New member
So the shooting powder is PK isn't it? Phosphorous and potassium. No real need for it, base nutrient would have seen you fine. Really PK is just to tweak and make something good even better. Because that's the type of negative reaction you can get if the genetics are sensitive etc I wouldn't just give something a big shot of PK first round. Try it in a subsequent round so you can see any positive difference.
Yep, PK booster. I was using H&Gs coco base nutes for the first time and totally digging them. Thought I'd try the rest of their stuff.
So the pic is of clones you took from flower last round?
I would tie them down, and set em off. They will be awesome and you will be happy you did. Big root mass means big colas. They should be ready to flip in a week or so. The color will come right back. Don't hack them, just tie them down.
Your grow looks awesome btw!
Thanks, Dots!
Ok, so one vote for saving these clones. Yes, clones taken from the last round--maybe two weeks before the flower cycle began.
Everything in my grow room gets tied down regardless, these would be no different. But I'm afraid I need to hack further as well. The central stalks on most of these plants, (there are three or even four of them on each plant because of a topping a while back) are not bendable. They are wooden, and as of now those central stalks are at or above the height of my trellises. I almost ran out of headroom on the last run. I need this one to be a bit shorter, not taller. I'll put up a better pic later so you can see what I'm talking about.