I saw the same recipe using 95% alcohol which is either lab/food grade ethyl alcohol or Everclear. Cannabis Culture magazine mentioned that a group of people prefer the 190 proof (95%) to the 151 proof (75%). The greater the alcohol content, the more THC and other cannabinoids get absorbed.
Another way to filter the alcohol is with the use of a syringe filter and 60ml syringes. You would draw up the liquid in the 60ml syringe, then put on the 45 micron or 22 micron disk filter, and then push the plunger down letting the liquid squirt into a clean glass container. The watman filters work like magic in getting all the particles out.
Another way of absorbing the tincture is by sublingual. Place a few drops under the tongue with a dropper. It will burn a little at first, but it will go numb from the alcohol. Or you could put this mixture into a spray bottle as well. Doing it this way will absorb faster. Anyways, alcohol is absorbed via the muscous membranes of the mouth, throat, and stomach, so it doesn't need to get into the intestines to get absorbtion. Plus as the alcohol get absorbed through the mucous membranes, it takes whatever is attached to it (cannabinoids) along in. Also, I am sure you can do like Motley Crue while on a road trip/drug binge and shoot the alcohol in your veins via IV, but why have to go that crazy?
Another way to filter the alcohol is with the use of a syringe filter and 60ml syringes. You would draw up the liquid in the 60ml syringe, then put on the 45 micron or 22 micron disk filter, and then push the plunger down letting the liquid squirt into a clean glass container. The watman filters work like magic in getting all the particles out.
Another way of absorbing the tincture is by sublingual. Place a few drops under the tongue with a dropper. It will burn a little at first, but it will go numb from the alcohol. Or you could put this mixture into a spray bottle as well. Doing it this way will absorb faster. Anyways, alcohol is absorbed via the muscous membranes of the mouth, throat, and stomach, so it doesn't need to get into the intestines to get absorbtion. Plus as the alcohol get absorbed through the mucous membranes, it takes whatever is attached to it (cannabinoids) along in. Also, I am sure you can do like Motley Crue while on a road trip/drug binge and shoot the alcohol in your veins via IV, but why have to go that crazy?