You can ABSOLUTELY use intake fans. You just can't be a dummy. You need to know your stuff. For that, try some of the links I've posted above.
Please don't think I'm advocating stupidity. How many of our grandmothers truly understood cars, microwaves or insulin? Yet, they drove, cooked, and adjusted their blood sugar every day. All they needed were a few basic steps to get by. Knowing everything would be a wonderful thing but, for those without the time or inclination, all we need know is this:
Ventilation For Dummies-
Punch 3 fan size holes in your cab. Two at the bottom and one at the top for the exhaust fan. The end.
Please don't think I'm advocating stupidity. How many of our grandmothers truly understood cars, microwaves or insulin? Yet, they drove, cooked, and adjusted their blood sugar every day. All they needed were a few basic steps to get by. Knowing everything would be a wonderful thing but, for those without the time or inclination, all we need know is this:
Ventilation For Dummies-
Punch 3 fan size holes in your cab. Two at the bottom and one at the top for the exhaust fan. The end.