I'll take note of your advice if she goes scorched earth. Hope to hell she doesn't pull that trigger though.It's ok brother, don't be sorry, that's half my generations story at this point.
I have been raised by a woman, that became a semi millionaire just through divorce.
my own life necessarily didn't benefit from that, other than getting a good education in boarding school. Due to the nature of this forum, you can assume I still ended up a bum^^
since I will never make the big mistake, all I can do is create some awareness and help fellow men avoid the traps layed out for them, by the system.
Don't assume just the worst right away! Her getting 50% of your paycheck, is the maximum she can take in a settlement. That is actually good for you, you saved half your shit guaranteed! You took a 50% chance gamble with marriage, so take your loss like a man.
If you fight for custody, it can get muuuch worse. Then you end up tilting and doubling down with every loss.
divorce and custody settlements, are separate cases.
usually the divorce is handled quickly, as financial situations of both parties before/after are easy to verify. Divorce is more about assets, it's the custody were they try to come for your money.
Especially in the Anglo/Saxon system, I would not want to fight in civil court for anything as a "non corporate entity".
Don't be bitter about the potential 50%, you were a betting man when signing that contract. You really have to see it as a cashback on your wager, your 2nd chance in life so to speak.
Get a good lawyer, and present yourselfs very generous towards the court.
keep in mind that not she's is getting the money, it's just what you happily give away to support your kids with.
you're honor, it's unfortunate that the woman has decided that a present father is not necessary for the secure future of our children. Not being able to provide em with fatherly love any longer, after respecting the womans decision to seperate.
I just want their needs be taken care off at all times, happily providing all of my assets for the children.
I love my children, so whatever the woman believes is best for them, your honor.
good luck
Other than all that nonsense, I think I've narrowed the seeds to drop shortly between schromfrost f2 and mob og x schromfrost. The schromfrost was the strongest stuff I've smoked in my 25 years. I'll find some of my grow pics as I can't find any online of this cross anymore.
I get off night shift in the morning so after I get some oil changes done on the vehicles I'm hoping I'll have some time to finish sorting stuff and and get moving with this in the next couple days.
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