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New Cali Regs Passed - Will Brown Sign?


Original Editor of ICMagazine
New California Regulations Passed - Will Governor Brown Sign?

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA – State Sen. Mike McGuire, the author of SB 643 – The Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act – announced late Friday that the state Legislature has passed a package of legislation that he called “historic,” adding that it will change the face of a multibillion dollar industry that has gone largely unregulated for almost 20 years.
“From seed to sale, medical marijuana is one step closer to being regulated across the state of California,” McGuire (D-Healdsburg) said. “SB 643 is the bill we began working on the day I was sworn into the Senate. It has been a productive nine months working with our partners in the Assembly and of course, with Gov. Brown’s office. The hard work of countless individuals over the last 20 years has paid off and we are now sending the governor one of the strongest medical marijuana regulation packages in the country.”
SB 643 was approved in the Assembly Business and Professions Committee Friday afternoon and received overwhelming bipartisan support on both the Assembly and Senate floors as votes were cast late into the night on Friday.
“After two decades of no regulation, we will finally have a comprehensive regulatory framework for medical marijuana,” McGuire said.
The three historic marijuana bills, headlined by Sen. McGuire’s SB 643 – cover every aspect of the commercial medical marijuana industry would be regulated and subject to licensure – both by the state and local authorities.
The bills create a Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation under the Department of Consumer Affairs led by a director who will be confirmed by the Senate.
Cities and counties will be eligible for grants from the Marijuana Production and Environmental Mitigation Fund. These monies can be used for local law enforcement activities and environmental cleanup.
Key to SB 643 are provisions that will track and trace all marijuana products, and a provision that will once and for all make medical marijuana officially an agricultural product in California.

Read more here.

Guess we need a new game plan... the paradigm has changed indeed.


Active member
What I heard is that Brown bigfooted into the room and made the decisions on the final compromise. Of course he will sign.
Do y'all think this will incentivise the process of legalization across the USA?

If monies are being generated via the heavy regulation of the industry, then it might make governing forces more likely to look at its legalization positively.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Seed to sales management.

“We’re making up for two decades of inaction”, said state senator Mike McGuire, whose district includes the “Emerald Triangle” in Northern California where 60% of the marijuana grown in the US is cultivated. “This legislation brings clarity and desperately needed rules and regulations.”
In the final hours of the legislative session that ended late Friday night, lawmakers passed a trio of bills that create a legal framework that puts the state firmly in control of managing marijuana from “seed to sale” while still leaving local municipalities with the ability to craft their own ordinances and impose taxes, according to state assembly member Ken Cooley, author of one of the bills. The deal was brokered with the assistance of governor Jerry Brown, virtually ensuring it will be signed into law.
-Anita Chabria in Sacramento - The Guardian - Saturday, September 12, 2015


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Questioning if toilet bowl Brown stain will sign something that regulates and taxes his subjects more? Never any doubt on that.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
They may be tightening up the production, distribution, and selling of medical, to enable taxation, ... but the golden goose may not lay the eggs they're hoping for. Tightening restrictions on the doctors who recommend medical cannabis, may kill the medical business, and drive old customers back to the black market.


Well-known member
Governor Brown wants to eliminate mmj guaranteed his prickness hates pot for some reason. I know from experience . We need to legalize and get rid of Brown. Peace sdd


Well-known member
“We’re making up for two decades of inaction”, said state senator Mike McGuire, whose district includes the “Emerald Triangle” in Northern California where 60% of the marijuana grown in the US is cultivated. “This legislation brings clarity and desperately needed rules and regulations.”
How is this figure derived?


Active member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]“From seed to sale, medical marijuana is one step closer to being regulated across the state of California,” McGuire (D-Healdsburg) said. “SB 643 is the bill we began working on the day I was sworn into the Senate. It has been a productive nine months working with our partners in the Assembly and of course, with Gov. Brown’s office. The hard work of countless individuals over the last 20 years has paid off and we are now sending the governor one of the strongest medical marijuana regulation packages in the country.”[/FONT]

Huh. Verbal masturbation coming from a politician. Whoda thunk?

The color brown is very popular in Cali these days apparently. Not green. Brown.
Oh well.

Does a politician shit in the woods? Especially in the big "bear" state that is even more true now than ever before obviously. The flag even indicates that happens there.
BTW, no offense to the citizens of that great state. Politicians everywhere suck.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Thanks Payasso for the thread and news.
Are we as patients fucked?

Maybe we all are!
The best breakdown I’ve seen yet! I’ve been researching the web, Googling my ass, off trying to make sense of our new Cali law and finally found a breakdown I think puts some of it in perspective; I’d like to share that with you now.

Are we Medical Patients fucked in Cali? Read it all..sounds to me like “back underground” most people will go. Weed prices may skyrocket, and the Black Market flourish.

This was jammed through the legislature without anyone being allowed to read the final text. It violates many of the provisions in our voted in Prop 215 and some of those can only be changed by another public vote. I think we have a lot of work ahead of us and the State agencies will not get this all in place and understood for years. It will cost our state millions in administration fees. Puff puff pass…

by Mickey Martin Sep 13, 201

“So I have went through line by line and tried to explain exactly what SB 643 does and how it will work. My comments are bullet points in bold italics. I was going to do all of the laws together, but this is a lot to absorb; so SB 643 is the first of the three laws I will analyze and break down. Stay tuned for AB 266 next, followed by AB 243.

This is comprehensive stuff, and I do my best to interpret the law in the simplest terms possible so you understand what we are up against. It is going to be quite the undertaking, and will certainly create classes of winners and losers. The best advice I can give you is to get started early, expecially if you need to secure local approvial. Mickey Martin Consulting will be taking on 100 quality clients to help them navigate the maze. If you are interested in our services contact me at [email protected]; or visit my site at www.mickeymartinconsulting.com.

Without further ado, here is your SB 643 Breakdwon and Analysis.... Enjoy.”

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
The wording of the original Prop 215 very explicitly states that physicians may not be punished for recommending medical cannabis. This will have to be sorted out.

But the reality is that the November 2016 elections will result in the passage of one or more cannabis legalization initiatives. That changes everything. Come January 2017 they'll be working setting up the reefer vape pen displays in corner liquor stores.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I understand in an recent email Brown has not signed yet, you still have time to call his office today..
Logical Progressions

Logical Progressions

It seems that these individuals' logic is to make this industry increasingly transparent, taxed, and profitized. By creating systems of legal navigation they force highly entrepreneurial types of people to come out of the woodworks and find ways to make it as profitable as possible. Isn't that how the Kennedy family made their money during the times of prohibition?

I personally don't see the harm in it, except when Monsanto waddles its fat-ass onto the scene. :moon:

How they're going about it, and some peoples' reactions to it, reminds me of this quote:
"See, there's three kinds of people: dicks, pussies, and assholes. Pussies think everyone can get along, and dicks just want to fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you got your assholes, Chuck. And all the assholes want us to shit all over everything! So, pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes, Chuck. And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2GwrR-4Q9E


so when does this stuff start getting enforced? It's passed, signed, all that, but when does stuff start happening? when do the doctors start getting cracked down on? what time frame are we looking at here?

i gotta go renew my rec, go to my spot and buy some lbs for the freezer, and do the good ol' apocolypse stock-up.


and they better not even try and mess with personal home growers. If people can grow hydroponic tomatoes in their house to consume as food, I can grow medicinal herb in mine without reporting to the fuckin government about it.

fuck this shit!

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