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new england growers:regional info part 2

What up fellow new englanders! Ive been off the grid for a few months but am house sitting for someone with a connection. Nice to get back online and check out everyones grows and see all the familiar names still here on ICmag.

Ive got what looks to be 10 females outdoors this year. Right now they are in 5 gallon grow bags and have a mix of sunshine mix and black gold soil mix in them. All plants were started indoors and were put out at the end of May.

Its getting tougher to access them with the heat wave we have had and also I get swarmeddd by horse flies. I recently have had to by a mosquito net for my head and a packable rain coat (that makes me sweat ball!!) to keep the horse flies under control. Atleast I know that there prolly wont be anyone snooping around my plot.

Heres what I have going... (6) female Dawg Daze Diesel f2's- I purchased these rez beans and bred them indoors last spring. They are showing good vigor and nice large fan leaves. Im not sure which pheno the mom was but all the females I seeded were bomb ass smoke.

(4) female Blueberry99- This is the first run of these seeds. I made the cross myself last spring after finding a nice DJ short f? female that I grew from seed and a C99 x Grapefruit male thatr was a wally duck freebie. I was hoping to add some vigor to the blueberry line because they all seem to be slow growers and light yielders. I thought the C99 would add some different fruity tones to the already fruity blueberry. So far they are smaller than the 3D's that are next to them. The Blueberry seems to dominate everything that I cross it with. Very dark fan leaves that look a little more sativa than indica and light purplish blue stems charecterize them so far.

Ill bring my camera with me tomorrow evening and snap a few pics to show all you guys. Im gonna hit them with a little more nitrogen ferts and then start in with some flowering nutes starting early Aug.

Good luck to everyone and stay safe!


Active member
Civil Air Patrol

Civil Air Patrol

BlackBart said:
If they where not military choppers I don't think they were looking. I haven't seen choppers searching for weed in Maine in a long time. Thats doesn't mean that they aren't though. I'm sure that some areas are more prone to searches then others.
Hey all , well things are doing ok so far . Lack of water for a while set things back . I have not seen a military chopper flying for weed in a long time BUT I have seen the state police choppers alot . They are smaller and all flat black . Also I was talking to a friend who is a member of the Civil Air patrol . I did not know it but they are paid by the sate to do flyovers of areas . His wife had to do 2 weeks training last year to use the "new" camera they have . The training was to be able to tell what is what while looking into the viewer . As far as I know they have a 2003 Cesna airplane that they use to "buzz" in low and scan areas . He also told me that if they are not all bunched together like 10 or more in a group than they are safe .
Stay safe all


InPotiTrust said:
Whats up guys?Lets get the ball rolling around here.Heres wat i have outdoors so far,3 AK99 X Freezland,1 Boreal mix,1 Rukia bagseed clone.The soil has been amended with Alfalfa compost,Re-used composted soil and all plants have been inoculated with myco fungi.I think i might have planted them to close but we'll see.

Some will be males and some might die u knewer know but tie em down it will give u some more yields too , but its looks good thank u for a great thread :jump:

sow the seeds

Hmm civil air patrol thats a bit scary. I wonder if they would they call in if they found someone in the bush tending to plants? Lucky I haven;t seen any flat black helicopters. Theres also a large state forest nearby so I'm pretty sure they're flying over there.

I actually just got back from the girls and its so nice walking out of the woods not having heard anything in the air the entire time heh.

Hope everyone is doing well I've been enjoying not having to lug water as we've finally been getting a bit of rain. :joint:


whats up fellow NEnglanders, just as nervous about planes and choppers 2, my giirls r beasts and not tied down; i believe my cover is good and not 2 many in 1 spot stay safe all peace


Active member
Thanks kallenavndk but unfortunately they are all dead now as the deers ran them over and i had 4 female and one male.

sow the seeds

Celebratory bump because the uploads work again! Not much to look at but they're loving the warm/humid day and rain at night.

Also gotta love NE scenery:

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Active member
Photos back ..

Photos back ..

First off a BIG OL THANK YOU to all responsible for keeping the site up and running !!!! Not that the correct people will see it but there it is .
Heres a couple of photos from outdoors , plants are Gumble Bum , and some M 39 in there too . I think 3 plants total ? Second is a picture from the opposite shore of " the growing area" all bog and bugs . I have not seen a chopper yet this season at all but am sure they will be out soon . I gues it does no good to worry cause if they see them there is not a damn thing that can be done but count the losses.



Well-known member
Nice to see everyones grows performing so well in the beautiful NE summer we are having. Finally we got some rain last night and I won't have to water. One thing that concerns me is the humidity. Right now its great for plants in veg but will spell disaster when flowering time comes. Heres a few shots of Romberry , NL and strawberry webbed indica



this is last weeks pic.
since replanted into that bigger pot..will post a fresher one soon.
I havent seeen any choppers yet in my area. knock on it!
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In Vermont I have seen lots of low flying single engine plains and choppers, not sure if they are cops though. If you have any info please PM me, thanks.

Easy Sativa flowering:

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Active member
I see everybody is coming out of the wood works with some great outdoor shots.

This is my force flowering outdoor plants thats been put into 12/12 for 2 weeks then put out to finish(big thanks to silverback for puttin this out there).The smaller plants u see is highend F2 sativa pheno clones and the taller ones are BagseedB X Biddy Early from seed.



Active member
Hey Bart and all..thx for he kind words..Bart that NL is gorgeous.One of my old time favorites.She's a gorgeous gal..no doubt.
Lot of good plants on here.I'm psyched for this rain too..peace


Lookin good IPiT!..just watch out for them damn deer!!
I saw a low cesna yesterday, but it was bankin towards the airport, anyway, I just thought it was IPiT and his buddy checkin out my ganja monster!:laughing:


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
I see everybody is coming out of the wood works with some great outdoor shots.

Ditto that, InPotiTrust! Every year I say it, and every yr. a few more brave souls enter the fray here. I commend you all for havin' the stones to post here, specifying your locale to the world at large.
This is a great resource for our region, the swapping of info, be it strains, fert schedules, or air patrols, it's all a help.
No choppers seen in my area yet, they seldom work it consecutive yrs. so after last yrs eradication, I'm not expecting them.

Here's my Purple Peace today, right after a late afternoon shower. She's loving it! You can see budlets forming, and the calyx's are indeed purple. :jump:

Now that buds are beginning to form, I expect to see alot more shots posted! :D Keep it up gang, and remember to


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
So much for my theory. Chopper showed up in my area today. Saw them working the grid while I was @ work one town over, and my wife heard 'em here, but didn't go look. :frown:

Watch out, cape cod!
Good luck, y'all!
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