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New Florida Grow House Law Passed today...



The goddamned mexican cartels and other organized, foreign crime rings are totally blowing up the spot, here in northern california 9/10 outdoor busts I read about are mexican. They just shot one yesterday, it's a good start but I hope they pick up the pace . . . If they put a bounty on mexican growers' heads this place would clean up in a jiffy.
Cannafornia said:
The goddamned mexican cartels and other organized, foreign crime rings are totally blowing up the spot, here in northern california 9/10 outdoor busts I read about are mexican. They just shot one yesterday, it's a good start but I hope they pick up the pace . . . If they put a bounty on mexican growers' heads this place would clean up in a jiffy.


Can the Neo-Cons have their own forum?

These people actually believe in the "War on Drugs".

billy bob

grow house legislation

grow house legislation


things could always get worse; Like when in the not to distant future if your busted for growen they could give you life with out parole or or execute you.


Active member
What a crock of bull. I live in Florida and would rather that our governor and legislature would work on reducing my taxes and my house insurance. Last year my house insurance doubled from 800.00 to 1600.00 and I do not live on the beach, am at least 15 miles from it. So instead of raising the old drug red herring, why don;t they concentrate on things that really matter to people instead of trying to up the penalties for a harmless drug that most other states are decriminalizing or reducing penalties for. I am ashamed of what this state is turning into, gues it is time to leave the old farts and conservative asses to their own means.

Well said,,,,Now paste the same comment into an email to your senators and congressman.


wish my insurance was 1600. I lived about 15 miles from the beach and the last bill was close to 10K for a 2200 sq ft house. I agree they could be working on much more useful things, like all the crack in Miami.

As penalties go up, prices go up, people will do more desperate things to get high. I dont really see the point. Also how many dealers actually look up penalties before they deal?


Active member
Germanator said:
Move to California...and overgrow the West.

Screw living in any state with grow laws that stiff...my "freedom" is more important than a zip code.

thats what im saying.

i used to think canada was the place to lay lo-pro....


No surprise on this one. Could see it coming.

George Bush and his minions have flown the US into the side of a building then flushed it down the toilet. Instead of putting so much time, money and anger into stopping weed, why don't they tackle the real problems: the war, the economy, the environment, our energy problem, our education system turning out ignorant, ill-prepared kids, etc.? No, I guess that would make too much sense. Instead lets rant on about same-sex marriage or people smoking a herb.

No wonder the American people are basically PISSED OFF!



What does George Bush have to do with Florida taking a tougher stance on grow ops? LOL


668, Neighbor of the Beast
Wunderkind said:
What does George Bush have to do with Florida taking a tougher stance on grow ops? LOL

Probably the fact that he's ushered in an era of "give up your rights so we can protect your freedom." I don't blame shrub personally, but attribute it more to his policies and willingness to bend the law to achieve his goals and other republicans following suit.

Oh and the majority of the legislators that helped pass this had an (R) in their title.


Active member
All this is going to do is overflow our prisons with more non-violent drug offenders... FUCK that bullshit!!!!!!

And why are these ****s concerned with grow houses??? what about meth labs???
nor will the 25 plant law stop people from growing 25+ plants. if i was a commercial grower i would just spread my grow over several places or i just wouldn't give a fuck. i'm sure thats how its going to be.
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SomeGuy said:
Probably the fact that he's ushered in an era of "give up your rights so we can protect your freedom." I don't blame shrub personally, but attribute it more to his policies and willingness to bend the law to achieve his goals and other republicans following suit.

Oh and the majority of the legislators that helped pass this had an (R) in their title.
do you realize marijuana was illegal long before George Bush was even born?

It was said in this thread that they are toughening the stance because of immigrant drug rings and their habits of keeping plant numbers just below the federal level.


Cannafornia said:
The goddamned mexican cartels and other organized, foreign crime rings are totally blowing up the spot, here in northern california 9/10 outdoor busts I read about are mexican. They just shot one yesterday, it's a good start but I hope they pick up the pace . . . If they put a bounty on mexican growers' heads this place would clean up in a jiffy.

I think that the Neo Nazi forum is on another website bud... You really think that only Mexican traffic drugs.. Wake Up and stop living under a rock.... Thats what the Government wants you to think ... = Immigration Reform.. Some people are such pawns... Gees..


OriginalyPosted said:
naw the mexis are a major prob they DO WORK and they get busted constantly usually with tons of plants .after they found a crop near by or neighbor hood the sherrif came round and told everyone to lock thier doors and if you had a gun get it ready just incase cause there was cartel on the loose hehe no joke . they only ended up catching 3 of em was a massive outdoor grow with a retarded number of plants .

SO you are saying that only Mexican Cartels grow pot? Or only Mex Cartels get busterd? How about you only hear about Mexican Cartel busts because thats what the Mainstream Media Propoganda wants you to hear.. You dont think that for every Mexican Grower that there just as many White, Black, Asian? Where do you live? :spank:

Bottom line is that People associate Weed with Mexicans and thats only because you are brainwashed by the US government. And actually I bet if you did your homework you would find that it aint Mexicans down in florida.. Prob Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and Domicans.. Florida doesnt have a big Mexican Population.. Latino Yes, But not Mexican.. We didnt migrate that far east.. Stop believing everything that your Tube tells you every night at 6pm.. For the most part its full of shit.. :spank:

This is really frustrating that some people are so Narrow Minded.. I thought weed opens your mind..

Bud Meister

dj digigrow said:
They Changed the Min. number of plants from 300(State) 100(fed.) to 25 plants.. Ive heard you will get 20years Manditory. Also if a toddler under 3 is in the same residence as the grow its upped even more. As well as stiffer peneltys to owners of the grow house renting or not....
Florida has been Plagued with Cuban and Mexican Grow Rings.. which is ruining it for us little guys.. Florida is second to Cali. in Indorr growing

Sounds like the laws we have here in Alabama.

In Alabama I would serve less time in prison if I killed someone than I would if I get busted growing weed due to mandentory sentanceing on drug offences.
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in fl ever week you see another bust and its 99.9% Spanish people then of them 98% are cuban. I have seen a few Mexicans when white people get arrested but the are just the workers. If i floatd on a boat over here i would start a grow hows too.lol
The law has not passed and the governor said the other day in the paper that the laws are fine the have now. The just lowered the property tax a huge about and cut all states budget and have said the dont hardly have money to send a ambulance out. The article was about how to cut the budget and some one wanted to make the weed laws less. if it does pass the ones that grow 24 or less will be getting a slap on the rist.


purple wreck said:
in fl ever week you see another bust and its 99.9% Spanish people then of them 98% are cuban. I have seen a few Mexicans when white people get arrested but the are just the workers. If i floatd on a boat over here i would start a grow hows too.lol
The law has not passed and the governor said the other day in the paper that the laws are fine the have now. The just lowered the property tax a huge about and cut all states budget and have said the dont hardly have money to send a ambulance out. The article was about how to cut the budget and some one wanted to make the weed laws less. if it does pass the ones that grow 24 or less will be getting a slap on the rist.

thank you.. You just verified my point.. Mexicans In florida.. I know for fact they arent a whole lot..


in cali the mexican grows that get busted are on the news because of the multi thousand plant numbers and that they typically have mexicans who live at the grow and carry guns... and there are lots of them. sometimes on park lands where people hike. they've shot at sheriffs and helicopters. they are sloppy and get busted often. they are a problem and they are newsworthy. they aren't the only busts on the news. no one is brainwashed there champ.

Bud Meister

Maybe they should abolish weed laws all togather on the grounds that it was first enacted to target minorities and even today is enforced more with minorities. Sooooo one could argue these weed laws are racially bias and should be removed.