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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
He looks quite the charmer, that's a grand old age Hawk..

His kidneys are probably banjacked, both my dogs had to be put to sleep in the past 8mths due to cancer.
Organs started to fail coming to the end of there line, the peeing around the house started when there kidneys failed.. ( the dogs were 14 as well) very well trained and never peed in the house prior to that..
Your dog has lived a long life, unconditional love buddy is what you get inreturn...
Thanks for that insight superx. yeah your probably right. But i swear he just has so much life left in him. i couldnt even think of putting him down. its kind of strange i actually had a dream last night of all our dead dogs and animals. i used to live on a llama farm.they are pretty cool. we dont have anymore though.just horses

So yeah it took like 6 fuking hours but i finally got the braised beef fork tender. it turned out ok but the first pieces just got nibbled on so only one or 2 got the full 6 hours.the problem is i dont have an oven so it was cooked on the stove in a dutch oven. if i had a fucking oven it would of been killer


Well-known member
Slow cook that beef Hawk, adjust your cooker to a very slow setting, im sure it will just turn out fine..

I didn't want to get my dogs put down either, if anything I delayed the inevitable,(I knew they had cancer) I was administrating daily dosages of canna coconut oil through small bits of bread and cuts of ham to help relieve there pain. ( In the hope they would snap out of it) in reality, I was only delaying what I knew was going to happen..

The oil did the trick and eased there pain, it also helped with there appetite and sleep. Unfortunately for Shinobi and poppy there health deteriorated and there body weight just fell of them, was heart breaking to watch. They stopped eating all together and would only drink large amounts of water constantly, (kidneys) along with other organs collapsing.

It was time to put them to sleep, (6months between them) I have a shrine on the mountain for them, along with previous pets..

Lamas 😆 I brought my girls to a pet farm many moons ago, this is the only time I have encountered them..
Can you eat lamas? I'm guessing they would be very fatty..


Well-known member
Quaterfinals of the euros kick off today (5 oclock) first up is the Germans against the spanish, whoopee.
All out attacking Spanish team against the brick wall defence of the Germans.
Don't expect any free-flowing ball play, I think a tight cagey affair with both teams having mutual respect for one another.

Babba fancies the Germans, most people I spoke to over the previous days would agree with him..
I'm not so sure, I fancied the Spaniards from the outset of the tournament to win it outright so I will be sticking with them. The Germans are playing on there own turf, so home advantage to them and there fans will expect nothing less from them either. It certainly won't be a easy game for the Spanish but has the makings of a cracking game.. Bratwurst or tapas for the win?

The evening kick off sees the Portuguese pit there wits against a French team who have so far failed to live up to people's expectations. Could this be the game when the French come to life? they have been so mediocre up to this point I'm thinking they might come to life against the Portuguese, the French would of been many peoples favourites at the start of the tournament. Maybe Ronaldo will score for the Portuguese and silence his critics, is he entitled to cry if he does 🤣 I'm sure that's worth a flutter...


Well-known member
Slow cook that beef Hawk, adjust your cooker to a very slow setting, im sure it will just turn out fine..

I didn't want to get my dogs put down either, if anything I delayed the inevitable,(I knew they had cancer) I was administrating daily dosages of canna coconut oil through small bits of bread and cuts of ham to help relieve there pain. ( In the hope they would snap out of it) in reality, I was only delaying what I knew was going to happen..

The oil did the trick and eased there pain, it also helped with there appetite and sleep. Unfortunately for Shinobi and poppy there health deteriorated and there body weight just fell of them, was heart breaking to watch. They stopped eating all together and would only drink large amounts of water constantly, (kidneys) along with other organs collapsing.

It was time to put them to sleep, (6months between them) I have a shrine on the mountain for them, along with previous pets..

Lamas 😆 I brought my girls to a pet farm many moons ago, this is the only time I have encountered them..
Can you eat lamas? I'm guessing they would be very fatty..

I've had alpaca which is similar to lamas and it had zero fat in it and no flavor to speak of but wasn't bad imo. ;)


Well-known member
I've had alpaca which is similar to lamas and it had zero fat in it and no flavor to speak of but wasn't bad imo. ;)
Must of been those wolly coats that give me the impression of a high fat content.
Shame the alpaca had no flavour, maybe the preparation of it could do with some added spices or curried to jazz it up a bit...

Goat meat makes a wonderful curry, absolutely divine.


Well-known member
Must of been those wolly coats that give me the impression of a high fat content.
Shame the alpaca had no flavour, maybe the preparation of it could do with some added spices or curried to jazz it up a bit...

Goat meat makes a wonderful curry, absolutely divine.

Yes, spice it up, turmeric, pepper and a pinch of cumin. Never had goat meat. :smoke:


Well-known member
52nd min (The Germans 0 Spaniards 1)

The game is starting to open up a bit, spain are getting plenty of the ball.

Good passing of the ball from both teams.

The German fans are loud (bet you heard that before) as there team look to get the equaliser.

Might be tapas on the menu tonight 😆


Well-known member
The Germans have equalised (wouldn't you fecking know)

90 minutes on the clock Germany 1 Spain 1

There will be 4 minutes of extra time , the German fans are loving this.
Spain took there foot of the peddle..


Well-known member
The full time whistle has been blown after 90mins of play.. Germany 1 Spain 1

We now have 30 minutes of extra time (two halfs of 15) if it stays 1-1 after the 30 minutes of extra time, there will be penalties...

Curried bratwurst or paella?


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
I can't explain it.my boy is as healthy as a horse but he's 14 give or take.hes fine but he's been pissing in the house lately.hes never done this. Can anyone explain except old age? He's still a fantastic specimen and strong.its the lab in him View attachment 19027857
thats a great dog hawk look into a puppy pad if the dog cant make it outside, its like this super absorbent piece of paper thing that was mean for dogs
there are also dog diapers that you can put on them, when ukke got old she still wanted to sleep in the bed with us but could not hold it like she used to, so she had to wear the pants
/plus the rubber mattress cover
i woke up today with a craving for tuna fish sandwiches! so i went to the store and got some fixings, but braised beef sounds awesome
like @superx said the lower and slower the better, let that fall apart in its own juices and then sop that shit up
im sure people somewhere eat lama but arent they mostly raised for their wool?

It's on the internet @Bababooey , and there are multiple YouTubes that back up the story. What more could you want except for maybe a scale off of the monster?

Attributions are a most excellent reward. Royalties are even better. I'm going to issue you a special dispensation, @Bababooey, under one condition. You have to tell me if @pop_rocks ever uses it.

Here's another something Floridan for you tourists.

I don't have volcano shutters.

this is why you wont be able to buy home owners insurance on the state of fla soon
you need at least a 1000 foot defensible space around your home and asbestos walls in a volcano zone
/now for miss melody may i might make and exception
so you have poo fires in teh swamps too? why cant we have nice things here in california!?
hahah thats the best time to think about stuff like that buzz, when you are out on the water in your shallow draft boat, or walking through the woods at night
i wonder if we willl ever return to the hey day of cryptids now that everyone has a phone on them at all times
The full time whistle has been blown after 90mins of play.. Germany 1 Spain 1

We now have 30 minutes of extra time (two halfs of 15) if it stays 1-1 after the 30 minutes of extra time, there will be penalties...

Curried bratwurst or paella?
when you put it like that i would take the paella? but maybe im just craving rice
and why are the brats curried? is that how the germans roll now?
i want mine boiled with sour cabbage and lots of mustard on the side
pets are like family members and its tough to let them go
that is cool you have a shrine in their memory
keep us posted on the match, it might be goat meat on @Bababooey tonight

i saw a thing for that new beverly hills cop movie being a netflix? exclusive
you have to have one of those subscription channels but its like a direct to tv movie
those are getting more popular and i like it
i think theaters are dying because of the cost and most people actually have nice tv, theater systems in their house now days
yeah thats kind of funny how something that big will appear one night to eat all these kids and just disappear into the deep dark sea off the coast of pensacola, but thats the stuff of urban ledgends
i think they are fun and could tell you some that we have specific to so cal
/ever hear of la llerona
good luck on the germany bet
i got my bread and the tuna sandwich is on!


Well-known member
Germany are turning the screw, they have had the better chances during extra time.

Several attempts on goal from the Germans,

WE HAVE A GOAL ⚽️ the spanish have scored just as the game looked like going to penalties the spanish have snatched it..

FULL TIME; The Paella is on me 🥘 (Spain are through too the semi-finals)


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah i heard Iowa got hit hard by rain, the western and northwestern part of the state is flooded. We've gotten a lot of rain for june/july but it hasnt been so bad.

You could take jake paul in a street fight im sure but in a boxing match with a ref i'd have to go with jake, he's younger bigger and has been training seriously (and maybe probably taking PEDs) for years so you'd be at a big disadvantage in a ring. Do u have any boxing experience? Like with gloves and bags, not bare knuckle boxing.

Sorry to hear the pooch's kidneys might be shot, Hawk. Taking care of a sick doggo is dispiriting, like Superx said. In hindsight putting them down would have been better for all parties involved but none of my vets ever suggested it. The cynic in me thinks it's cause u can squeeze more $$ out of a sick dog than a dead dog but who knows.
The one doggo with intestinal cancer i fed cbd hash, it drugged her up good but didnt do much for the disease and she had a poop and a seizure and passed. Still cant think about it without tearing up. Poor doggo.

I watched some of the game, Superx, i couldnt decide between spain and germany so i did both teams to score, the 1st half didnt look good at 0-0 but they both scored by the end of stoppage time so that was a relief.
Im thinking i have to go with french vs portugal, the portugese coach is going to ride ronaldo to the detriment of the team but their goalkeeper might step up, could come down to penalty kicks.
Turned out u were right, Spain scored at the end of extra time! Maybe you should be a capper and sell your picks on instagram or twitter, Superx.


Well-known member
Hey pops, curried bratwurst is just sausage usually boiled first then fried, the sauce is a mixture of tomato ketchup and curry powder. It's a dish in itself, the sauce would be poured over the bratwurst (no bread roll)
Some fried chips on the side and washed down with a bucket of pilsner..


Well-known member
Hey babba I couldn't pick a bet if I tried....
Happy days on picking both teams to score, at least you get something back onthat..
I also have a feeling the France v Portugal might go to extra time or penalties.

Ronaldo has a point to prove tonight, and to justify why the manager is keeping faith in him...
I have a sneaky feeling Ronaldo might get that goal against the french. (Would be typical)


Horse-toothed Jackass
Question: is the curried bratwurst battered and then fried? Dont most takeaways batter their sausages first before frying?

And when i say batter the sausage, i dont mean what Pops does to me when ive been good.

I think Ronaldo's washed, maybe ill throw some money on 1 or more shots on target but that's it. We'll see if ur right tho.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Hey pops, curried bratwurst is just sausage usually boiled first then fried, the sauce is a mixture of tomato ketchup and curry powder. It's a dish in itself, the sauce would be poured over the bratwurst (no bread roll)
Some fried chips on the side and washed down with a bucket of pilsner..
oh man! that sounds crazy good
i have curries and they make a great sauce, but if i add ketchup to it it makes it better?
i have this one curry, vermont curry
i like it because it pairs well with almost everything and is mild but still full of flavor
/i make my camping shepards pie with it
but ive never thought of adding catsup to it, are you insane or genius?!
fried chips on the side yes please!!

im going to have to try this man, is there a certain curry you use?


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Keep the house man 😆
I think France might just edge it,
A tough call babba, I'm willing to bet my shoes..
hahah, i would only bet one shoe, but thats why you see discarded shoes on the side of the road fro time to time
i am having no part of this action, my money is on the curry
but ill batter the sausage if he wins
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