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Nevilles Haze 21 X Mullumbimby Madness


Active member
Would be sweet if someone did some proper selection and offered up F2s at a reasonable price. The $160 a pack is kinda greedy imo. Plus that site still seems shady to me. Reef has said that those aren't his beans they are selling. So, how do we know the Nev beans are legit? Damn, I still want me some NH21xMM. :help::D


Well-known member
Would be sweet if someone did some proper selection and offered up F2s at a reasonable price. The $160 a pack is kinda greedy imo. Plus that site still seems shady to me. Reef has said that those aren't his beans they are selling. So, how do we know the Nev beans are legit? Damn, I still want me some NH21xMM. :help::D

Hi Jack, unfortunately they aren't legit as far as I can tell.
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Hi Jack, yes I read where Reef said that, all I can say is there's two sides to every story and the other side is Reef went into business with the vendor and then departed without any warning and without paying any of his substantial bills, but left all his parents and seedstock. I'll say no more, except that Nevil has definitely endorsed the site for selling his seeds.

i'll second the fact that nev has endorsed that site. if you're looking for those grail series, that's the only place to find them.
...besides generous souls who are willing to pass on their fgens, etc. ;)


Hi e.T, sorry mate I deleted then reposted after you replied. OK - the Thai x NHz21/MM is something I cooked up using Kangativa's cut of Gypsy's Thai stick with Nevil's 21Hz/MM, and as you probably know the MMxThai78 is Nevil's cross using hempy's old Thai.

Man it it was nice to see your pics and read your positive review of MM x Oaxacan; your the only other person I know who has that strain. Unfortunately it doesn't appear as if it's being sold (same with the MMxThai). It's a shame I think it may be the best of Nevil's latest offerings. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

i'll throw up some more oax/mm pics so you get a better idea of how this lass looks. she finishes around 14/15wks. all my stock came from rimmeo, btw...
that said, i've found legit work in most i've tried. have i found some hay, yes....do i have a bunch of stuff that i know can't be legit, yes.
there is one that i'm uncertain of, maybe you can help....
thai/oax ?...was this one nev made?...i hope so, but doubt it.
after perving your thai/mm shots, i wanted to dig into my pack but had just been burned by rimmeo. figured those were junk and would work through the oax/mm i had and see what turned up.
i wasn't disappointed....
without further a do....







Well-known member
Very nice bro, I've only grown one of this particular cross guerilla style in an inaccessible spot and she suffered through a dry summer and lack of water, but definitely had the pungent pine, cedar and tropical fruit notes that typifies Kanga's Oaxacan (in the foreground)...

By the way, Nevil did make a cross of the Oaxacan Trance male to the 78'Thai female, which may have been the seeds Rimmeo sold you.


Very nice bro, I've only grown one of this particular cross guerilla style in an inaccessible spot and she suffered through a dry summer and lack of water, but definitely had the pungent pine, cedar and tropical fruit notes that typifies Kanga's Oaxacan (in the foreground)...
View Image

By the way, Nevil did make a cross of the Oaxacan Trance male to the 78'Thai female, which may have been the seeds Rimmeo sold you.

Great oaxacan discription. Cedar are the notes I haven't been able to describe. Thank you. Bushy, you just made my day!
Thai/oax hitting the drink tomorrow. Woot!


I would be nice if those seeds were available . I would like to try that mm x oax and that mm x Thai cross. Someone needs to tell nevil






dug up some photos from last season outdoor.
massive colas ! smells like mango , i will be growing this one again defiantly a keeper ! , more photos in my threads somewhere :ting:

Bob Green

RIMMEO told me that the Thai/Oax was Gypsie's Thai not the 78Thai but who knows. Good to hear that the Nev's stock at the "Reef" site are legit.


Well-known member
Hi Bob, either cross would be desirable, but there's a few mitigating circumstances which lead me to doubt Rimmeo's word. Firstly, Nevil thought the GN Thai cut Kanga held was too wild and long flowering for his program, so he didn't use it. That would mean that Kanga sent Rimmeo the GN Thai x Trance seeds, but I've heard of no association between them. Now it's hard to tell from these pics, but this GN Thai x Oaxacan Trance plant grew to 18 feet and flowered 18 weeks (in the second pic it is the tallest plant in a sea of Kangativa's giants). As such it should be fairly easy to i.d. a GN Thai x Oaxacan based on the extreme flowering and stretch...


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Bob Green

Nice Bushweed! I really wish we could get some of the crosses you make. Maybe a Bushweed/Wizards of OZ colab like Kanga was planning. Or if you ever start a seed Co of your own I would suport you quicklike. Not sure if you are in touch with the guys Nevil uses or not. Canadian companies work best for me these days but I would risk trying to get them over seas anytime. Im sure Kanga knows we are all pulling for him to get out of this BS mess as soon as can be. You guys down in OZ are doing a great job of keeping the goods i seek alive and well.

On a side note is it true that the 78Thai, and the Meao Thai from Charlie are one and the same strain? I remember hearing that but was really not quite sure.

Did you write some of the strain descriptions for thr Reef site. They seem like your style. Very well writen.

Thanks for all the pics, info, and inspiration!


Well-known member
Nice Bushweed! I really wish we could get some of the crosses you make. Maybe a Bushweed/Wizards of OZ colab like Kanga was planning. Or if you ever start a seed Co of your own I would suport you quicklike. Not sure if you are in touch with the guys Nevil uses or not. Canadian companies work best for me these days but I would risk trying to get them over seas anytime. Im sure Kanga knows we are all pulling for him to get out of this BS mess as soon as can be. You guys down in OZ are doing a great job of keeping the goods i seek alive and well.

On a side note is it true that the 78Thai, and the Meao Thai from Charlie are one and the same strain? I remember hearing that but was really not quite sure.

Did you write some of the strain descriptions for thr Reef site. They seem like your style. Very well writen.

Hi Bob, I can give an unqualified assurance that hempy's Thai'78 and Charlie's Meao Thai are not the same strain. Meao Thai is/was a Spanish sourced strain from the mid 80s (I've seen it referred to as Thai'86.)

No I didn't write those descriptions at the Reef site, I assume they were written by Nevil or maybe edited by british hempire.
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I am also forbidden to send out some of the best seeds I have - MMxThai'78 and MMxOaxacan - owing to the fact that I gave an undertaking not to share them. I'm truly sorry they aren't available.

Is there something I should know bushy?
I have both of those and planned on making fgens to pass around, much like I've done with the others. I don't remember any restrictions when I received them, but my source was a horse of a different color...


New member
Got seeds a while back from rimeo…was a bit shady towards the end. He only got me for one pack but came through at the beginning 50%

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