I live in a residential neighborhood. I know a few of the neighbors but we don't talk. I usually just smoke weed and look out my window at whats going on in the world. Right now eveeryones headed to work.
I'm in an apt complex, everyone says 'Hi' but keeps on moving.
This morning however, I took a load of trash to the dumpster and found that 'someone' had left 3 5gal rootballs upended next to the dumpster.
They had cut off the woody stalk close to the soil surface but it sure looked familiar.
I'ma gonna have to report this to the rental office as I just can't live in a place with CRIMINAL ACTIVITY going on.
The neighbor to the West of me used to smoke heavily (he is a musician) & he checks out the garden but his wife won't let him smoke. The neighbor to the North has a red card (MMJ) and I am teaching him to grow. I give him all my leftover MMJ. The bad neighbor to the East everyone on the block dislikes. He does stuff like wander into other people's yards and limbs off their trees (mine also) because he doesn't like branches maybe. Should I call in LEO the next time he plays in my yard? I am kind of nervous about that. Also I think he has mental issues. I am completely legal with a current red card, correct plant numbers, and also live in Colorado where Recreational is legal.
i'm eating the fat one now...
How about talking to him? If he doesn't listen to logic, then; please forgive my bluntness, demonstrate how it's going to hurt when he gets struck with one of your gardening tools.