No shit I need these for my stands, gonna look and see if they have 1 1/2. Your gonna like the stands, light weight, look good. What do I win for best stand idea? Jk... get a nice pair of pipe cutters, the type you cut like scissors and some glue and call it aday, oh yea and a level to keep legs straight.
Yeah, already set there. I love using pvc for thing around the room. I use it for my trellis' and just recently made these reflectix screens from 1"
I was just stuck trying to figure out how to attach wheels to the pvc. I was even contemplating making wood "boots" out of 4x4 and sticking the pvc into a hole I would drill out with a 1 1/4" paddle bit lol.
My other thought was a regular pvc cap filled with spray foam to give it some stability.
Needless to say these caster caps FTWFW!!!