yeah, it is neglect. so what does a neighbor do ? Ignore it ? Put them down ? or... Collect them and be responsible pet owner caretaker which is.. vaccinations, find good homes, keep them, train them care for them.
Who is going to collects animals and spends hundreds and thousands of dollars on them ? Are you going to go get them and be the responsible dog hoarder ? Don't forget to update us with training pics. lol
This is what the owners now did. I am sure they just found some dogs that needed a "home" and "rescued" them.
The cycle continues, just need dogs that can breed and irresponsible humans to keep it going.
id keep the dogs personally,but thats just me...ive bred dogs for over 25 years and my father has for over 50
id take a dog over a stinkin human any day,people suck