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My Purple power plants


here are the plants I am growing this year. The big ones are purple power ordered off the net and the smaller ones are seeds from a bag that i was told was Afgan. I am not sure if they are but damn they were good buds so hopeing for the best :)
One of the purple power plants got very flooded and i recently moved it to a dryer spot with more drainage. You can probably pick which one it is i am hopeing it pulls through. Ok not sure how this photo thing works but my photos are up in the outdoor growing section check them out tell me what ya think :)

Peace Dex


dont ya just love the outdoors dex ??/ hope they are powering along for ya mate ..


Oh they are thank you wally :) Out of 6 PP plants i got 5 female. I also had 4 others from a good bag i had and 3 of them are female. Its a lot of fun :) hmm where to move so i can grow better crops.
I have a little bug problem, know of any tricks? Something to spray on them.
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well if the bugs are on the plant try some pyrethrum , be careful its pretty strong stuff , do it in the evening so it doesnt burn the leaves in the sun , read the directions carefully ....


couple pics they are comeing along nicely




Problem still unsolved

Problem still unsolved

Hey Wally I took your advice and got some pyrethrum I followed the directions and applied it after sunset. I went back out 5 days later to check on them and they are just getting worse. The deadline i put down is not attracting all the slugs so i got some copper out of some nice electrical wire and wrapped them loosely around the bottom stalks. Which I must say are getting very large. Anyways back to the problem at hand. The leaves are browning and yellowing with tiny holes and also some are dieing off. My smaller leaves at my budsites are being destroyed. Why must they go for those! I really need to stop this. Will my budsites regrow their leafs? Should i apply more of the pyrethrum? Sorry no pics i didn't bring the digi with me and its to long of a walk :)
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gee mate , not good to hear , your gonna have to identify the bug , or whatever it is causing the problem to know how to treat it properly ....


I found one small beetle 3 slugs two weird looking bugs with wings. First time i have seen a beetle but i have seen the other bug before. It just seems to be a lot of dmg for just a couple bugs. One of my plants that split looks the worse. Almost made me cry seeing it. It happened so fast. Was a small problem happening to one plant now they all got it. Maybe i am over ferting? can this cause dmg like this?


gonna try this

gonna try this

I found this in a thread i have all the ingredients except the alcohol which i can pick up tomorrow. Hope it works.

Ed Rosenthal and Harriet Hempster came up with a cool pesticide in his Ask Ed book. Mix a tablespoon each of raw onion, ground garlic, mixed italian seasoning, ground cinamon, and ground cloves, in one quart of boiling water. Mix this with two heaping tablespoons of cornstarch and add 8 ounces of denatured alcohol. It is a powerful general pesticide.


are you spraying bug repellent on yourself near the plants?
that really messes them up. the discoloring of your plants don't look like bugs to me but i could be wrong.


are you spraying bug repellent on yourself near the plants?
that really messes them up. the discoloring of your plants don't look like bugs to me but i could be wrong.

Forkem Freddy

New member
Man every year I throw a few outside and every year they get dug up within a week by some critter.. I need to get some sorta stealthy fence.


i use twin and tie it up around the perimeter of the plants . i put the plants in beds of 6-8 plants per bed. and make the plots about 4 feet wide and 6-8 feet long . twine seem to keep them out of the general area. i used deer away one year which seemed to work but doesn't last long especially if you get alot of rain. Good luck


it was bugs

it was bugs

It was bugs eating my plants. I used a liquid insecticide and it burned them. Got some sevin dust and it worked great. One problem now though. I can't reach the tops of them anymore.. Infact they are so big it scares me so I am only visiting them maybe 3 more times and thats counting harvest! I think they have started flowering no real buds but lots of white hairs and they just keep branching. Anyone know how much longer to wait? My plants are 6 months old now and from what i read they will flower when there is 14hrs light. Today is 14hrs sunlight :) We usually get our first frost by end of sept early oct. Worried they won't have time to finish. My smaller plants already have nice nugs on them. They look great. I'll post some nice pics in another 4wks They better be in a nice flower by then!


Nikolai Burdy said:
Ive started growing some purple power feminised. Wondering if you know its make-up? And how good does it smoke?????
Purple power is a cross between Holland Hope and Skunk#1 its mostly sativa and grows great in cooler climates. It is ideal for outdoor growing. First time growing it so i couldn't tell you how it is but they are growing great. August 14th they are all between 9-10ft past 3 weeks they have filled out alot!
Oh and my plants don't have herpes :p Now that the bugs are gone their leaves aren't being dmged anymore.

I will keep this post open until its all cured I'll let you all know how it smokes.