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My seed whore adventures. Where bad idea's are born.


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It's ok brother, don't be sorry, that's half my generations story at this point.

I have been raised by a woman, that became a semi millionaire just through divorce.
my own life necessarily didn't benefit from that, other than getting a good education in boarding school. Due to the nature of this forum, you can assume I still ended up a bum^^

since I will never make the big mistake, all I can do is create some awareness and help fellow men avoid the traps layed out for them, by the system.

Don't assume just the worst right away! Her getting 50% of your paycheck, is the maximum she can take in a settlement. That is actually good for you, you saved half your shit guaranteed! You took a 50% chance gamble with marriage, so take your loss like a man.
If you fight for custody, it can get muuuch worse. Then you end up tilting and doubling down with every loss.

divorce and custody settlements, are separate cases.
usually the divorce is handled quickly, as financial situations of both parties before/after are easy to verify. Divorce is more about assets, it's the custody were they try to come for your money.
Especially in the Anglo/Saxon system, I would not want to fight in civil court for anything as a "non corporate entity".

Don't be bitter about the potential 50%, you were a betting man when signing that contract. You really have to see it as a cashback on your wager, your 2nd chance in life so to speak.

Get a good lawyer, and present yourselfs very generous towards the court.
keep in mind that not she's is getting the money, it's just what you happily give away to support your kids with.

you're honor, it's unfortunate that the woman has decided that a present father is not necessary for the secure future of our children. Not being able to provide em with fatherly love any longer, after respecting the womans decision to seperate.
I just want their needs be taken care off at all times, happily providing all of my assets for the children.
I love my children, so whatever the woman believes is best for them, your honor.

good luck
I'll take note of your advice if she goes scorched earth. Hope to hell she doesn't pull that trigger though.

Other than all that nonsense, I think I've narrowed the seeds to drop shortly between schromfrost f2 and mob og x schromfrost. The schromfrost was the strongest stuff I've smoked in my 25 years. I'll find some of my grow pics as I can't find any online of this cross anymore.

I get off night shift in the morning so after I get some oil changes done on the vehicles I'm hoping I'll have some time to finish sorting stuff and and get moving with this in the next couple days.
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Foam board/adhesive has arrived for the project.
I didn't measure sqft, so I will be winging it as I go.


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Some change of plans. Decided to go another route as I don't have the space for my smallest tent.

Second reason is, I need to use shed to lock stuff up as both neighbors got hit with over 12k in items taken, so even less real estate.

Third reason, wife decided she officially wants that divorce. When that all begins, I have no idea. So nothing to lose now.

Sooooooooo, I ordered a temp controller, a small heater, and I'm gonna build a damn mini grow cabinet frame in the shed with 2x4 / 2x2 real quick, cover with insulation and throw around 4 seeds in for a few small test grows. Temps are dropping so mostly need heating atm.


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Base and top of cab almost done tonight.

Rough footprint of grow area is 3x3 and I'm hoping to hit close to 6ft tall.

I need about 6 more 2x4 I'll pick up tomorrow but prob won't get a ton done as I go on night shift that night.

Throwing some seeds in water tonight to motivate my ass though.

Will use rest of 2x4 i have tonight.
Back to work!

Yes I'm a big dewalt/makita guy :)



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Gonna do 4 smaller sized plants this run.
Strain I selected was a cross I made.

6 seeds of MOB OG x Schromfrost are in water.



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Been smoken these big buggers lately.

Some wedding cake.

Mmm it's ok.


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Wifi thermal controller arrived.
Mini heating solution most likely arriving tomorrow.

Grabbed 8 more 2x4x8, except, they gave me 2x4x10 instead!! Score!!

Didn't get much built today, one of the kids was a bit of a handful today, plus I slept getting ready for a few night shifts.

Seeds going into paper towel tonight just before I go, as 5 of 6 already sank.


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Well that ended fast.

Wife made me chuck my seeds out I had in water.

Legal to grow and she's worried about the neighbors.

Told me to grow peppers instead. 😆 🤣

Wtf do I do now?!?

Guess I'll finish my cabinet... and grow peppers... :(


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Perhaps I can give you a hint, seen that you are smoking pure.
When you do a little tabac (only) near the filter you don't need to smoke till the hot end and you don't waste anything of the precious herb.

I used to do this a lot when I smoked cigarettes but once I quit I kinda never looked back with anything tobacco related.

I actually don't mind wasting a lil bit, as I tend to puff em down pretty low. Gotta burn that nice resin and choke my face off. The best part!



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Hey everyone, hope your part of the world is doing well. Things are kinda, surprisingly been decent on my end. I just received the tracking finally for my GLG order and is currently crossing the border. I was getting a little worried the *Cash in mail* never made it. Some of the packaging got removed for the stealth shipping, but it is what it is.

Anyways, lots of bs in the background but I'm slowly working towards being able to grow again. Even if it means just doing it with two middle fingers in the air to everyone. I'm getting fed up not being able to do what I love doing.

So in the meantime, between work, collecting more seeds and chilling, here's a throwback of some Barney's farm gear, Vanilla Kush and LSD. These were one of my first few grows, under a cheap 100w LED and cheap PH tester etc. Not bad eh?

First up LSD

Now a yummy Vanilla Kush


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1 of 2 big orders arrived. The bigger order is still a few weeks out.

Got into a VIP early buy in on a few releases in the near future of some already sold out schtuff.

Hope the week treated everyone well! I'm off this weekend so I'll be around on the couch baked like Gypsy's last podcast interview. 😉


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Being invaded by this Asian beetle.
There's hundreds of them all over outside.

Never seen it like this.


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she is a ladybug .. eat spider mites and other pests ... you are a lucky man you know! keep her and if you have any other put them in the tent, they will defend your cultivation.


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she is a ladybug .. eat spider mites and other pests ... you are a lucky man you know! keep her and if you have any other put them in the tent, they will defend your cultivation.

It's these Asian ones, they piss on stuff and there's a dozen or more in my house right now. Outside there's hundreds on the house outside walls.

I went to grab one off my stove top and it piss smeared all on the glass. I thought my daughter was bs'in me when she said they peed on her.

They must eat simular pests though I would imagine.


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