To pay taxes ensures our freedom& property beautifull.You forgot to say that protects you from that wicked comunist too.
The biggest mafia on earth:
Check Washington ( Washingtown) DC.
^that's right. The government of the people was good. We should bring that back. That disappeared in 1913, when we turned our currency over to world banks. Democracy and capitalism were good. What we have is bad. We have an oligarch 1% controlling over 80% of the worlds resources, a plutocrat government, and a fascist arm of enforcement. The perfect shit storm of oppression of the ignorant and poor.
21st Century Wire says…
Is there a globalist agenda behind the legalisation of pot?
George Soros and his Open Society Institute has pushed hard, dumping substantial sums of money into a public campaign to legalise marijuana in Uruguay. Why? The Washington Times confirmed the extent of their public relations investment into this issue:
“Through a network of nonprofit groups, Mr. Soros has spent at least $80 million on the legalization effort since 1994, when he diverted a portion of his foundation’s funds to organizations exploring alternative drug policies, according to tax filings”.
In 2013, the Marijuana Policy Project listed its “Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users”, which they claim is “meant to identify people who have used marijuana and achieved high levels of success or influence”. George Soros is ranked 9th, alongside Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher (one can only guess which other ‘users’ lists this crowd also falls under). Not to mention, it’s always comforting to know that your President might be stoned at the wheel of the nation (by contrast, the golf doesn’t seem so bad).
In the US, the much-celebrated Colorado story has dominated pot news, and there are a number of other states set to follow.
“It’s only a matter of time before marijuana is legalized under federal law,” Tom Angell, founder and chairman of the Marijuana Majority advocacy group, told the Times. “We now have 20 states plus the District of Columbia considering legalization efforts, two states have already legalized it for all adults over the age of 21 — politicians will have to follow the will of the people on this.”
Aside from the Soros agenda for a One World Government, financing the Occupy Movement and of overthrowing governments, destablising nations and fomenting civil wars around the globe through carefully planned ‘color revolutions’, how does the Open Society Institute’s push for legalisation of drugs fit into all of this?
Critics are wondering if it could have something to do with influencing the governments in those countries where the legalisation efforts are most intense. Is this connected to the UN’s Agenda 21? Or is this paving the way for gene giants in big pharma to replace natural strands of cannabis with their own patented GMO variety? Definitely the ladder…
They sayThe Uruguayan government hopes legalising the sale of marijuana will tackle drug cartels – See more at: Uruguayan government hopes legalising the sale of marijuana will tackle drug cartels – See more at: Uruguayan government hopes legalising the sale of marijuana “will tackle drug cartels”, but what they’re not telling you is that they are paving the way for a bigger drug cartel to take over. Soros is reportedly also a big Monsanto shareholder, and guess who is test planting their GMO version of cannabis later this year in Uruguay? Yes, it’s Monsanto.
BTW – Monsanto’s best lobbyist right now is Barack Obama himself (it’s not about cool, or pot – it’s about eugenics).
Let’s look at what’s happening in Latin America…
Uruguay: The World’s First Legalized Weed Nation
Brasscheck TV
Late last year Uruguay became the first country in modern times to legalize cannabis.
I feel the same way about cannabis prohibition as I did about the Berlin War the first time I saw it (when it was still up). It makes no sense at all. Cannabis is a plant. How can a plant be illegal?
It’s a nutritious food (the seeds), a sturdy fiber (the stalk), and a multi-facted medicine (the leaves and flowers).
One country has gotten the clue: Uruguay.
The general law has been passed. Let’s see how they execute on the details.
By the way, poor people all over the world in Africa, Asia and Latin America have been using cannabis for medicine continuously throughout the multi-decade prohibition…
America is an oligarchy, not a democracy or republic, university study finds
America is no longer a democracy — never mind the democratic republic envisioned by Founding Fathers.
Rather, it has taken a turn down elitist lane and become a country led by a small dominant class comprised of powerful members who exert total control over the general population — an oligarchy, said a new study jointly conducted by Princeton and Northwestern universities.
One finding in the study: The U.S. government now represents the rich and powerful, not the average citizen, United Press International reported.
In the study, “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups and Average Citizens,” researchers compared 1,800 different U.S. policies that were put in place by politicians between 1981 and 2002 to the type of policies preferred by the average and wealthy American, or special interest groups.
Researchers then concluded that U.S. policies are formed more by special interest groups than by politicians properly representing the will of the general people, including the lower-income class.
“The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence,” the study found.
The study also found: “When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organized interests, they generally lose.”
Yawn. Government is a necessary thing, like it or not. Doesn't mean it's always good or right. We got closer to right when we legalized marijuana in CO, offered to pay taxes for the ability to buy it over the counter. We also gained the ability to grow our own, tax free, w/o fear or penalty of any kind. It's a helluva lot better for cannabiphiles than the way it was, better than anywhere else on the planet.
¿Who did impose prohibitionist views regarding Cannabis to the rest of the planet? The selenites I guess...
BTW, the biggest mafia on earth isn't in Washington, but rather Wall Street. They've spent billions over a period of decades financing think tanks, institutes & media outlets to convince all of us that tearing down the govt of the people is in our interest when it only serves theirs.
I'm not preaching for no government or regulation. I'm just telling you that you are living in a lie. Your vote and opinion means nothing. Legalization is happening because george soros and Monsanto are teaming up to take over.