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My Review of Poland's MJ Culture


New member
Now we may see the differences in Polish and "out of border" mentality... It's simple that i'd rather enjoy smoking weed outdoors/public places ...you wrote about generalized situation in our country so i am concludin' you know something...but do you? ...
Many of polish smokers are very badly experienced thanks to our beloved "prevency staff"... in some cities like mine ...while you are standing in public places with red-eye effect on your face and half gram of weed in pocket...you may be almost sure that sooner or later you will feel the power of police bat...in fact it's a horror... we are fighting in Poland for ideas of freedom ,democracy, we dare thinking about decriminalization of bud... but how?? in situation when kids got almost killed for a bunch of blunts by a policeman?? it's sick...and that is the reason for all those ghetto smoke tricks... eh...but why are they smoking in pipes?? even i do not understand ;> ...


sync said:
Now we may see the differences in Polish and "out of border" mentality... It's simple that i'd rather enjoy smoking weed outdoors/public places ...you wrote about generalized situation in our country so i am concludin' you know something...but do you? ...
Many of polish smokers are very badly experienced thanks to our beloved "prevency staff"... in some cities like mine ...while you are standing in public places with red-eye effect on your face and half gram of weed in pocket...you may be almost sure that sooner or later you will feel the power of police bat...in fact it's a horror... we are fighting in Poland for ideas of freedom ,democracy, we dare thinking about decriminalization of bud... but how?? in situation when kids got almost killed for a bunch of blunts by a policeman?? it's sick...and that is the reason for all those ghetto smoke tricks... eh...but why are they smoking in pipes?? even i do not understand ;> ...
red eyes and half a gram in your pocket. Ok right there youre asking for trouble. In Poland, if you smoke outside, DONT HAVE ANYTHING ON YOU. this includes paraphernalia (pipe, foil, whatever).
If I am in Sopot on the malo, smoking a blunt, i am obviously NOT going to have more weed on me. that is just stupid. Most people walking by think i am smoking a cigar or foreign cigarette. Then again, i do not look like someone police even want to bother in the first place, so i dont usually worry if i smoked outside.
As for red eyes. This is why you carry eye drops when you smoke. (Visine Clear Eyes is the best). Done smoking, drop a few in each eye, and you look a lot better right away.
i think the biggest problem is that if youre some dumb 17 year old kid smoking in an alley, you of course will have problems if police approach. police are intimidating. most people i know who 'smoke' are still amateurs. if you are high as a kite, and police suddenly start questioning you, you will be nervous, sweating, visibly STONED.
Some uneducated piece of shit cop wont do that to me, because i am not some nervous paranoid child caught red handed. i have been in these situations before, and i have smoked enough high quality shit that i can maintain composure, stay focused, relaxed, and assertive.
If you stand there going "uh, uh... uh uh... sorry sorry sorry" and acting all nervous, they have reason to suspect you, and probably know you're stoned.
Be calm and professional.
Poland should be about democracy and human freedoms, i think within 20 years there will be a progressive movement toward decriminalization of marijuana, as a younger generation comes into power, but right now, i think there is a lot of young, inexperienced, underpaid and immature police on the streets.


Dr. Diamonds

u just described polish reality, what can we more say. shit happens. if your wage is 200$ per month and prices are almost on the same level as in usa so u should't be surrprised. life is a bitch, first of all if u gotta remember that we are postcommunism country and we will have different point of view on everything, specialy if we are talkin' about the money :)
u must lived in poland before, aren't you?


Edit: To jest forum o uprawie marihuany a nie o narkotykach :), Sairu, ile tu juz jestes, jeszcze sie nie zorientowales?
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You have a lot of a right...I wont try to explain You, to understand things whichs surpries You.
I can't stand smoking by this small pipe, but why I have been doing It ?
and a majority of Polish smokers ?
3 resons:
1. It's quite easy to buy it contrast to good pipes. (However acces to internet change it slowly ) Ten-15 years ago, a lot of people smoke cheep cigaretes with out filters, they used this small pipes. People are change cigaretes, in this same time MJ welcome to Poland in a bigger range. Few quantity smuggling, or hard to accessible weed....-it is necessary to save. This pipe was the best. Cheep, accesible and economy. This pipe are domesticate very good.
So Why It isn;t changed ? We were in a very good way...but some stupid politics establish the wors for smokers law.... It's the end of legal ownership for private use.
Now we have to cover with Mj very much.
This is what I explain 2st, reason. POLICE and LAW!!! Year in year we are more afflicted by police ( CHWDP !!!) In a lot of countrys like UK ,it's forebiden but what thay usually do with smokers?, pretty nothing.
In my town it;s imposssible to be on chill out when You wont smoke some weed and drink beer in park. Police revision/ body search me so much time. Weed in ass, I'm not first in my town :)
This small pipe You can throw out, and police man shouldn't find it.
With joints and bigger pipes it's quite bigger problem.
A lot of my friends have suspended sentence,plaintly because they don't be on time to cover weed or dirty pipe.

3rd Reason: Economy.

I known that look very bad, like a junkie, but this is live in Poland.

We have a HUGE potencial to be a very tolerant and be in first league in growing and smoking MJ.
However Poland is agricultural country :)
17'000 posts 30 viewing people and a 2 difrent quite big forums Obout Mj significance that everything go in good way. Remember that only 3% of Polish people have acces to DSL internet!!

Look on It http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=28312&page=3&pp=15
Rainstorm but how many people go to show their views obout MJ
I think 10years change Polish very much in Mj culture.
You known what politics we have allready. No body make mistake next time.

Ps. Sorry for my mistake that You are arrogant foreginer.


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hehe o co chodzi? gosciu mowi ze mamy dzieci za dilerów i hodowców,ze w polsce nie ma dobrej ganji i jest trudno dostepna,a jezeli juz to dostajesz w gramie 0.5grama ...a forum polskie jest najbardziej aktywnym dzialem ic-maga heheh
pierdolona racja-tym bardziej ze wiekszosc polskich uzytkowników nie widziła i nie paliła nigdy prawdziwego dobrego buda...a ma sie za nie wiadomo kogo...
mi jest poprotu szkoda ze ludzie z zagranicznych forów juz zaczeli sie z nas smiac...przez ten kurwa jebany syf na polishu.

przeczytajcie wszyscy posta fisha w temacie 40 hektarów/...ale i tak wiem ze to nie pomoze

ja juz przestałem sie udzielac na forum bo jest mi porostu wstyd ze mieszkam w polsce....fuck


New member
you understood me wrong...i'm talkin' about pipesmokers ...it's obvious for me that usual smoker is too parsimonious to smoke whole gram (sometimes 0,5g is too much) by himself...it's simple ..you got cash = you smoke 1g by yourself = you roll a joint = police is watchin on you and just drop the joint... end of problem... but situation in Poland is kinda different... no cash = you buy 0,5g for whole day = you smoke three times a day loading bud into a small pipe = you spend whole day with weed in your pocket... i don't have that kinda problems because i live nearby forest and i'm acting tarzan whole day...it's better than walking between blocks and look around if there are some civil police patrols...


zarzyc said:
You have a lot of a right...I wont try to explain You, to understand things whichs surpries You.
I can't stand smoking by this small pipe, but why I have been doing It ?
and a majority of Polish smokers ?
3 resons:
1. It's quite easy to buy it contrast to good pipes. (However acces to internet change it slowly ) Ten-15 years ago, a lot of people smoke cheep cigaretes with out filters, they used this small pipes. People are change cigaretes, in this same time MJ welcome to Poland in a bigger range. Few quantity smuggling, or hard to accessible weed....-it is necessary to save. This pipe was the best. Cheep, accesible and economy. This pipe are domesticate very good.
So Why It isn;t changed ? We were in a very good way...but some stupid politics establish the wors for smokers law.... It's the end of legal ownership for private use.
Now we have to cover with Mj very much.
This is what I explain 2st, reason. POLICE and LAW!!! Year in year we are more afflicted by police ( CHWDP !!!) In a lot of countrys like UK ,it's forebiden but what thay usually do with smokers?, pretty nothing.
In my town it;s imposssible to be on chill out when You wont smoke some weed and drink beer in park. Police revision/ body search me so much time. Weed in ass, I'm not first in my town :)
This small pipe You can throw out, and police man shouldn't find it.
With joints and bigger pipes it's quite bigger problem.
A lot of my friends have suspended sentence,plaintly because they don't be on time to cover weed or dirty pipe.
3rd Reason: Economy.
I known that look very bad, like a junkie, but this is live in Poland.
We have a HUGE potencial to be a very tolerant and be in first league in growing and smoking MJ.
However Poland is agricultural country :)
17'000 posts 30 viewing people and a 2 difrent quite big forums Obout Mj significance that everything go in good way. Remember that only 3% of Polish people have acces to DSL internet!!
Look on It
Rainstorm but how many people go to show their views obout MJ
I think 10years change Polish very much in Mj culture.
You known what politics we have allready. No body make mistake next time.
Ps. Sorry for my mistake that You are arrogant foreginer.
Hey Zarzyc, I think we agree on a lot of things, i see the future potential of marijuana in this country. My opinion will strongly change when i find not only GOOD quality marijuana, but when i find some cool people locally to smoke it with!
Right now, I roll 4 grams in a blunt. I smoke with some friends, they just
"PUFF PUFF, ok i am done PASS"
and i smoke the rest by myself, haha.
I need to meet some friends with STRONG polish lungs, lol.

hodowca85 said:
hehe o co chodzi? gosciu mowi ze mamy dzieci za dilerów i hodowców,ze w polsce nie ma dobrej ganji i jest trudno dostepna,a jezeli juz to dostajesz w gramie 0.5grama ...a forum polskie jest najbardziej aktywnym dzialem ic-maga heheh
pierdolona racja-tym bardziej ze wiekszosc polskich uzytkowników nie widziła i nie paliła nigdy prawdziwego dobrego buda...a ma sie za nie wiadomo kogo...
mi jest poprotu szkoda ze ludzie z zagranicznych forów juz zaczeli sie z nas smiac...przez ten kurwa jebany syf na polishu.

przeczytajcie wszyscy posta fisha w temacie 40 hektarów/...ale i tak wiem ze to nie pomoze

ja juz przestałem sie udzielac na forum bo jest mi porostu wstyd ze mieszkam w polsce....fuck
Perfect summary. But dont lose hope. Poland is changing every day. economically and socially it is growing very fast, so in 5 years, things can be much different. Imagine 20 years!
I think the most important thing is knowledge. Too many people have FALSE information and facts about marijuana. Dealers, growers, everyone needs to grow up and step into the 21st century of marijuana culture. Education is critical. Right now, it is young people, mostly students who are smoking ganja. When the students become the 35 year old doctors, the 40 year old businessmen, 30 year old lawyers, 40 year old politicians, the entire standard will change. As they are more powerful, affluent and most importantly, have MONEY to buy GOOD ganja. It is basic economics. When a demand appears for good quality marijuana, someone WILL supply it. I look forward to that time.

sync said:
i don't have that kinda problems because i live nearby forest and i'm acting tarzan whole day...
Tarzan Huh?

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New member
Sczerze mowiac to masz racje (hodowca85) niewielu jest ludzi ktorzy maja jakies pojecie na temat uprawy a robia z siebie doswiadczonych growerow ale jest tez kilku ktorzy maja calkiem spora wiedze na ten temat i widac to na przykladzie growlogow oraz tego jak to wszystko wyglada mam na mysli przygotowanie, sama uprawe i wyniki koncowe badzmy dobrej mysli ze z czasem bedzie coraz wiecej doswiadczonych growerow ktorzy beda sie chetnie dzielic swoja wiedza z mniej doswiadczonymi ludzmi moze i czasem robi sie balagan z tego na icmagu ale jakies kozysci tez z tego sa :D co mozna zrobic zeby bylo lepiej ? :D:D:D trzymac kciuki i sciagnac sobie wiaderko dla relaxu heh :D PoZdRo


Dr. Diamonds is back!

So as i promised, I would come back with another review, and pictures of course to show what I'm dealing with.

This arrived in aluminum foil, but I guess thats the standard.
So this was a rather nice surprise. Something actually resembling a 'nug' was inside. The other two pieces were mostly clumped up leaf material, unfortunately, with little smokable material.
The nug itself was nice, but far from great. Nice scent, dried a bit, and some visible frost, but overall it looked like someone probably collected crystals from this harvest to put into hash.


So at this point I broke it all up, discarded a lot of useless material, but once it was cut up, it chopped up nice, enough for a decent sized blunt, well decent enough for one person. Looked good, and I was pleased with how much i had.

Rolled it up in some 'Watermelon' blunt wrap. Came out nice.


Now for the most important part. Smoking it. It burned perfect. The blunt came out perfect. The high was more heady, and decently strong, but I also smoked a good amount to myself, so that could be part of it...

Overall, I was pleased, and this was one of the better experiences I've had with the herb here. Hope I can get more stuff like this regularly.



^^ Just my luck, the guy who hooked me up on this stash, has now disappeared...
FCUK! now i gotta go keep looking again...


Heh! Actually I have a contact with one dealer, but he hasn't got stuff for a week yet :p Maybe he will got tomorrow, but I'm not sure. In my housing estate niggas have to look for new contacts, about once a few months or a few years. Last time I heard about a big arrest not so far my home, where police surprised 8 drug dealers, in which was 7 who was selling mj. Paranoia! :wallbash:

Anyway, you know that the polish drug law is one of the most stricted in the Europe. Among other things, that's why it's so hard to find good stuff... any stuff :p My previous dealer said taht the best stuff in poland mostly came from small smoker's growroom just like on (at? :D) this forum :D :headbange :jump:

But maybe it's a reality for only my place where I live - not for all Poland.

P.S.: Sorry for my english. I'm still learning. hehe...

Peace! :wave:


Here in Poland we have one beautiful saying, which perfectly describes this thread


u nas nie ma tego w sklepach, chyba pomliles kraj, nastepnym razem ląduj :abduct: troche bardziej na zachod :D
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Shaman Trip said:
My previous dealer said taht the best stuff in poland mostly came from small smoker's growroom just like on this forum :D

P.S.: Sorry for my english. I'm still learning. hehe...

the best stuff ALWAYS comes from the small smoker's growroom! your dealer knew what he was talking about!

Your english is good though, no problem.



hi Dr.Diamonds,

it was funny read, hehe, but most of this is true,

most of weed in poland is shit, you got lucky cus you dont get the worst shit yet, for ex. weed with little yellow balls....;/ really....:/ donno what is this

let me explain few things,
this shitty weed is growing by people who dont know how to dry and cure weed, and grow also. most of weed you can buy is moldy. yesterday one of hood runners bring me black bud !!!!!!! (my m8 was not avalible) this weed comes from the east border, or it was grown in poland.
most polish people have no idea what is weed cultivation and MJ culture, even smoke culture (exclude skateres, rapers etc..:)) but alot of ppl smoke.

2nd kind of weed you can get is pot from holland. this is normal bud structure weed, for most of ppl this is the best weed they ever saw it looks quite good and smell nice too, but is not stick as it can :) if you growing plants you know that someone collected crystals from those buds and make hash... i suppose in holland becouse ppl in poland dont know how to make good quality hash.....

3rd kind of weed is what i smoke every day (if dont have my own^^) - the finest quality weed from holland, like WW, Bubblegum, Jeck Herrer etc. but i know maybe 3 ppl who can fix it in my city(capital) but all the time. they sell only 5g and they sell only to best friends. so you have to know right people ;]

there are a little pro growers population also but they grow to get nice smoke for themselves, not selling generally cus they dont want to pay for security to 'gangsters'....in poland those things are really crazy...

and about CRACK pipe, this shit is popular in poland cus you can smoke economy and its poketable ;] Ive smoke weed about 8y and ive never smoke from CRACK pipe, maybe few times on the begining. this not looking good to me, and after few pipes it smells like shit. but my friends from France were very agree to smoke hash from it :)
i prefer joints all the thime and bong from time to time,

lemme know if you will be in my city, we'll se what i can do for ya,

sry, for my sucks english

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WeedTime said:
2nd kind of weed you can get is pot from holland. this is normal bud structure weed, for most of ppl this is the best weed they ever saw it looks quite good and smell nice too, but is not stick as it can :) if you growing plants you know that someone collected crystals from those buds and make hash... i suppose in holland becouse ppl in poland dont know how to make good quality hash.....

A u mnie to holender mówią na każde zioło, które wyrosło pod lampą chyba... A tak naprawdę to większość z nich pod lampą ale w Polsce wyrosło.

I'm sorry Dr for to speak polish but this part of our ICMag is dedicated for this language :D

A tak przy okazji... sam uprawiasz / uprawiałeś coś? Masz jakieś fotki? No pochwal się...



rberciol- nieźle was tną 20 zł za marne 3 fifki. To nie jest 0,5g nie wiem czy 0,3 tam jest


Hi Dr.Diamonds, i just read all posts of this thread and i think you are little frustrated of fact you can't find good stuff :D. I think most growers from Poland growing their plants by one general reason: we don't want smoke a 'crime' herb, devastated weed (broked, shaked, mixed etc.) and finally, expensive weed.
The mj-scene in Poland is going to deep underground, i think. It is hard to find a long-term cooperation. Sorry, it's not my fault goverment going to set up more oppresive politics to marijuana. This is not a Holland or Czech Prague you can buy a lot of stuff by good price - sorry, Batory.


ok guys, so here is another quick update.

scored some more goods from a new friend.

bought two (2) grams. this is what i got... 1.7 grams... ok not too bad...

0.3grams worth of seeds, sticks, stems and junk... meh

chopped up and going into a blueberry blunt, sorry not pictured, i was in the rush.

and of course, as stated, my girlfriend and I smoking it on the 'molo' in sopot, this is how we roll...


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