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New bills introduced would allow personal marijuana home grows


ICMag Donor
may raise the affirmative defense set forth in subsection (2) of this section, if: (a) The qualifying patient or designated provider presents his or her valid documentation to any peace officer who questions the patient or provider regarding his or her medical use of cannabis;
Is there a swastika to highlight this quote?

Get yer papers ready...
be ready to show us your papers...

or be persecuted to the fullest extent of our unconstitutional laws!


Active member
ICMag Donor
Is there a swastika to highlight this quote?

Get yer papers ready...
be ready to show us your papers...

or be persecuted to the fullest extent of our unconstitutional laws!

Medical marijuana is one step on the way to full legalization. It's legal for me in California if I get a doctor's note every year. Any adult who wants a recommendation can get one. You don't appreciate how good this is if you haven't spent years growing in a state where growing even one plant is a felony.

After the next election, it will be legal here in the same way that beer and wine are legal. Hopefully. The legal age should really be 18, but weed being legal for everyone 21 and up is a huge improvement.

If there's a ballot measure that would completely remove restrictions and taxes on weed, I'll vote for it. It should be treated like apples and oranges. I don't think that will happen next year.


Active member
6 plants / 8 ounces is a huge improvment over the laws that criminalize any growing or posession. I don't believe in any limits on home growing, but 6 is better than 0.

I hope the Jack Herer Initiative passes here next year. It would allow adults to grow up to 99 flowering plants and have up to 12 pounds of dried bud.


I think that home possession limits for growers is a trick bag. Even mediocre growers can havest a full pound of dried bud from 6 plants & 1000w. Getting busted seems unlikely, but it's still there for 'em if they decide you're the bad guy.

Here in CO, if you can grow it, you can keep it. I get it that they don't want home growers to cut into tax revenues but an 8oz possession limit doesn't make any difference. Hell, it just encourages growers to dispose of any excess to get under the limit.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to buy fem clones at O'Toole's or Paulino's like tomato plants, just grow outdoors seasonally, have enough to last a year in between harvests.


Well-known member

If you pay attention to the language that's bolded you will recognize the fact that the term "allow(s/ed/ing)" is a term that implys a revocable privilege.
Revocable privileges are unacceptable!

Thomas Jefferson wonders how else were supposed to test the laws. ;)

I read it, and ignored it, as it deserved. lots of shit we do are "revocable privileges" . WE don't have that privilege here, and will trade places with you if you aren't happy with that until you get everything you want. understand? any restrictions on your behavior will be unacceptable to you, so all I can say is "tough shit. get used to disappointment" because brother, you are going to have to endure a lot of it in life. being an anarchist and rejecting any and all limits on what you want to do is the fastest way to eternal unhappiness. NO ONE (no, not even you) gets everything they want. that is something that most people have learned by the time they are 6 or 7 years old. just how old are you, anyway? 3? 4? :biggrin:


Well-known member
Is there a swastika to highlight this quote?

Get yer papers ready...
be ready to show us your papers...

or be persecuted to the fullest extent of our unconstitutional laws!

just like a drivers license. I am so sorry the whole fucking world won't bend over & kiss your special ass like you think you deserve...:tiphat: swastikas my rosy red butt...if those laws were unconstitutional, a judge somewhere would have ruled them to be so by now.


ICMag Donor
just like a drivers license. I am so sorry the whole fucking world won't bend over & kiss your special ass like you think you deserve...:tiphat: swastikas my rosy red butt...if those laws were unconstitutional, a judge somewhere would have ruled them to be so by now.

^^^This again shows your ignorance.
Why do you think you know who I am but yet you get pissed when I insinuate your ignorance?

Why don't you try using google some time?
If you did... You would already know that the Supreme Court already has ruled in yours & my favor as individuals!

Supreme Court rullings carry the same weight as Constitutional Amendments!

Read my sig and learn something!

Pull the fucking log from your face before attempting to remove the splinter from my eye!!!



Well-known member
^^^This again shows your ignorance.
Why do you think you know who I am but yet you get pissed when I insinuate your ignorance?

Why don't you try using google some time?
If you did... You would already know that the Supreme Court already has ruled in yours & my favor as individuals!

Supreme Court rullings carry the same weight as Constitutional Amendments!

Read my sig and learn something!

Pull the fucking log from your face before attempting to remove the splinter from my eye!!!


if you were right (which you aren't) the laws you don't like would have been stricken from the books. still there, aren't they? :) the problem with the splinter in your eye is that it went completely through your brain...I seem to do quite nicely with a log in my face, thanks!:biggrin:


Active member
ICMag Donor
I think that home possession limits for growers is a trick bag. Even mediocre growers can havest a full pound of dried bud from 6 plants & 1000w. Getting busted seems unlikely, but it's still there for 'em if they decide you're the bad guy.

Here in CO, if you can grow it, you can keep it. I get it that they don't want home growers to cut into tax revenues but an 8oz possession limit doesn't make any difference. Hell, it just encourages growers to dispose of any excess to get under the limit.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to buy fem clones at O'Toole's or Paulino's like tomato plants, just grow outdoors seasonally, have enough to last a year in between harvests.

8 ounces is definitely low for someone with a 1000 watt light. Something went wrong if I don't get over a pound of bud and a pound of trim per harvest. If the limits were a real thing to be worried about, I'd use the extra to make more hash and tinctures / edibles. I wonder what the limits are for tinctures and edibles.

If there are limits at all, they should be as high as possible. Like the 99 plant / 12 pound limit in the proposed California law.

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
just wish the federal legislation to decrim would come up for vote soon
I hear Barb Boxer has cosigned it with the original sponsors

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