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New cancer killing plant!


God made medicine. The pharmawhore makes "alternative medicine". It is fool hearted to jump into unknown waters without some research though. Keep in mind that even a peanut can kill if ingested by the wrong person. I am doing GREAT on cannabis oil and juice. Have any of you with cancer tried CBD rich cannabis oil or juice? Even without CBD, If I dose daily it keeps it from spreading and shrinks what is there.
I for one am sick and tiered of people who ask "isn't there something LEGAL you could be taking for that instead?" Yah, or a natural alternative with more possible harmful side affects. My feeling is, if the solution is toxic, we do NOTHING!


I know cannabis doesn't work for everyone But it IS keeping me alive!!! Mine is no pushover either, I am living with angiosarcoma, a real insidious bastard. I am fine living with it as long as it stays quiet and doesn't cause problems or pain. Soon though, the new CBD acquisition will chase it back to non-existence, I'm sure of it. So far I have experienced only good side effects from cannabis, like not needing my "Advair" anymore. ;) All that being said, I strongly believe there is no better solution than a "cocktail" of many "remedies".

Black Elf

Chinese herbs, Cannabis, birch tree fungi, there are lots of medicines around!

And the big pharma has balls to say there is no money for R&D of natural meds, well DOH! of course not ,there is no money TO BE MADE to study those plants...

It is all just





No monopoly in it any way. They can't just make money they must make ALL the money, and not only that but must eliminate any competition. They figure how much money they will make on every man woman and child, and for every one they don't make it on is money lost to them. That is all just to keep them blind and on board with a higher agenda to reduce the world population.


Chinese herbs, Cannabis, birch tree fungi, there are lots of medicines around!

And the big pharma has balls to say there is no money for R&D of natural meds, well DOH! of course not ,there is no money TO BE MADE to study those plants...

Who in "big pharma" is saying there's no money to R&D natural medicines? A CEO of nya publicly traded company no matter what industry wouldn't keep their job very long if they spent the money of their investors on a personal moral crusade. If you feel that money should be spent investigating natural sources of medicines, lead by example and start sending money to a group which does this work instead of complaining about how a pharmaceutical company doesn't throw away the retirement funds of their investors and commit corporate suicide by investigating unprofitable avenues.

Of course there's money that can be made from natural medicines, but it's not always a good investment to go about these investigations as they are costly, and even if the plant or extract produces statistically significant results with acceptable side effects, there's still no guarantee that these effects can be attached to one target compound. Then there's the effects of genotype and environment on the species in question's ability to produce an efficacious medicine. Compounds which occur in nature are absolutely able to be used as patented medicines. Look at all of the patents for various medicinal uses of naturally occurring cannabinoids, THCV as a weight loss drug for diabetics, CBD as an antiiflammatory, THC for MS etc. These patents werent filed out of a need for prestige, they were filed with a profit motivation.


Didn't Taxol originally come from a certain tree and then became incorporated into
mainstream pharmacy, and became a quite expensive and rare product?

So does it just depend on how easily you can grow the medicinal plant? I guess a
tree is much more difficult to grow and harvest the bark than this thunder god vine.
A vine sounds like it grows much faster than a tree, but I am not sure.

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:

From taxus maybe? I know the fresh clippings are worth a lot to the pharma companies. They give 50 euro per cubic meter of it, to anti-cancer fund. I wonder in what hands the money really ends up, and how much profit is made of the clippings.

Price doesnt depend on how hard it is to grow. Nothing is hard to frow. Nature does it for us.
Price depends on demand, which depends on the amount and availibility of medicine. As the pharma industry has spent billions on ridiculing ancient techniques and on faked studies, its now paying off with the ridiculous prices they can ask for their bogus medicines. This industry is really one of the biggest hoaxes we have to deal with.

Black Elf

Who in "big pharma" is saying there's no money to R&D natural medicines? A CEO of nya publicly traded company no matter what industry wouldn't keep their job very long if they spent the money of their investors on a personal moral crusade. If you feel that money should be spent investigating natural sources of medicines, lead by example and start sending money to a group which does this work instead of complaining about how a pharmaceutical company doesn't throw away the retirement funds of their investors and commit corporate suicide by investigating unprofitable avenues.

Of course there's money that can be made from natural medicines, but it's not always a good investment to go about these investigations as they are costly, and even if the plant or extract produces statistically significant results with acceptable side effects, there's still no guarantee that these effects can be attached to one target compound. Then there's the effects of genotype and environment on the species in question's ability to produce an efficacious medicine. Compounds which occur in nature are absolutely able to be used as patented medicines. Look at all of the patents for various medicinal uses of naturally occurring cannabinoids, THCV as a weight loss drug for diabetics, CBD as an antiiflammatory, THC for MS etc. These patents werent filed out of a need for prestige, they were filed with a profit motivation.

Whoa, did someone pee in your Cheerios in the morning or what?

I don't even know where to begin, your post has so many argumentation flaws and logical fallacies... Better just leave it as it is... Enuff of this. :moon:


hey old farts, go buy some ginseng and make yourself some strong batch of that, throw out viagara

lost in a sea

it can be said that any plant that has antioxidant effects is anti cancer.. and a great many that affect epigenetics switching on genes that either get turned off with time due to poor living standards or people just have a predisposition towards them being "switched off" so to speak..

your cells actually communicate with electromagnetic fields and cancer is largely a break down in this communication leading to biosynthetic pathways and thus gene function going awry..

i know a man in the us who has cured animals and peoples terminal cancer by drawing out the heavy metal build up that often accompanies cancer in a specific area(this is in bone cancer) and then by testing blood serum from various parts of the body works out what is missing and thus a serum to inject into the specific area until the various tests show things are consistent throughout the body.. doesnt work in every case but considering these are terminal sufferers anything is impressive..

western science would just pump radiation in them until either it killed the cancer or them first.. barbaric..


Re: New cancer killing plant!

Interesting on the electromagnetic field thing, our same digital and analog frequencies commonly bombarded on us already in the atmosphere.

This will not end pretty.

lost in a sea

yeah there is an intense book called the "the rainbow and the worm" by dr mae wan ho.. well i really enjoyed it but its on the forefront of science in alot of ways which means some of it might not seem significant maybe, or make any sense..

here's a picture :)


its not light reading, but its down a future path which is ironically an ancient path to truth..

there is currently the biggest confidence scam going on ever in history imo..

the book is basically about water and DNA and electricity and the physics of life basically.. and many studies there or there abouts like the physics of water inside nanotubules simulating being in a cell and the resulting unusually physics that help explain how cells hold their structure and how the lattices within cells works to the overlying electrical communication.. the electromagnetic field from the sino atrial node in the heart can be detected 10ft away with really sensitive equipment this wave goes through every cell and affects every organ in tenths of a second..

just to change the subject because i can rant for ages on this stuff,, here's a link to plasma scientists that have built on over 100 years worth of plasma laboratory tests proving a different version of history and physics..


essentially it comes back around and means that everything is electrical, on all scales and levels in a perfect harmony because it all exists on different levels of the electromagnetic scale.. and cancers proliferation is due to substances, often heavy metals, interferring with the normal electrical state,, because they form what has been given the church of science spin name "free radicals",,,,,"you know they're just radical dude".. no they fucking kill you lol,, they have unbonded pairs that usually will steal electrons from what ever they go near, denaturing whatever it touches.. antioxidants react them up,, other herbal cures actively kick in your genes to fight cancer and others directly improve your immune system etc etc..

did you know the army globally own the rights the high frequences above 2.4ghz that your mind actually works on.. theta brain waves do exist on certain wavelengths..

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Nice thread, I agree with your assessment of cause and effects. It's Ironic, because the only option for battery and light bulb disposal is the garbage, which ends up in the land and consequently the food. I don't want to dump these toxins in the land but the only alternative is hoarding them. Not an ideal situation, It's tough to decide.

lost in a sea

you should hoard them for a little while and take them to the tip if you can when there is enough to make it worth while,, they should have a special area for bulbs and batteries,,

unfortunately alot of environmental pollutants are bioaccumulated into food grown from polluted soil..


In the last year I have rethought my view on things grown on my own garden with rain water anymore. Just look up what has been showing up in it as of late. There are herbs that can chelate metals from the body in a more general way. But with so many avenues of contact these days.........
There is a good reason the scriptures say "He will heal the Nations with herbs", all the Nations are in need of it now.


I saw a shocking documentary on nuclear waste some time ago. Trying hard to remember the name atm.
France iirc has a plant near le havre with an exhaust that runs underseas offshore that releases radiation, below a certain limit so it's SOMEHOW legal.
Then it was about Russia, that buys nuclear waste from other countries to dispose of it for big money. Long sterm storage. Tons were just sitting in the open somewhere radiating, unprotected. Terrorists could easily make dirty nukes if they stole some. I just read something that the Russians dumped waste in the sea near Sweden a few times, with the Swedish goverment knowing about it and doing nothing.
To me it looks like a global perverted test to see how humans react at best, more likely a way to kill us off faster while maximizing profit from a human life... Cancer treatments cost tons, and in countries with good healthcare every inhabitant ends up paying their share whether they get cancer or not.
In countries without healthcare it's not so useful, as a lot of people don't have enough money and just die slowly . Worldwide public healthcare is becoming the norm. I used to think that made sense, and it does for a bunch of situations and inflictions. Where one might need a surgery to take out a bad organ, fix a leg or whatnot, anti-biotics against severe infections, severe allergies, taking care of toothdecay. Mostly the physical stuff, and the few other things that really work. Everything else pharmaceutical is either shenanigans, legal dope or a threat to your health.

I studied nursing for a year, it was not my cup of tea. Hospitals are such a f'ed up place. Taking care of people is one thing, pumping them full of chems I dunno. The list of drugs some older people are prescribed... It's insane. Benzo's through the roof, all different kinds, blood pressure meds, inhibitors, heavy painkillers, etc. huge cocktails. Getting old must be really painful if you need all that.
Also those sickening stereotypes doc/nurses have. A room with a guy that drunk himself a Creutzfeld-Jacob and next to him a dude that's totally gone from drugs. The first one is a normal patient, the second one is a filthy drugabuser that doesn't get the same good treatment.

you should hoard them for a little while and take them to the tip if you can when there is enough to make it worth while,, they should have a special area for bulbs and batteries,,

unfortunately alot of environmental pollutants are bioaccumulated into food grown from polluted soil..

That reminds of a biochem lab class. Emptied a beaker of HgCl2, Mercurydichlorid into the sink without thinking twice. Mercury is poisonous in very small amounts. If I just spilled a thousand thermometers into the sink by accident, how much of this stuff is getting in the food chain worldwide? They use/used it to refine gold worldwide. I'm guessing a lot!

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