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Narco Dog Operating in My Zone


New member
This blows large.

Even though my car is completely legal, with all the lights, stickers, bribes (taxes), etc., I still could get stopped like the guy in this news story from my area.

Pig-to-People ratio here where I live is pretty high. One time a cop stopped me because he had a call that someone in a car like mine was driving drunk. After stopping me, getting my papers, and going back to his interceptor, he came running back, threw my papers back to me, said I was the wrong car, ran back to his car and took off. Down the road a bit, I saw him with someone else pulled over in a car like mine... so now I listen to the pigs with a scanner, so I know if they are out looking for someone specific. However, with the scanner, u can't tell where they are staked out looking for bogies to pull over. U find out only after they have someone where they are.

So, when I read this story, I am like WTF? Now I gotta work on odorless packaging (large pain-in-ass) or stop transporting... grr... otherwise I am gonna be overexposed to the law.

This is due to having occasion/need for transport of herbal medicine the dog could potentially toke/hit on. In other words, I'd get busted even though I had given my car and body an enema prior to transport.

SPRINGFIELD, USA — A man paid $900 in fines Tuesday after cutting a plea deal with prosecutors on two drug charges.

B*** **e, 63, of Springfield pleaded guilty in Springfield District Court to possession of marijuana and possession of a narcotic. He paid a $300 and a $600 fine respectively for the two charges.

**e was the driver of a car stopped for speeding on Main Street on Jan. 16, according to court documents.

A narcotic-sniffing dog indicated marijuana was in the car and after getting a search warrant from a judge, police discovered a small amount of marijuana and several oxycodone and morphine-sulfate pills.


what up dog. There are ways around this, you must have possibly thought of some of the answers yourself already. 1st is the correct packaging. 2nd might be public transportation. 3rd might be to improve on number one and use public transportation. 4th is to quit "trafficking" all together. Lets focus on number 1.

How are you putting the stuff up? I hope not in normal baggies. Even if you are and you want to keep it low budget, start thinking smarter than the poo-poo. I have heard that the dogs are thrown off when they encounter a cayan like pepper. Don't know never tried it on my old dog. Instead of damaging your local deputies poor puppies nose try out a crappy like vacuum sealer. Buy the good bags though.
Before you start put on some laytex (surgical) gloves to handle and weigh yur stuff.

After you bag your "stuff" disguard the old gloves and put on a pair of fresh surgical gloves to run the sealer.

Seal the bag with the sealer.

Take off the gloves used from operating the sealer and put on a pair of fresh gloves.

Now take some paper towlels and soak em in alchol.

Wipe down the above mentioned "stuff" and lay the package ina very clean place, middle of your bed if you want.

Now take off the gloves and, you guessed it, put on a pair of fresh gloves.

Now, vacuum seal the package again.

Repeat like one more time.

Now if your really spooked, before you do it one more time throw some cayan pepper in the last bag just for flavor!!!! Ohhh yeah. Your gonna have to raise your prices like $0.25 to pay for the machine, bags, and your freedom!!!!!

I have also "heard" of an oil submersion version available for a large subwoofer like box if this is your fancy as well.

Hope this helps ya ouTTT!!!!!
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Active member
you better hire a friend to check your route before driving it.that same friend should also be willing to get a ticket and be a distraction driver.
da truth has a good idea
the scanner is good too
ive always used self sealing mason jars
it keeps the odor underwraps ...usually


My little pony.. my little pony
The ninja stealth transporter is seldom pulled over on a bicycle. [ said the fortune cookie. ]





Dress up like a mormon with your backpack and your magazines.

ride with a friend.

dont be stoned when you do it.
make sure your bike is a goody two shoes legit rider.
lights even registration if its required in your area.


Active member
Nugs-N-Jugs said:
lay the package ina very clean place, middle of your bed if you want.

OMG thats comedy ;) Definitely not a "clean" place in my mind hahaha.

As for transpo...Use a thin steel lock box like from "Brinks" found at Walmart

Like this:


Then take a speaker magnet (or 2) off of a junk old yard-sale speaker (make sure its a STRONG magnet tho) and JB-weld or epoxy it to the inside of the box (it will stick anyway, its a magnet..DUH!) to hold it in place inside.

Now, put yer herb in the cash box and stick it to the bottom of the car...

IF you are clean cut and don't blaze in the car to begin with, there will be NO probable cause for a dog to come out anyway...

No cop is gonna drop to his knees and start searching under the car if there is no reason to look inside...and if he DOES get a hair in his ass to search he can have a ball in the cabin and not find anything.

Of course, you SHOULD NEVER consent to a search anyway, if you have to exit your car and you feel the search is inevitable, lock your keys inside with the windows rolled UP and PLAINLY REFUSE TO CONSENT TO THE SEARCH...

Be safe out there.


P.S. A hide-a-key is great for J's and 1/8s :chin:


Active member
Zamboni Driver said:
da truth has a good idea
the scanner is good too
ive always used self sealing mason jars
it keeps the odor underwraps ...usually

Heat the ball jars in warm water (I use a crock pot) and then put the weed in, seal the jar and take it outta the warm water... VOILA, instant vacuum :)

forget the same old process over and over try a cedar wood box- drug dogs cant smell weed through it and airport scanners cant reconize it in one:pimp3: