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My new vert flower room

el bee

Top of my screens

Bottom of screens

This is so money. Individual screens for individual plants.

I come from a flat scrog background and this just makes sense. I've been sketching and
doodling variations for months now in preparation for my next grow. Vertical all the way
with individual screens for making plants easy to work with. I'm leaning toward wood
frames, but I'm aware of the weight vs. PVC. All my previous screens have been PVC,
but wood looks so beautiful. I do want to grow sativas, however, and realize I'll need
some tall screens. Regardless, your method of connecting each at the top is brilliant.
Great design.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
It is a variant of someone's on here. But I am glad you like it. Hopefully you can make some thing that works better for you.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
So my plants are ready for the chop. My wife won't let me though, something about having something called jury duty. Doesn't want any chance of the smell going with her to the court house.


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
So my plants are ready for the chop. My wife won't let me though, something about having something called jury duty. Doesn't want any chance of the smell going with her to the court house.
LOL, tell her to state that she feels all criminals should fry... That should get her out of jury duty! Waiting for numbers...


We are Farmers
I think the best way to get out of it is tell them you want to be on the jury because you can just look at a person and tell if they are guilty. :) But I understand her concern, I stink up my whole damn house at harvy time.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Not too familiar with vertical style but this is good help to get an idea

Keep looking around there are many ways to do it. When you get your setup going post it so every one can see it and learn it's best traits.

OK 5th my wife got booted from the jury pool so I have been trimming while the plant is still in the pot. Tomorrow night I will most likely chop them down. But here are some pictures. Here is some bud porn from the center of a branch.


And some of the buds non verts trim and pitch. The pipe in the back ground is a 3/4" PVC pipe.

And finally half of one plant I have trimmed.

Well I have to get back to trimming.


Active member
Great thread IC!! was wondering from ur tutorial on the screens if the the height of the screen was roughly 4 foot from the ground up or is that from where the screen starts. Bear with me as I was schooled in metric lol. Anyways those pics of the last lot of buds are definatley looking fatter then the first lot, good to see improvements bro. Not that there was anything wrong with the original ones. But i'm sure you like us all here strive to better ourselves. Wish u all the best with it.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Loooking good IC. Just made me realize I need to pick up those fuzzy pipe cleaners. I am installing the horti trellis tonight or tomorrow. Good luck with the trimming.


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Benjuaman that is in feet and it is 123 centimeters. You can make it what ever size you need. Since I am running 1000 watts I made them 4 feet tall. This is about were I figured the light would start to dissipate to fast to be effective.

You are right on the bud size and the density is also better. I am trying to better the quality like every one else here. I am a relatively new grower and am constantly learning. I think my biggest problem is heat. I just can't get it out of my house. My heating bill in December was only $61 and that includes my hot water and stove.

AOD I just picked up some more to. They had better get more in stock as I think I just about bought them out. Maybe I should get some longer flowering strains.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
So I have every thing trimmed and hung to dry. Wont know the weights for a bit.

Today I meet a women who broke her back in a car accident and had her foot crushed. To fix the pain in her foot the put some wires around her spine to stimulate the nerves. Well it did not work and now she is stuck with the wires as no one will remove them. And now the wires are irritating her as well as her foot. Got her my last 1/2 ounce so I am now out of the last run. Went threw 52 ounces since December 15. I think I will have to up my production.


Active member
I would suggest you fill your screens, and then flip... As is the traditional scrog philosophy. The auxins are going to be directed to the auxiliary buds and induce lateral branching... So it'll be similar to a wall of clones. It wouldn't hurt to have proven genetics either... Just sayin...
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Active member
Please explain more Bobble.

You're plants are 2 dimensional. You've flattened them out to have vertical colas. Vertical colas are for horizontal light. To maximize your space, you need to have sideways-leaning colas, that add depth to the canopy. How do you do this with trees?

Auxins, a plant hormone, are directed to the top bud normally, and the auxiliary buds grow when damage has been done to the top bud, otherwise hormones aren't focused in that area of growth. That's why you strip all the budsites that aren't in the light...

So, you veg your plants up to fill 1/2-3/4 of the screen, more for indicas less for sativas... Can you veg them horizontal? Cause the screens will fill faster... And then when you switch to vertical lighting, or even if you veg vert and the tops of the plants are headed out of the light zone... The auxiliary buds will grow out into lateral branches... At which point you strip everything left on the screen and the bottom of the branches... So that you grow a bunch of sideways leaning colas.

As for genetics... Monocrop, and grow something high yielding with a punch... Coinnosseur smoke can be grown in a smaller setting. Production rooms aren't for experimenting.... Granted mine is one big experiment... Lol


Still Learning
You're plants are 2 dimensional. You've flattened them out to have vertical colas. Vertical colas are for horizontal light. To maximize your space, you need to have sideways-leaning colas, that add depth to the canopy. How do you do this with trees?

Auxins, a plant hormone, are directed to the top bud normally, and the auxiliary buds grow when damage has been done to the top bud, otherwise hormones aren't focused in that area of growth. That's why you strip all the budsites that aren't in the light...

So, you veg your plants up to fill 1/2-3/4 of the screen, more for indicas less for sativas... Can you veg them horizontal? Cause the screens will fill faster... And then when you switch to vertical lighting, or even if you veg vert and the tops of the plants are headed out of the light zone... The auxiliary buds will grow out into lateral branches... At which point you strip everything left on the screen and the bottom of the branches... So that you grow a bunch of sideways leaning colas.

As for genetics... Monocrop, and grow something high yielding with a punch... Coinnosseur smoke can be grown in a smaller setting. Production rooms aren't for experimenting.... Granted mine is one big experiment... Lol

Yes, absolutly! verticle scrog but now I'm haveing to deal with keeping those, many more, 'latteral' facing colas from pointing south the bigger they get. It is a great problem though.. BTW, every aspect of my grows are an experiment. Production room too. Go verticle! and did I ever thank you for the PVC racks you devised? They are working out great.. Thanks.


Thanks Bobbles....Made a big ass post yesterday bout what you`re screamin and it fukin disappeared......

The biggest thing I learned early on about bare bulbs hangin was how far the lumen penetration was sideways so I could get rid of everything behind the de-militarized zone , cuz wasted plant energy and lumens is a yield killer from Hell.....

Icky....Lotta folks use those scrog screen type thingies , but everyone I`ve seen that killed it had 1 thing in common.....

The plants that`d been flattened out and filled in the screens completely were side by side , screen to screen , and as close to the bulbs as they could possibly get in smaller rooms blastin at least 50 watts per sq ft with major air exchange and a/c`s and dehuey`s ready to spring into action if and when needed ......

Reflectix behind the plants always helps to bounce lumens that get past the canopy back at em for max lumen absorption by all sides of the plants....Anyways.....

Hope harvey was good to yas , and wish bigger and better thangs fer yas in comin runs....


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Thanks for the input guy's. I have noticed that the branches that I leaned into the light have done better than the branches on the screen. It made no difference whether they were in the middle of a larger branch or not.

So that being said I am in the process of changing things a little more. One is to not restrict the new stretch growth some much to the screens. Once I know how much the plant will stretch I will know better how much to confine it. I will also know how far I have to place the screen from the light.

A second thing I have been working on is getting my plants to put out more smaller branches on some larger horizontal branches like this.


