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New to Coco, first grow in about 10 years


New member
So the shooting powder is PK isn't it? Phosphorous and potassium. No real need for it, base nutrient would have seen you fine. Really PK is just to tweak and make something good even better. Because that's the type of negative reaction you can get if the genetics are sensitive etc I wouldn't just give something a big shot of PK first round. Try it in a subsequent round so you can see any positive difference.

Yep, PK booster. I was using H&Gs coco base nutes for the first time and totally digging them. Thought I'd try the rest of their stuff.

So the pic is of clones you took from flower last round?
I would tie them down, and set em off. They will be awesome and you will be happy you did. Big root mass means big colas. They should be ready to flip in a week or so. The color will come right back. Don't hack them, just tie them down.
Your grow looks awesome btw!

Thanks, Dots!

Ok, so one vote for saving these clones. Yes, clones taken from the last round--maybe two weeks before the flower cycle began.

Everything in my grow room gets tied down regardless, these would be no different. But I'm afraid I need to hack further as well. The central stalks on most of these plants, (there are three or even four of them on each plant because of a topping a while back) are not bendable. They are wooden, and as of now those central stalks are at or above the height of my trellises. I almost ran out of headroom on the last run. I need this one to be a bit shorter, not taller. I'll put up a better pic later so you can see what I'm talking about.


New member
Here are two pics which better illustrate my problem.

The clones, in their 1/2 gal pots, group shot:


What they would look like in their 3.5 gal hempy buckets with trellis over them:


As you can see, the rigid stalks come right up to the trellis. Yes, with diligent LSTing, I could get all of my secondary growth to grow horizontally for the next couple of weeks so as to fill out the canopy (I want six plants for every 4'x4'). But they'll double in height by the end of the stretch, which means even if I managed to keep them growing horizontally before I switched to 12/12, the lights will eventually be 19" from the tops at a minimum. That's too close. (I have a 6'6" ceiling, my options are limited.) I tried 20" for a minute on the last round, some of the tops started to bleach.

If I keep these, there's going to have to be another cut. I just wonder if it's worth it. I'm not going to shit-can them yet, though. I have a week before the clones are rooted, I'll see how these ladies do in the interim.


Cool setup . In between sizes , I see your dilemma .

Question for you , what is your total lighting and tray sizes ?

Here are two pics which better illustrate my problem.

The clones, in their 1/2 gal pots, group shot:

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What they would look like in their 3.5 gal hempy buckets with trellis over them:

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As you can see, the rigid stalks come right up to the trellis. Yes, with diligent LSTing, I could get all of my secondary growth to grow horizontally for the next couple of weeks so as to fill out the canopy (I want six plants for every 4'x4'). But they'll double in height by the end of the stretch, which means even if I managed to keep them growing horizontally before I switched to 12/12, the lights will eventually be 19" from the tops at a minimum. That's too close. (I have a 6'6" ceiling, my options are limited.) I tried 20" for a minute on the last round, some of the tops started to bleach.

If I keep these, there's going to have to be another cut. I just wonder if it's worth it. I'm not going to shit-can them yet, though. I have a week before the clones are rooted, I'll see how these ladies do in the interim.


This is one I did this run, it's not hard to do, bend and tie it to the pot so it holds, this was a clone donor that got too tall.

You can continue to tuck and bend through early flower but you've gotta be on it everyday, and you basically nuetrlise the stretch. Here's one I did:

I just switched to Canna from H&G but not for long, canna is very diluted. But I have a hunch that H&G would benefit from more calcium.
Shooting powder is shit. Foxtails and nute burn like crazy, and your trimmers will hate you, and its stupid expensive. We use GH Koolbloom powder in its place, its much cheaper, doesn't cause burn or foxtailing. Ends up being half a cup of powder to a 100g reservoir.
Your not the only one it seems.
I have canna Pk 13/14 so at least I can control the amount used instead of just dumping a packet of powder in. Ideally the best way to use P and K is separateley, because there are certain times in the plant cycle when they are in demand.
I use biostimulants:

Cannabis can take some bending but you are the best judge of what you should do for your situation. How long will it take before the new clones could be flipped?


New member
This is one I did this run, it's not hard to do, bend and tie it to the pot so it holds, this was a clone donor that got too tall.
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You can continue to tuck and bend through early flower but you've gotta be on it everyday, and you basically nuetrlise the stretch. Here's one I did:
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I just switched to Canna from H&G but not for long, canna is very diluted. But I have a hunch that H&G would benefit from more calcium.

Your not the only one it seems.
I have canna Pk 13/14 so at least I can control the amount used instead of just dumping a packet of powder in. Ideally the best way to use P and K is separateley, because there are certain times in the plant cycle when they are in demand.
I use biostimulants:

Yeah, I believe I read that lazyman comment of after I'd already used the stuff. Gotta read the reviews before you buy, not after you burn the hell out of your shit!

H&G may very well need more calcium. Most of my plants have been asking for about 2.5ml/gallon of extra CalMag, with some phenos being happier in the 3-3.5ml range.

Of course, this being my first time in Coco, I don't even know whether or not that's normal. I've read that it is,, but you can't already believe everything you read.
Cannabis can take some bending but you are the best judge of what you should do for your situation. How long will it take before the new clones could be flipped?
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Ha! Nice switchback there!

Yeah, I'm no stranger to bending my plants. I super cropped all of them for the last run. This one will get lst'd or supercropped too, after the top growth thickens up a bit. I'm thinking it'll be ready for flower in three weeks or less.

I came up with a solution for my height issue. Well, I didn't come up with it, a commercial cannabis farmer whom I met through a friend gave me the idea: bury the stem, scoring it where there used to be nodes so as to promote root growth. I just up-potted the first 16 plants, the current root masses are almost all the way at the bottom of the bucket, the thick stems are scored in many places below soil level and the plants' tops are 5 inches below trellis level.

I didn't think to do it because I wasn't aware that cannabis could handle having its stem buried. I do it practically every time I plant tomatoes but I know not every type of plant likes it. Hope it works out!


How did the Blue Dream turn out?

I'm thinking about picking up a few different strains from HSO. How many BD seeds did you run and how many different phenos did you see?



New member
How did the Blue Dream turn out?

I'm thinking about picking up a few different strains from HSO. How many BD seeds did you run and how many different phenos did you see?


It turned out really well in the end. The biggest yielding plant in the garden was a blue dream. Adding to that, this particular high-yield pheno had a great leaf to calyx ratio, super tight bud structure and will really smack you upside the head. I'd say I found a real winner.

I ran 10 seeds, one died from dampening off. The remaining nine plants were about evenly split between tall, spindly, larfy, haze-leaning phenos and thick-stemmed, tight-flowered, slightly broader-leafed monsters. I didn't get any that really showed much indica, but I didn't expect to. Their varied growing habits aside, these phenos were pretty consistent in their effects. One of the nine was a little weaker than the others. Four of them were extremely potent, I'm going to keep running the one of those four which also had the top weight and bag appeal. They all taste very similar.

I had three which were very problematic in veg; none of them looked great, even through the end of flower. Yet even these yielded a respectable quantity of excellent smoke. HSO knows their shit. Highly recommended.


Active member
I have eight 600 watt LEDs (HLG quantum boards) over 16 2'x4' trays.

Can you dim the lights if the stretch runs too close?

With clones/plants going to flower I always figure the most important thing is roots. If it has good roots it's going to blow up quick. I'll almost never give up on a clone with good roots.

Do you think that 18" is too close from past experience or ? With good ventilation you can get pretty close before anything bad happens with most plants. Results vary of course and I don't have experience with 600W cob's.


New member
Can you dim the lights if the stretch runs too close?

With clones/plants going to flower I always figure the most important thing is roots. If it has good roots it's going to blow up quick. I'll almost never give up on a clone with good roots.

Do you think that 18" is too close from past experience or ? With good ventilation you can get pretty close before anything bad happens with most plants. Results vary of course and I don't have experience with 600W cob's.

Yes, I can dim the lights if necessary, but I'm hesitant to do so because of coverage. They're 4' apart, and I think that's about the max coverage I can get at full power, so dimmed won't work. If I were to get my hands on some supplemental light to place in between each existing fixture, I could do it, no problem.

18" is too close for most of these. I have one strain which showed no ill effects closer than 24", the rest all started to bleach at the top.