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New bills introduced would allow personal marijuana home grows

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
Found On Fark

springing up all over Washington state now that pot is legal. But it's still illegal to grow your own marijuana, unless you have a medical marijuana permit, or you're a commercial grower. State Sen. Jean Kohle-Welles says that needs to change, pointing out growing pot is legal in other states that have legalized weed.

“Oregon, Alaska, Colorado and the District of Columbia all allow home grows,” said Kohl-Wells.

The bill, as well as a companion bill in the House sponsored by Rep. Brian Blake of Aberdeen would allow adults over 21 and older to grow six marijuana plants for personal use. Growers could also possess up to 8 ounces of useable marijuana, and donate up to one ounce to another adult without compensation. But if people can grow their own pot would it hurt the recreational marijuana industry?

One recreational store owner says no. “I think it would be good for everybody to actually try it themselves and experience themselves,” said Noel Roberts, owner of Mary Mart in Tacoma.

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Well-known member
Found On Fark
One recreational store owner says no. “I think it would be good for everybody to actually try it themselves and experience themselves,” said Noel Roberts, owner of Mary Mart in Tacoma.

yup. as far as i am concerned, you are not entitled to an opinion nor a vote on a matter if you have no experience/knowledge regarding it.:)


Found On Fark

springing up all over Washington state now that pot is legal. But it's still illegal to grow your own marijuana, unless you have a medical marijuana permit, or you're a commercial grower. State Sen. Jean Kohle-Welles says that needs to change, pointing out growing pot is legal in other states that have legalized weed.

“Oregon, Alaska, Colorado and the District of Columbia all allow home grows,” said Kohl-Wells.

The bill, as well as a companion bill in the House sponsored by Rep. Brian Blake of Aberdeen would allow adults over 21 and older to grow six marijuana plants for personal use. Growers could also possess up to 8 ounces of useable marijuana, and donate up to one ounce to another adult without compensation. But if people can grow their own pot would it hurt the recreational marijuana industry?

One recreational store owner says no. “I think it would be good for everybody to actually try it themselves and experience themselves,” said Noel Roberts, owner of Mary Mart in Tacoma.

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This bill is fucking over the medical patients in washington!!!! It is just another move by the liquor control board to eliminate the competition. The new drug war in washington is on medical patients. Patient registry is illegal under HIPAA also. The bill also lowers the amount of flower and concentrate a patient can have. Very sad when most doctors are willing to push as many opiates as they can on their patients. Other states should take note and fight to keep their medical programs. Our community contacted their lawmakers but were ignored.
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ICMag Donor
But if people can grow their own pot would it hurt the recreational marijuana industry?

Who really gives a fuck if it will? ???
How could we ever be considered a free nation if there's a FEE for every single "free" activity?


Well-known member
This bill is fucking over the medical patients in washington!!!! It is just another move by the liquor control board to eliminate the competition. The new drug war in washington is on medical patients. Patient registry is illegal under HIPAA also. The bill a, also lowers the amount of flower and concentrate a patient can have. Very sad when most doctors are willing to push as many opiates as they can on their patients. Other states should take note and fight to keep their medical programs. Our community contacted their lawmakers but were ignored.

they are pushing for legal home-growing, allowing 6 plants at a time, allowing a half pound possession, and can gift an ounce at a time. yeah, i wish that they would come to Tennessee and fuck me over like that, LOL!:tiphat:


Active member
if washington is trying to use colorado as a model then washington can look forward to a few more years of politicians, lobbyists,special interest groups and general political fuckery happening in and around the issue. we're still not done with it here

did anybody really expect anything different? our political process has it's nut sack caught in it's zipper ........ it's hard to make any sound decisions at the point when it's gonna sting a little no matter what you do:covereyes:


they are pushing for legal home-growing, allowing 6 plants at a time, allowing a half pound possession, and can gift an ounce at a time. yeah, i wish that they would come to Tennessee and fuck me over like that, LOL!:tiphat:

It's sad when you see them restricting us more as a victory. More and more restrictions will come because many such as yourself are just happy with getting anything rather then getting what is right. I hope you fight for more in Tennessee.


if it smells like fish
they don't get tax money when you grow at home....I grow where ever I am ..no one has the right to tell me shit about marijuana..and I break rules I believe unjust ..its my duty to...yeehaw


they don't get tax money when you grow at home....I grow where ever I am ..no one has the right to tell me shit about marijuana..and I break rules I believe unjust ..its my duty to...yeehaw

No but they do get plenty of money by kicking in doors of those that do not play by their rules. Cannabis should be free for ALL adults to grow and consume.
It's sad when you see them restricting us more as a victory. More and more restrictions will come because many such as yourself are just happy with getting anything rather then getting what is right. I hope you fight for more in Tennessee.
Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but medical is already illegal in WA. The only legal medical in WA is home growing. Collective gardens are now illegal as well. This happened back in 2014...

All access points (WA's silly term for dispensaries) are also illegal, though some areas like Seattle gave them a reprieve for about a year before they have to be shut down.

Now, if WA legislator and LCB come together and make new laws medical may again be legal.



Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but medical is already illegal in WA. The only legal medical in WA is home growing. Collective gardens are now illegal as well. This happened back in 2014...

All access points (WA's silly term for dispensaries) are also illegal, though some areas like Seattle gave them a reprieve for about a year before they have to be shut down.

Now, if WA legislator and LCB come together and make new laws medical may again be legal.


Medical was voted in in 1998 in Washington. It is all illegal on the federal level but medical is legal on the state level. Many local cities have allowed it to be legal as well.
See the link, it's all there with more info for researching this issue.

Medical is now illegal in WA on the state level, except for home growing. That's a fact, sadly. I wasn't referring to federal gov., only state gov.

What really surprises me (and I live in WA) is so many medical people that rant about I-502 (sometimes for good reason) aren't aware of this fact. Even out of all the dispensaries I visit regularly, only a very small % of the owners are aware, crazily enough (I'd think they would keep on top of these things).


Kiss My Ring
(1) Aqualifying patient ordesignated provider who is not registered with the registry established in *section 901 of this act
-12- No. 70396-0-1 (consol. with No. 69457-0-l)/13
may raise the affirmative defense set forth in subsection (2) of this section, if: (a) The qualifying patient or designated provider presents his or her valid documentation to any peace officer who questions the patient or provider regarding his or her medical use of cannabis; (b) The qualifying patient or designated provider possesses no more cannabis than the limits set forth in RCW 69.51A.040(1); (c) The qualifying patient or designated provider is in compliance with all other terms and conditions of this chapter;
(2)A qualifying patient or designated provider who is not registered with the registry established in *section 901 of this act, but who presents his or her valid documentation to any peace officer who questions the patient or provider regarding his or her medical use of cannabis,may assert an affirmative defense to charges of violations of state law relating to cannabis through proof at trial, by a preponderance of the evidence, that he or she otherwise meets the requirements of RCW69.51A.040. A qualifying patient or designated provider meeting the conditions of this subsection but possessing more cannabis than the limits set forth in RCW 69.51A.040(1) may, in the investigating peace officer's discretion, be taken into custody and booked into jail in connection with the investigation of the incident.
(Emphasis added.)
Section 901 of ESSSB 5073, referred to in both RCW
69.51A.040 and 69.51A.043, was vetoed. As a result of the governor's veto,
the state registry does not exist. Thus, it is impossible for an individual to be
registered with the registry. Accordingly, no individual is able to meet the
requirements of RCW 69.51A.040.
Good post. I think these are two divergent yet associated issues.

1. Home growing medical (no more than 15 plants) by the patient or designated caregiver is legal in the sense of affirmative defense after the fact (like in Florida), if the person proves they have valid reason (often through a doc. recommendation). Registering with the state was never a rule as far I understand - I know I never did - please correct me if I'm wrong.


2. Dispensaries and collective gardens are totally illegal now, not even by affirmative dense are they allowed. However, the state has thus far not cracked down, and most local govs. have also not cracked down, but the time is coming (likely later this year or in 2016) when they will be shut down, unless the state and LCB make new laws and rules.

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Active member
ICMag Donor
they are pushing for legal home-growing, allowing 6 plants at a time, allowing a half pound possession, and can gift an ounce at a time. yeah, i wish that they would come to Tennessee and fuck me over like that, LOL!:tiphat:

6 plants / 8 ounces is a huge improvment over the laws that criminalize any growing or posession. I don't believe in any limits on home growing, but 6 is better than 0.

I hope the Jack Herer Initiative passes here next year. It would allow adults to grow up to 99 flowering plants and have up to 12 pounds of dried bud.



ICMag Donor
they don't get tax money when you grow at home....I grow where ever I am ..no one has the right to tell me shit about marijuana..and I break rules I believe unjust ..its my duty to...yeehaw

Maybe not tax money from growing but taxes on supplies needed. Grow mediums, amendments...although much is purchased over the internet...I generally use about $100+ per year running to stores for goods. That's taxes paid into the state...sales tax. Some states are exempt...majority...ca-CHING...tax $$, even if only a few cents on the dollar.


Active member
6 plants / 8 ounces is a huge improvment over the laws that criminalize any growing or posession. I don't believe in any limits on home growing, but 6 is better than 0.

I hope the Jack Herer Initiative passes here next year. It would allow adults to grow up to 99 flowering plants and have up to 12 pounds of dried bud.

~~ Yeahaw! Jack Herer Initiative ..sounds like Great news!!!!!! Thank you for that post! Again..yeahaw!!!!! Lol..I am also a stoned trout too! :tiphat: I agree with your post stoned trout! 100 percent!!! monkey5


Well-known member
It's sad when you see them restricting us more as a victory. More and more restrictions will come because many such as yourself are just happy with getting anything rather then getting what is right. I hope you fight for more in Tennessee.

i DON'T see them restricting you as a victory. i said that i wished i had your problems, LOL! i would throw a fucking party & lead a damned parade wearing tights & a fucking tutu if they "imposed" on me like they are on you... "poor thing! sniffle...he can have ONLY six plants and half a pound in possession! sniffle..." yeah, i'll cry my ass to sleep tonight feeling sorry for YOU..:huggg: is there any way that we could have mandatory reading comprehension classes for folks on here? :biggrin:


ICMag Donor
It's sad when you see them restricting us more as a victory. More and more restrictions will come because many such as yourself are just happy with getting anything rather then getting what is right. I hope you fight for more in Tennessee.

they are pushing for legal home-growing, allowing 6 plants at a time, allowing a half pound possession, and can gift an ounce at a time. yeah, i wish that they would come to Tennessee and fuck me over like that, LOL!:tiphat:
If you pay attention to the language that's bolded you will recognize the fact that the term "allow(s/ed/ing)" is a term that implys a revocable privilege.
Revocable privileges are unacceptable!

they don't get tax money when you grow at home....I grow where ever I am ..no one has the right to tell me shit about marijuana..and I break rules I believe unjust ..its my duty to...yeehaw
Thomas Jefferson wonders how else were supposed to test the laws. ;)

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