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Neptune makes clones, roots in 7!



Awesome vhGhost! That's the ticket right there!! 10-14 days maximum!! Strain dependant, but some strains I have root in 5 days, Vigerously!

As posted above... no special sauce or science is needed to root clones. I root them in PH 6.0-6.5 water with slight GH flora series nutes, 2-2-2. All those AN products don't really speed up the proccess, or ensure higher survival rate. I recomend you do a side by side controlled experiment, and post up your results... right here :)

Plain RO or Distilled water will root clones... the only reason I use a slight nutrient base @ 300ppm is to enable the newly rooted clones to find nutrient right away...


This is basically how I do it, too. Dip N' Grow has always worked well for me.

I used to do the GH 3 part solution, as well, but now I use Supernatural Rockwool Soak.

Once I got the hang of it, I began using the 98 cube slabs. I take a lot of cuttings, so more cuttings in less space was my goal, and the 98 cube slabs fit the bill perfectly. As Neptune does, under 2 shoplites, I can fit almost 400 clones. Crowded, yes, and my success rate goes down slightly, but at this point, it's about sheer volume.

I really love jiffy pellets, but knowing how to take cuttings in rockwool is a good skill, especially if providing clones to the masses. Rockwool is sturdy, travels well, and transplants well into almost any other medium.

Great thread, Neptune.


Couldn't agree more Mariodelamota!
I also have been using the smaller rockwool inserts to clone in, I place them in the plastic 6pack seedling containers.. This gives them ample spacing and airflow and increases density on a clone tray.. can easily fit 70 with plenty of room and 99% survival on a single clone tray.

The SNRWsoak is an ok product, I burned the shit out of a few batches with it though... so probably best to reduce dosage down by half. I found it to be pretty much exactly the same as GH 3 part @ a 2-2-2 dosage... if you read the gaurenteed analysis, it's all the same shit. :)


Very cool, thanks for this, Neptune! I am growing my first batch of indoor plants right now, will be taking clones for both indoor DWC and outdoor. Your description certainly removes the "voodoo" associated with cloning.


I took my first cuttings last night from a Sweet Tooth #3 and wanted to say thanks for writing this tute, I bookmarked it now that I've found it! I am hoping to start flower at the end of April. I hope it goes OK, here is the way I'm trying:
I went the cloner route using the world famous Walmart cloner by budleydoright
and made Willow water with RO water
I also added a couple drops of Superthrive.
I f-ed up and misted the cuttings but left the dome off and they dried out ok. I have it in the closet where I have my electronics and am monitoring the humidity and temp.

Couple questions, for now I plan to flower in soil and try to put a hydro together when I get settled in but if I do want to go hydro, what/how would I transplant out of the vermiculite to have them end up in a netpot?

Also, I am not using any light for the cloning, I don't see why if all effort is/should go into root formation and photosynthesis takes a back seat?

I have another SWT#3 and it is about a month behind the first one. I took two shoots that had grown an internode and to be honest the stem area was about an inch. Is there a chance they'll catch?

How long to veg a clone to begin flower from the point of roots showing to end up with a plant that would grow to 3.5 feet or so?

Can anyone suggest a guide or link to a grow cycle laid out to times for each process? Preferably something with big letters and pretty colors! :pointlaug

Last question, I have heard it is best to have a mom grown from seed but almost everyone from what I can read use a clone as a mom. What do you guys think?

Happy grows to you
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good to see this thread still being read! I recently had a bad stroke of cloning, it seems I got lazy on my practices!!! Let me say that it is super important to have a fairly DRY medium when cloning!! A soggy rockwool cube, pellet or otherwise, will delay rooting almost indefinatly!! roots not not pop out if the medium is WET!

damn!! dry that shit out!


hey there neptune ,just want to say hello :wave:

have you ever tried the ez-clone? it works like a charm. a bit expensive for the 120 clone unit, but well worth the $ imho.


Active member
I like to clone in perlite or a perlite vermiculite mix. I would never use an EZ-Cloner. They really aren't worth the price. Cloning isn't hard. You can make an EZ-Cloner from scratch for a lot less. I like using Aquamist systems. I can clone and even grow in them. Yet, I clone in the perlite like I said.



yo star crash,

the ez-cloners have never apealed to me for price reasons... I made my own DIY bubbler for ~$30.00 it has 110 sites, but it's too damn loud for my bedroom... so I went to rockwool, it doesn't make noise ;) When I get more space I will probably fire up my DIY bubble cloner, it works like an EZ. I just have no place to put it right now, a place with a light, and a heat mat is all I need. Checkout the nexus man.. ;)

Dj Zion-i

Neptune said:
radium True, but I find that the clones recover very quickly and start growing right away with small amount of hydroponic fertilizer in the medium. Plain water will work just fine, but the PH may be a bit high and the "get growing" period may take a day or two longer(??)

If you temps are in the mid 70s with no thermostat, then you don't need one. But watch the temp constantly, if it is flucuating too much (seasonally, and daily) you may want to invest in one. 2 quarter sized holes is perfect in the dome.

Lastly, I recomend no more than 30ish cuts per tray. Don't pack them too tight until you are comfertable,... they stay tooo soggy, and the air exchange can be impeded by the dense packed rockwool cubes.

Yes I totaly agree that if u can get them to root with nutes your way better off because you dont want them to stagnate.The quicker they start growing
the healthier the plant will be in the long run.What makes unhealthy cuttings is stagnating for long periods.So fuk saving a few bucks in nutes.
The only reason i never rooted in nutes before is because ed rosenthal said in one of his way old books(insiders guide) that nitrogen stored in clones inhibits rooting.
I think he was wrong.
So for RW cubes...2ml/gal each of the 3part Eh? I'm about to try RW for cuttings for the first time. I've only used Jiffies for about 12yrs now...but would like to start playin' with a more 'pure' hydro system instead of the sunshinemix.

A recurring theme amongst posts I'm reading about RW for cuts is that it should be soaked in the low 5's ph water to 'condition' the RW.....but you're saying the 3part GH soak is good to go? Just want to be sure.
I have no problem agreeing that some light food in the rooting cube is good as I currently use a product called Greenup to soak the Jiffies in. Sure, plain water works fine...but a slight feed is better ;)
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Hi Neptune,

Thanks for taking the time to document your procedures. I had never done anything like this before and used your guidance. In my case I was using an AN 3part but I mixed at about 50% the nutes you recommended. If necessary, I could perform the process on a 2nd batch at the recommended ppm. Opinions?

Neptune said:
... Let me say that it is super important to have a fairly DRY medium when cloning!! A soggy rockwool cube, pellet or otherwise, will delay rooting almost indefinatly!! roots not not pop out if the medium is WET!

damn!! dry that shit out!
This is where I suspect I may be giving too much love. Newbie is as newbie does. :)

How often should the cubes be rehydrated? Is it needed? Is there a preferred method to rehydrate the rockwool cubes?

Given, you have a tray w/humidity dome that contains the soon-to-be clones in rockwool cubes. After the surface of the tray is bone dry, do you rehydrate the cubes by pouring the prepared solution into tray, so the cubes can "wick" the solution? If so, how much solution?. Clearly I am a bit muddy on this aspect of the process.

Thanks to all the good people here!

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