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My mix....help


Active member
you can let it sit as long as you want to break down but i just put my clones in when they are ready...it will break down as your growing and be full force after week 2-3....only thing i'd do personally is add more perlite....i always use 1/3 perlite....but i've just always done it that way.....a nice mix i've found is 1/3 perlite, 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 earthworm castings, then my additives...but your mix sounds fine and ready to rip...good luck



Did you add those fert measurements to every 2 gallons of soil..or every gallon of mix? If you were adding them to every gallon of mix , you might have gone a little overboard on the bloodmeal. You dont want too much N in there during flowering. One thing i highly suggest you try to add to your mix is wormcastings, really helps the biological activity in your soil to help break down your nutes. Though i've never used liquid wormcastings...they should help if you cant find any dry to add to your mix. You need to let your mix sit for at least 2 weeks to let the herd break down the nutes. You can speed up this process by moistoning the mix with some wormcasting tea... or your liquid wormcastings should work. Make sure u dont get it to wet, and airate it daily to prevent mold..which will ruin everything. With that mix you shouldnt have to worry to much about extra nutes into flowering... when and if you feel u need more during flowering , you can alwayz supplement the P with a high phosphorus tea. -Opt

- ezra -

You should add Worm Castings like opt said, and then some more perlite like time2unite said. You will need some more perlite if using WCs. I personally dont add shit like Blood Meal Kelp Meal Bone Meal Garden Lime. I use liquid nutes to get more control over levels. You never know when something is going to be available or in what ratio at a given time if premixing ferts into your medium. Havind said that, some people are really good at it and have their mix down and it works for them. good luck


Naw bro, don't get me wrong..you can plant right now. But, your plants aren't gonna be able to use up any of the nutes until they are broken down and available to them. If you really need to throw ur cuttins in them soon...by all means do it. -Opt


**AWD** Aficianado
pieceofmyheart said:
I see what you meant. I was afraid you meant the mix may be too strong for my cuttings. Got it now.
Bro? hahahaha

There are three stages to composting and the first is heat, the initial stage of the composting process can cook your roots if you use CERTAIN types of soil ammendments like chicken or other rich animal manures.
What your adding to your soil is soft enough to not burn your plants but you should compost about your mix minimum of a week IMHO, if you want to speed that up you'll need to wet the mix with an active microbial tea with EWC, molasses, yeast extract (optional), and liquid seaweed or kelp meal. This will optimize the sampling of bacteria that initially take a foothold in the active soil.

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Active member
lol soil is always ready to rip for me....i meant go ahead and plant in there now and you'll be fine....thats why i said in 2-3 weeks your soil will be breaking down and goin full strength....thats perfect imo because you don't want to pump them full of nutes until around week 2-4 anyway.
