I think those are the 1/2Gallons. Wouldnt you be able to fit 1gallon pots? It looks like you have the height in your flowering box. They would fit, but they'd be An inch or 2 taller then what the pots you have in there are .. Most likely theyd just be snug, just like the top of the pots you have are.
BUT just to make sure, Those pots are tapered right? The top of the pot is the biggest, and it gets smaller as you get to the bottom?
So your Mini Flower Box is "10.5" wide 24" deep and 26" tall" ... Is the 24"deep the Length? Kinda unsure since I usually do Length, Width/Wide, Height/tall.
Since we are trying to figure out how many plants we can fit, I would take the measurements of the inside of the box only, only up to the area A pot can go against..
The Length would start from inside the door, or the first pot.. Then up to the outside of the 3rd pot or inside the wall.
Wide/Width is measurement from wall to wall short way. Or the outside of the 2 pots if there hitting both walls..
The Height should be from floor up to the highest point the plants can get..
Im very sure that you know how to take measurements. But I just want to make sure we know how much "Usable" space there is for the pots and plants.. I dont want to or want anyone to base there advice on the measurements of the entire box its self.
Does the website with the Training Rings say if you can use the smaller or bigger rings with a pot thats smaller or bigger then the diameter of the rings? Cause right now im using A ring that has A bigger diameter then the pot that its clipped on. So the legs that clip onto the pot arent going straight/vertical like some of the other rings I have on other pots.. The legs are kinda angled inward
BUT just to make sure, Those pots are tapered right? The top of the pot is the biggest, and it gets smaller as you get to the bottom?
So your Mini Flower Box is "10.5" wide 24" deep and 26" tall" ... Is the 24"deep the Length? Kinda unsure since I usually do Length, Width/Wide, Height/tall.
Since we are trying to figure out how many plants we can fit, I would take the measurements of the inside of the box only, only up to the area A pot can go against..
The Length would start from inside the door, or the first pot.. Then up to the outside of the 3rd pot or inside the wall.
Wide/Width is measurement from wall to wall short way. Or the outside of the 2 pots if there hitting both walls..
The Height should be from floor up to the highest point the plants can get..
Im very sure that you know how to take measurements. But I just want to make sure we know how much "Usable" space there is for the pots and plants.. I dont want to or want anyone to base there advice on the measurements of the entire box its self.
Does the website with the Training Rings say if you can use the smaller or bigger rings with a pot thats smaller or bigger then the diameter of the rings? Cause right now im using A ring that has A bigger diameter then the pot that its clipped on. So the legs that clip onto the pot arent going straight/vertical like some of the other rings I have on other pots.. The legs are kinda angled inward