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NFL 2019-2020

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Hey @Bababooey eat well today, man. Dispensary at 11 or so. Woke up at 8 and got high.
Can of grizzly is $12 at store nearby. Last 24 hours. Some places sell it for $18 a can here. There's one brand I'm aware of that goes for like $1.50 can't remember name. Probably not here in Massachusetts.


Well-known member
sorry.i got upset.so basically im trying to do laundry and its a big thing to do anything with my mom.she grew up a spoiled rich brat and doesnt take others into consideration.shes 4 foot 8 and cant do laundry anymore.im trying to help her and she doesnt want help even though she cant reach the washers and driers.so i go to the bar to drink and try to watch the game.but shes bitching at me for no reason and im trying to watch the game.she wants to get out as fast as she can but shes slow as mollasses.the fuck am i supposed to do?the bar is in the laundry mat btw.cant give me 2 minutes to watch the game so i missed everything.so i said fuck it and just packed it all in and left.im not playing these games

the Flowers in the Attic thing might have been a bit harsh.it was a book and a movie.the parents drop their kids off at their grandmothers house and she locks them up in the attic.out of sight out of mind.thats basically what my mother did to me.never took us anywhere,never took us out to eat,nothing.basically dont do anything but breath.stay in your room and shut up.thats why im a genius psycho.got nothing but time to think how much i hate.had no friends,no movies nothing cause my mom was a lazy bitch.she even called the cops on my dad cause he wanted to take us to the zoo and said he kidnapped us.not once but twice.anyway sorry for putting this here.im pissed and PTSD is kicking in.
didnt even watch the other games and heard taylor swift was at the game again.im glade they lost now.last thing i want is that dumb kunt ruining football.dont think i got much more in me.my 70 year old bears fan buddy dont even watch it anymore cause of shit like this.
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Horse-toothed Jackass
Glad to hear that ur taking care of all ur health issues this year, exercising and eating right and also having ur skin issues worked on. In about 9 months you should be ready for the beach. Start shopping for speedos now. Maybe u can get a patriots one and that’ll be ur icebreaker when talking to girls.

That’s amazing that u can go through a can of chewing tobacco in one day, I tried some years and years ago and one little pinch lasted me 10-15 mins before I had a good nicotine high and spit it out. I think nicotine is an appetite suppressant so maybe it’s helping u lose weight? Hopefully u can reduce ur tobacco intake, it’s not the best thing for u long term but im sure u know that.

A laundromat with a bar, huh? That’s freaking genius, actually would make me want to do laundry lol.
Were u watching the bears game, Hawk? To be honest, I wouldn’t have been all that mad that I couldn’t watch it, I had to leave around 145pm when the game was in the 2nd half and tried watching it in the car a bit but im not mad I missed a lot of it, like u said it was a crap game.
Sounds like u had quite a bit of trauma in ur life, and didn’t u get hit by a truck when u were a child too? No wonder u self-medicate. Well hopefully u can keep it together, I know emotions run high when u feel like ur powerless so maybe it’s time to take control of ur life by first taking control of ur addictions. I know i feel better when im off the booze, it's really just a shit drug.


Well-known member
yeah,im sorry for stressing out in this forum baba.no excuse for it.yeah i dont get out much and it was cool to hang out at the bar talking to regular Iowa dudes about football but i could barley get a play in.i just wanted to talk about football.and yeah you wouldnt believe the crazy shit ive had to deal with.i just wanna have fun and hang out but my mom is a recluse so i cant do shit.also had cops put a gun to my head at 5 years old when our house got raided.dont really forget that.anyway i havent smoked in a bit.i think thats gonna be my mission today.get high.

so we got charges and cowboys today huh?not even gonna speculate that one.but should be good right?i hope so and sorry for being a drama queen.it was the whiskey.and the beer.and the MD 2020 etc lol


Horse-toothed Jackass
Haha ur fine Hawk we know u just like to talk crazy when ur stressing out, that's just the booze talking. Although i wouldnt want to mess with u, u got those crazy eyes.
Im leaning towards chargers taking care of business, austin ekeler is playing tonite and he's a scoring machine. Dallas got exposed a bit against the 49ers and i think their defense and offense arent great, well maybe their D is sometimes but their O is struggling a bit. I do have tony pollard, dallas RB, in fantasy so i hope he does well at least.


In my empire of dirt
what hawk? a bar inside of the laundry mat? BRILLIANT!
what better way to wait for your wash than sitting down to a nice cold drink
why dont we have nice stuff like that out here in califonria?!
/in tx they even had grocery stores where you could order a drink and walk around shopping, they even had a cup holder on the cart
that sux that your mom was getting impatient and spoiled your fun, i havent been to a bar to watcha game in ages but it would be fun if it was the right crowd
my mom was kind of over protective too and lacked a lot of the social skills, but she did the best she could and i cant blame her for me being a shit bag now

ive noticed the over unders are dropping too baba
in the beginning of the season we were seeing like 50+ pt o/u but now i think they are more in the 40s
part of it could be the qb situation you know, with guys like burrows being hurt and arog out plus injury to players like chubb
but who knows,like you said we are seeing some defenses play strong this season
both the chargers and dallas are banged up right now on D and i dont think we will see vander eshe and bosa is questionable for tonights game

i thought i posted this earlier...


Horse-toothed Jackass
Could u do that in every grocery store in TX, pops, or just certain ones? Do u see a lot of people drinking in the store?
That’s a good point that QBs being hurt may be contributing to lower pt totals. And defenses may have finally adjusted to the rules favoring passing, with most defenders having acceptable pass coverage skills for their position. We’ll see if the lower pt totals last throughout the season.
Saw both teams score TDs on their 1st possession but no pts since and it’s almost halftime.


In my empire of dirt
not all stores but some
for the life of me i cant remember the name of the place off the top of my head, but it was a step up from the tastings you can get in some places
this was an actual beer you got and there was a place to put your glass as you left the store
yeah, the chargers v dallas game is kind of meh....
they both came out hot but its been a low scoring game for the most part
chargers just had 4rth and 1 inside like the 10 and decided to try something silly so instead oputting points on the board; and they turn it over
the guy on tv keeps yapping about anal-itis? f' yo analytics! statistics are wrong half the time
that and chargers coaching=sux!
its been a weird season and im sure you have noticed the drop in the overs
a lot of premiere players are not playing but that dosnet explain the drop off in points across the board
the chiefs were able to hang a 40 on the bears and mia went shamu making a big splash against den (70pts)

no worries hawk, thats what buddies are for man
get that shit off your chest and then move on
thats crazy doob and its probably better to have that shit removed
but if its chaffing now how do you think its going to feel with stitches in it? time to break out the pawts thong


In my empire of dirt
poor chargers football team! herbert throws a pic on a potential game winning drive and they lose a close on to dem'boys
/if they dident try and get cute it and kicked the field goal...
yeah i know they converted a 4rth and short for a td but that makes them like what 33% or less?
/im sure the coaches were all be sucking each other off over that play
dallas moves up to a big 5-1
their defense is playing well but im still not feeling dak


Active member
Evening football fans believe it or not my brother met the Chargers man who drove by in a costume and a convertible on aro dr Wal-Mart san deigo and gave him Chargers


In my empire of dirt
that was cool of him to give you free chargers stuff! was this drinky?
i used to live up there off aero drive on the hillside above the stadium
you dont see bolt man in la
i hear the guy was offering to sell his costume but thought it was worth big bucks, so no takers afaik


In my empire of dirt
i dont really talk about it much anymore but i grew up a chargers fan and the chargers did san diego dirty
/ @Bababooey remembers!
for decades i sat through bad football but still i was a fan and have even been to a couple games back at the murph! (jack murphey stadium)
when spanos wanted a new stadium the city bent itself over backwards!
9no homo!)
they were going to give him free land in oceanside and there was eventalk of renovating a spot downtown on the water front (all at the tax payers expense)
he strung as all along only to bolt for la and now he dosent even have a stadium
/but im sure his net worth went up $$$
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In my empire of dirt
no worries man, its business but i just dont like the way he led the city on like he did
traveling sounds fun and i need to hit the road myself and just check shit out one of these days