Stay safe with timed fed DTW and experiment with some "Maxi`s" on the side till yas feel more comfortable with doin more.......
Blumat`s aren`t for everyone and have a definite learning curve
but rock like a mofo once dialed........
The maxi`s def are rockin it at the invite only med sites , but again as said takes some intermediate grower experience and attention to detail.......anyways....
I`ll be over here on my bucket waitin fer shit ta blow up.......
I'll do that. Seems the Blumats are quite reliable once set up properly. I like the simplicity of them. I've only hand watered in soil besides a hydro setup prior to that. Watering every couple days in soil isn't bad, but I'm not interested in watering 1-2 times per day in coco!! I'll figure out a feed system.
MrStonerMan - Thanks dude!
cody2white - I'll have pics soon...
I'll be starting cleanup and build on this in another couple weeks.
Stay tuned