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New Report Blasts DEA For Spending 4 Decades Obstructing Marijuana Science


ICMag Donor
New Report Blasts DEA For Spending 4 Decades Obstructing Marijuana Science
The Drug Enforcement Administration has been impeding and ignoring the science on marijuana and other drugs for more than four decades, according to a report released this week by the Drug Policy Alliance, a drug policy reform group, and the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, a marijuana research organization.
“The DEA is a police and propaganda agency," Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, said Wednesday. “It makes no sense for it to be in charge of federal decisions involving scientific research and medical practice."
The report alleges that the DEA has repeatedly failed to act in a timely fashion when faced with petitions to reschedule marijuana. The drug is currently classified as Schedule I, which the DEA reserves for the "most dangerous" drugs with "no currently accepted medical use." Schedule I drugs, which include substances like heroin and LSD, cannot receive federal funding for research. On three separate occasions -- in 1973, 1995 and again in 2002 -- the DEA took years to make a final decision about a rescheduling petition, and in two of the cases the DEA was sued multiple times to force a decision.
The report criticizes the DEA for overruling its own officials charged with determining how illicit substances should be scheduled. It also criticizes the agency for creating a "regulatory Catch-22" by arguing there is not enough scientific evidence to support rescheduling marijuana while simultaneously impeding the research that would produce such evidence.
A spokesperson at the DEA declined to comment on the report.
The feds have long been accused of only funding marijuana research that focuses on the potential negative effects of the substance, but that trend appears to be changing.
According to The Hill, the National Institute on Drug Abuse has conducted about 30 studies to date on the potential benefits of marijuana. NIDA oversees the cultivation, production and distribution of marijuana grown for research purposes at the University of Mississippi in the only federally legal marijuana garden in the U.S. -- a process through which the only federally sanctioned marijuana studies are approved.
The joint report comes less than two weeks after the House approved three amendments taking aim at the DEA and its ability to enforce federal marijuana and hemp laws in states which have legal marijuana operations and industrial hemp programs. The medical marijuana amendment was sponsored by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) and Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.).
"Nobody should be afraid of the truth," Rohrabacher said Wednesday. "There's a lot of other drugs that have harmful side effects. Is the downside of marijuana a harmful side effect? Or is there a positive side that actually does help? That needs to be proven."
The federal government's interest in marijuana certainly appears to be growing. Since 2003, it has approved more than 500 grants for marijuana-related studies, with a marked upswing in recent years, according to McClatchy. In 2003, 22 grants totaling $6 million were approved for cannabis research. In 2012, that number had risen to 69 approved grants totaling more than $30 million.
"The DEA has obstructed research into the medical use of marijuana for over 40 years and in the process has caused immeasurably suffering that would otherwise have been treated by low-cost, low-risk generic marijuana," Rick Doblin, executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, said in a statement. "The DEA’s obstruction of the FDA approval process for marijuana has -- to the DEA’s dismay -- unintentionally catalyzed state-level medical marijuana reforms.”
Currently, 22 states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for medical use. Eight other states -- Alabama, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah and Wisconsin -- have legalized CBD oils, made from a non-psychoactive ingredient in marijuana frequently used to treat epilepsy, for limited medical use or for research purposes.
A number of recent studies have shown the medical potential of cannabis. Purified forms may attack some forms of aggressive cancer. Marijuana use also has been tied to better blood sugar control and may help slow the spread of HIV. One study found that legalization of the plant for medical purposes may even lead to lower suicide rates.
Nadelmann said the DEA has "demonstrated a regular pattern of abusing its discretionary powers."
"We believe this authority would be better handled by another government agency in the health realm, or even better still, by an organization that is truly independent, perhaps something that involves the National Academy of Sciences," he said. "We will be working to encourage greater congressional oversight and also to call for reforms of federal law."


I don't think the DEA cares about this report, they still have their powers and until taken from them they will continue to hinder Cannabis research.
What needs to be done is to reschedule Cannabis down to schedule 3 on the federal level so Cannabis research can be done, that and take away any powers the DEA has to interfere with science.
And the feds allowing Cannabis to be legal in any state where the voters want it.
They will fight this tooth and nail as the whole war on drugs foundation is Cannabis, without Cannabis to bust their seizures and arrests would go way down, the drug war would fall apart, the DEA would be downsized and many DEA agents fired.
I wonder why they fight Cannabis reform?
It is their jobs and money as the DEA itself has admitted, they will never end Cannabis use or trade, it is just a job with no end in sight, and they like it that way.
If you want to take the violence and gangs out of drugs legalize them and take all the profits away, the violence from the trade will stop, gangs will move on to other less profitable crimes and slowly fade from the lack of income.
It is the DEA and the drug gangs and a few confused greedy Cannabis growers that want drugs like Cannabis kept illegal, both for money and jobs...


Well-known member
the dea doesnt even listen to their own Administrative Law Judges when it comes to cannabis but things are changing, just not fast enough.



if it smells like fish
I have said it before we need a class action lawsuit.........it has been a conspiracy of the highest power ....


Active member
You can´t regulate Cannabis.

If you regulate Cannabis ( taxation) the ultimate Price goes up so you créate a black market where the Price is cheaper because you don´t pay Taxes.

Legal / Ilegal are 2 sides of the same coin.

I don´t live in the States but.....¿ Why should I pay taxes to the same people, ,that have been lying for so long?

The same people that ilegalized cannabis against the opinión of the representative of the AMA ( American Medical Association).


If they want me to pay taxes about cannabis, they should first pay themselves compensations to a lot of people.

No Taxation
Instead of Tea Party a Weed Party ???


In Colorado, an alternative to paying sales tax is legally growing marijuana indoors. I've grown legally and illegally, and like legal better.


Active member
In spanish you have the Word "alegal"; this means not legal not ilegal.
That´s my concept. Laws? The laws of nature:

You need a male to pollinate a female; the best law of all.


If somenthing is legal, will be ilegal too!!

Pure Tao : Black&White
Hot& Cold
Male& Female

Is my explanation clear enough??????:bigeye::angelshug:


Active member
I don't think the DEA cares about this report, they still have their powers and until taken from them they will continue to hinder Cannabis research.
What needs to be done is to reschedule Cannabis down to schedule 3 on the federal level so Cannabis research can be done, that and take away any powers the DEA has to interfere with science.
And the feds allowing Cannabis to be legal in any state where the voters want it.
They will fight this tooth and nail as the whole war on drugs foundation is Cannabis, without Cannabis to bust their seizures and arrests would go way down, the drug war would fall apart, the DEA would be downsized and many DEA agents fired.
I wonder why they fight Cannabis reform?
It is their jobs and money as the DEA itself has admitted, they will never end Cannabis use or trade, it is just a job with no end in sight, and they like it that way.
If you want to take the violence and gangs out of drugs legalize them and take all the profits away, the violence from the trade will stop, gangs will move on to other less profitable crimes and slowly fade from the lack of income.
It is the DEA and the drug gangs and a few confused greedy Cannabis growers that want drugs like Cannabis kept illegal, both for money and jobs...

You nailed it. Endless wars are VERY profitable.


In Colorado - 3 plants in flower + 3 in vegetation is legal. You keep all you grow. If you smoke a lot - grow big plants legally. If you try hard, you canl get arrested in Colorado for growing 100 plants, smoking in public places, selling in the black market, and driving too stoned. Illegal fine amounts, are similar to traffic violations, or drinking in public.

My point is Colorado research grants may fund scientific research that yields positive findings that conflict the DEA findings that marijuana is very harmful to your health.

In my body, marijuana in small doses (gram/grams) is less harmful than alcohol.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
We need to fire the entire leadership of the dea and reappoint people that understand science. Not only would weed be rescheduled, but a treatment system would be put in place to replace the prison system for hard drug users.

I have said it before we need a class action lawsuit.........it has been a conspiracy of the highest power ....


Active member
You can´t regulate Cannabis.

If you regulate Cannabis ( taxation) the ultimate Price goes up so you créate a black market where the Price is cheaper because you don´t pay Taxes.

Legal / Ilegal are 2 sides of the same coin.

I don´t live in the States but.....¿ Why should I pay taxes to the same people, ,that have been lying for so long?

The same people that ilegalized cannabis against the opinión of the representative of the AMA ( American Medical Association).


If they want me to pay taxes about cannabis, they should first pay themselves compensations to a lot of people.

No Taxation
Instead of Tea Party a Weed Party ???

huh? Me parece que estas equivocado.

The less expensive black market already exists. Legal dispensaries are charging what used to be black market prices... As a result, the black market has had to drop its prices. The more dispensaries that open, the further dispensary prices will be driven down, the further black market prices will be driven down.

I don't personally know anyone that distills their own spirits. Its a lot easier to go up the street to the liquor store and buy my spirits than buy a still, learn how to make mash, and run it all... Beer and wine take even longer. People want instant gratification.

Rather than going to best buy or radio shack I can order my electronics direct from China and save a load of money... I can think of a lot of examples of markets and economies of scale.


Active member
In Colorado, an alternative to paying sales tax is legally growing marijuana indoors. I've grown legally and illegally, and like legal better.

Winner! Colorado & the Obama Admin have put the DEA on notice that they need to change with the times. There won't be much of a public outcry if they shift their efforts more towards heroin, fentanyl, meth & cocaine. Not to wish the DEA on anybody, but the DEA will likely exist into the foreseeable future.


Active member
We need to fire the entire leadership of the dea and reappoint people that understand science. Not only would weed be rescheduled, but a treatment system would be put in place to replace the prison system for hard drug users.

Fire? How about firing squad?


Active member
We need to fire the entire leadership of the dea and reappoint people that understand science. Not only would weed be rescheduled, but a treatment system would be put in place to replace the prison system for hard drug users.

Or eliminate it and let the FDA take over. No room for domestic Gov't paramilitary, IMO

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^that is the real solution. However I still think there should be a drug addiction treatment agency. Works everywhere it is tried, even on a large scale.


Active member
You can´t regulate Cannabis.

If you regulate Cannabis ( taxation) the ultimate Price goes up so you créate a black market where the Price is cheaper because you don´t pay Taxes.

Legal / Ilegal are 2 sides of the same coin.

I don´t live in the States but.....¿ Why should I pay taxes to the same people, ,that have been lying for so long?

The same people that ilegalized cannabis against the opinión of the representative of the AMA ( American Medical Association).


If they want me to pay taxes about cannabis, they should first pay themselves compensations to a lot of people.

No Taxation
Instead of Tea Party a Weed Party ???

I don't think that's really true. First off, paying taxes is cheaper & a lot more convenient than being busted. Taxes spread the load better, too. It's not like sharks coming in to the beach & eating people. I see it as paying the other people in CO to let me do what I want, something that happens all the time, anyway. Extortion? Not really, not when I can grow my own instead, tax free. We wouldn't have passed A64 w/o the tax provisions- they were part of the pitch, part of building consensus to make this leap.

Big greenhouse growers can produce pot at a fraction the price of growing under lights because sunshine is free & because everything else is cheaper by the truckload. With supplemental heat & lighting, they can grow year round. If sales are flagging, they can cut the price to increase market share. If they're well capitalized, they can even sustain losses for a prolonged period in order to gain market share.

The price of pot is completely artificial, based on what the market will bear rather than the price of production & taxation. That's why a black market exists at all. Really competent operators will be able to show investors handsome profits & growing market share at lower prices. A lot of that is because retailers won't be required to grow their own at all after Oct 2014. They can buy all their product from independent licensed growers. In that, only the strong will survive. Colorado has licensed an enormous number of growers.


Active member
Ok, I guess that you don´t want to get into trouble.

It sounds so funny in my hears; the same people that have been against Cannabis are the ones that give you a licence to grow Cannabis.
Yes, you´re paying the rest of Colorado to let you do what you want. Nice one; the money raised from Taxes will go back to your local communities of course.
The same way they pay "Mordida" to the cops in Mexico, the same way they pay "pizzo" to the mafia in Italy, You are paying to the SISTEM, to the STABLISHMENT, your share to avoid them sending their DOGS over you no more no less.

Well I guess that for most of you, it is about making money/profit,
they give you a piece of paper,in Exchange of money and you are happy eating from their hand.

Peace of Mind....

The Peace of the Chicken in the farm...


:tiphat: Nice ventilation LOL


Active member
Ok, I guess that you don´t want to get into trouble.

It sounds so funny in my hears; the same people that have been against Cannabis are the ones that give you a licence to grow Cannabis.
Yes, you´re paying the rest of Colorado to let you do what you want. Nice one; the money raised from Taxes will go back to your local communities of course.
The same way they pay "Mordida" to the cops in Mexico, the same way they pay "pizzo" to the mafia in Italy, You are paying to the SISTEM, to the STABLISHMENT, your share to avoid them sending their DOGS over you no more no less.

Well I guess that for most of you, it is about making money/profit,
they give you a piece of paper,in Exchange of money and you are happy eating from their hand.

Peace of Mind....

The Peace of the Chicken in the farm...


:tiphat: Nice ventilation LOL

Taxation is not bribery or extortion, no matter how desperately you want to represent it as such.

Colorado's cannabis taxes are function of democracy, the will of the people. Paying them is also voluntary, unlike a lot of other taxes, considering that Coloradans can legally grow their own, pay only ordinary taxes on energy, supplies & hardware.

It's an issue of value received, of what we get in exchange for tax money. Damned few Coloradans see it as anything other than a good deal for everybody. For personal growers, it's an exceptional deal, all things considered. Agreeing to pay taxes on retail cannabis insures our freedom & our property, even though we may never pay any of those taxes at all.

If I say I'll stop by to shop at your place when I'm in Topeka but never go to to Topeka, I've kept my word, even if I had no intention of going to Topeka in the first place.