for $70 with ebay tax and everything. Thinking i should of got black but its legit. I gotta install some software for it cause the FDA didnt approve of the Blood Pressure sensor but theres a way around that.dont know how it works but even measures body fat! ill take a pic when its done charging but its a sweet deal. Id recommend the 46mm though for you doob. your a bigger fella.but seriously GET ONE! ill even link the seller. With the money you have been saving you should get one! looks sharp too but im gonna get a different band
Wait is this the watch you can use without the telephone like you don't need the telephone for it?


Well-known member
Wait is this the watch you can use without the telephone like you don't need the telephone for it?
yep! the LTE! couldnt believe i got such a good price! dont quote me but i think its an extra $10 bucks to your current cellphone provider. but its legit. my only complaint so far is its a little smaller than i thought so you want the 46mm for sure and it comes with a bigger battery. got a doc appointment over the phone but ill be back with all the details if your interested. and no im not a seller! i just really like them and i know you will too

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
yep! the LTE! couldnt believe i got such a good price! dont quote me but i think its an extra $10 bucks to your current cellphone provider. but its legit. my only complaint so far is its a little smaller than i thought so you want the 46mm for sure and it comes with a bigger battery. got a doc appointment over the phone but ill be back with all the details if your interested. and no im not a seller! i just really like them and i know you will too
Are you hooking it up to your service right now hawk what are you going to do are you going to get it hooked up or whatever?


Well-known member
Are you hooking it up to your service right now hawk what are you going to do are you going to get it hooked up or whatever?
im trying to pair it but its not making sense. i dont remember if i had the same problem with my other watches or not but this isnt making sense and im pissed off. its showing up on my phone via wifi or bluetooth. idk i might to sleep on this but im mad as fuk! im this close to getting my money back but im pretty sure its not the watch! its practically brand new. it just dont want to pair!


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, too much heat and humidity isnt great for the plants, Buzz, but u do what u can. Dont u have the portable AC down there? Keeps temps in the low 80s? Do u also have a dehumidifier down there too? I bet all that running plus the lights makes for a tidy electric bill during the summers.

I dont know DB, if u were insubordinate in the marines they might be even harsher on u than the coast guard. But i guess they would have been more physically fit and like the military you envisioned so maybe u would have been happier. I think as an enlisted person in the military u have to deal with a bunch of crap anyway, in whatever service branch u join.
The top front teeth look nice, gotta fix the bottoms somehow. U think they just need a whitening and that's it?
Are you spending all ur monthly dole on kief again, DB? I thought the shake was getting u decently high. For me, if i wanted to get really high off just flower i'd take bong hits. Even a small bong would be enough for a good sized hit. 2-3 bong rips and i'd be good for 6-8 hrs. U cant use a bong during ur walk, maybe just buy a small one and take a rip or 3 in the bathroom before going out.

I thought u already had a galaxy watch, Hawk? But for $70 this was maybe too good a deal to pass up, is the 4 the latest version? What does it do that ur older one doesnt?
Is Samsung coming out with their new phones now? I think they tend to come out earlier in the year, and Apple comes out in Sept/Oct.

Try out a carbonara recipe, Pops, you use raw egg/egg yolk and grated cheese (parmesan is traditional, but ive used cheddar etc and it still works) and add it to the noodles when theyre hot enough to melt the cheese but not hot enough to cook the egg, u want the egg and cheese to combine together so it becomes this rich creamy sauce. That with the bacon/pancetta in the noodles, it's heavenly, but it aint no diet food thats for sure.

OTA's are going on now, most players are attending except for ones who want a new contract. Kyren williams of the rams has a 'foot issue' so wont be attending any OTA's this summer but coach mcvay says he'll be ready for training camp. He missed most of his rookie year when he broke his foot during OTA's and then injured his ankle week 1, so hopefully this wont be a repeat of that.
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In my empire of dirt
Oh hey homie @pop_rocks how's your week going? I've got about 25 peppers to repot. Repeatedly repotting. Properly. Yup about 20 jalapeno early variety. There's a pic in my grow diary. Going to be a great October. Hot peppers, weed, warm apple cider, sunflowers and more peppers
And weed! I've got 4 fem autos. Does light pollution generally not effect them? What's on the menu for tonight? I would love extra crispy General Gao's chicken w/pork fried rice from Number One Taste Chinese but I can't spend the $15. @Bababooey can I spend yours? Catch anything for dinner? Have you been to Chicago lately? @buzzmobile do you eat anything crawling or swimming around out there? @shithawk420 hang in there man. You have the alcohol price tag and I have the kief price tag ....$20 a day habit for me. Sucks. Can't even really get high off weed.
what up @D. B. Doober
welcome to the grow life, its not easy but you get what you put into it
let me know if you need any containers!
so when are you putting these things into the ground?
/post up a link to your grow diary!
man, its just starting to get warm and here you are talking about october already
/grow life!
light pollution does not affect autos, you can keep them under constant light and when its time they will just start flowering
that chicken and friend rice sounds good!
i ended up having to run an errand so i stopped by kfc on my way home for the $10 bucket of chicken
but this time i dident get any of their sides, i made some taters at home and opened a can of corn
im almost wishing i made stuffing now too

im going to have to try this carbonara recipe, it sounds super easy plus i have a ton of fresh eggs from the chickens
yeah i was checking out some of that ota action
they arent maditory right now but a few names were shown
a.rog was tossing the football around
so was tua
/he is looking for a big contract! so we will see if this helps
did they say how k.wow (kyren) broke his foot? was it doing something stupid like playing with fire crackers
im sure he will be in shape for the season, because you know most of these guys are working out year round
/ plus he already knows the playbook for the most part
im looking to see what the rams d will look like this year w/o a.don


In my empire of dirt
so being the sad and lonely drunk loser i am! i found myself trolling an old fling
who could it be you ask?
? oh yeah!

their ota are going great and according to new/old lb denzel perryman harbaugh gives off a will ferrell vibe
now as you all know im a mellow dude!

but i am not a fan of will ferrill and have no idea what that means in a football context
im thinking of filing a class action suit against him and the chargers for all the time ive wasted!
those are billable hours and pops dont come cheap!


i work too hard